I Contracted Myself

【332】Original Heart

This grassland was actually very lively, but it became quiet after the team in front passed by.

Wuming yawned, picked up a fruit from the basket carried by the boy next to him and ate it as he walked away. Probably because of eating, he felt much better.

Suddenly, there was a noise more than ten meters ahead, and some people stopped and gradually blocked the road.

Wuming patted Boshe next to him, and when Boshe opened his eyes, he quickly walked forward. When people around him saw him and Boshe, they got out of the way. Then the two of them found a woman with a purple face lying on the ground. There were two children and an old man nearby.

The child wanted to cry, but he resisted crying. The old man was checking the woman's body and found the wound on the lady's foot within a moment.

"Bite from a poisonous snake?" Boshe guessed.

Wuming rolled his eyes and complained: "This wound is obviously a cut. How could it be a poisonous snake? It should be cut by some kind of poisonous grass."

Everyone in the tribe was involved in their final evaluation, so the two of them naturally didn't want this woman to die inexplicably.

The problem is that they have no idea what kind of grass the woman was cut by, let alone how to detoxify the woman, so they can only wait and see whether the old man can save the woman.

"This level is too disgusting. This situation is completely unexpected. The two of us have been suppressed and become ordinary people. What can we do?" Boshe looked at the woman's condition getting worse and worse, feeling a little irritable.

Wuming looked around and said, "Now is not the time to complain. It seems like something is approaching. Let the people behind you go around here and continue to move forward. I will stay and wait for the result, and you continue to move forward."

"Can you handle it?" Bosche asked.

Wuming nodded and said: "It should be a small predator, so it's not a big problem."


Boshe nodded, and then shouted to the surrounding melon-eating savages to continue moving forward.

The people gradually left, leaving only Wuming and a young man holding a torch standing next to the old man waiting. Fortunately, the woman's two children had been taken away by well-wishers, so if the woman really died unfortunately, Wuming only needed to Just protect the elderly.


Wuming's ears moved, and he could vaguely hear some kind of rustling sound.

There are animals hiding in the grass and slowly coming toward them.

The direction was approaching. The problem was that although the grass was not particularly high, it was the best cover in the dark. Wuming could not be sure from which direction the opponent would attack.

In particular, this animal will stop every few steps and wait for the wind to blow before moving. With the sound of the wind, it is almost impossible to be exposed.

"Strength has a great influence on a person. In fact, from a certain perspective, money can make a hero brave. In an ordinary society without extraordinary people, people without money will be weak in speech, while rich people will be more arrogant. I also have more confidence. In the world of spiritual practice, money just turns into strength. "

Wuming held the stone spear tightly and found that his heartbeat was a little fast.

If he hadn't become an ordinary person, he would have been waiting leisurely for the opponent's attack. This was because his strength gave him confidence, but now that he had become an ordinary person, he was no longer sure.

Because he was not sure that he could kill the other party, and because he was not sure that he could survive, he became nervous.

It's obviously just a small predator, is it that exaggerated?

Wuming complained in his heart to relieve his overly tense spirit. The next moment he suddenly felt something, turned around sharply and shot back.

A creature covered with black feathers, similar in shape to a small ostrich, but with a mouth that could be opened very wide and full of fangs, attacked him from behind. Just in time, he stabbed the creature into the mouth with one shot. penetrated its head.


When the young man saw this creature, he was startled, but when he saw Wuming kill the creature in seconds, he became happy and stepped forward to speak.

Although he didn't understand what the young man was saying, Wuming glanced at the bloody stone knife in the young man's hand and more or less guessed what the young man wanted to do, so he nodded gently, indicating that the young man could do what he wanted to do, and then Continue to observe your surroundings and be alert for possible dangers.

"If strength can change a person's character, is this character real?"

Wuming held the stone spear tightly, feeling that this level was not a pure test for the tester, but it might also be a necessary process for refining the mind.

From mortal to extraordinary, and then from extraordinary back to mortal.

Only after going through such a process can a person look back at his past self.

Is strength also something external to the body?

Wuming sighed, a little confused about this problem. He said it must be something external.

No, but now he feels that strength is important, but not the key.

It's probably like money is important, but there must be something more valuable than money.

Suddenly, the old man who was kneeling on the ground to treat the woman began to cry softly. The woman died, cut by an unknown poisonous weed.

Wuming looked at the old man and the woman, and his heart was suddenly touched.

"I see."

Wuming had a clear understanding and couldn't help but laugh.

Because the answer was too simple, he felt that he was a little stupid for struggling just now.

Why do you want strength?

Because he has love in his heart, and because he has love, he wants to save and protect, so he needs strength.

It's that simple.

But he can't completely forget his true heart for the sake of strength. His starting point is all because of love!

He walked to the opposite side of the old man and knelt down, carefully observing the woman's condition. She was indeed dead, but not completely dead yet.

Next, he first cut open the woman's leg where the poison was the most serious, and tried to give her artificial respiration while bleeding her. It must be said that the savages in this tribe were so dirty and smelly.

Wuming resisted the nausea, and with constant efforts, the woman's heart beat again.

But it was obviously not over yet. After all, this poisonous grass could be fatal just by cutting it. How could it be solved so easily?

Next, he tried to pick the grass around him, gently picking a little bit of each grass and chewing it. After confirming that it was not poisonous, he picked one, and then chewed a lot of grass. He fed all the chewed grass to the woman and let her swallow it bit by bit.

Although it is nonsense that there is an antidote for poison every hundred steps, he can only try it now.

If there is an antidote in those grasses, then the woman may survive, which is better than being poisoned to death.

After completing everything he could do, Wuming gestured to the boy to give him the basket, and then let the boy carry the woman on his back and continue on his way.

"Doing one good deed a day really makes me feel better!"

Wuming touched his numb lips, looked at the three people walking in front of him, and couldn't help laughing in his heart.

He was not sure whether the people in this level were real or fake, but everything he did was in accordance with his heart, so whether it was real or fake, it didn't matter to him.

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