I Contracted Myself


It was approaching dawn, and the three people were walking slowly on the grassy grassland. Although it was still dark, the tall trees in the distance were already faintly visible.

The woman's condition improved slightly, and the purple color on her face had faded a little. Wuming breathed a sigh of relief, and her efforts were finally not in vain.

He took out an earthen pot from the basket behind his back, took a gulp of water, and then couldn't help opening his mouth to spit out, and a bloody tooth was spit out from his mouth.

This is the price he pays for saving people.

I didn't feel anything just now, but now I found that several teeth were corroded by some kind of weed. Although they didn't completely fall off, they were still shaky. He would just stir them with his tongue and they would fall off.

Fortunately, this feeling is similar to changing teeth when I was a child. The pain is not particularly painful.

Several people tried their best to catch up along the road the tribe had walked. As for whether they could catch up with the group, it only depended on God's will.

Not long after they left, a furry hand suddenly picked up the teeth spit out by Wuming. It gently crushed the teeth into powder, and then continued to chase them forward.

Its back is very burly, and there is a layer of rock attached to the surface of its body. Although it has the shape of a human, just looking at its back you can tell that it is not a human, but some kind of extremely terrifying monster.

Divine hidden space.

Many viewers put themselves in their shoes and thought about what they would do if they were in this level. In the end, they found that they would probably be able to muddle through. It would be good if they could pass the level alive. For them to save people like Wuming, the answer is only three words, impossible. !

Brother, please listen to me: "I have completely changed my opinion of Zhang Shouzhong. I thought he was a selfish person, but it turned out that he was able to do this to save an unrelated NPC. I am not as good as him."

You can no longer reward yourself: "Is there a possibility that he is actually a sub-slave and does these things just to get a higher evaluation?"

You are very smart at first glance: "Do you think it's possible? It's so funny. If your strength was reduced to a mortal, would you have other thoughts?"

Saintess Luo: "Indeed, in this situation, my heart must be full of uneasiness, and I can't wait to find my own power."

The all-powerful gatekeeper: "How do you think this level ranks among the top among so many divine tests throughout the ages?"

Each session of the Shenzang Test has a particularly difficult level. Among countless levels throughout the ages, although this level is considered difficult, it is actually not so difficult that it makes people despair.

Zhengyi made it clear: "Compared to this level, the previous level was weird, it was quite difficult.

Let’s put it in the top three. "

Multiplier: "Don't start a fight. This topic has just ended. Stop it. Let's continue discussing this level."

In fact, during the fifth level, countless viewers had already begun to discuss how difficult the fifth level was. After all, except for Wuming, all the trialists died once in that level. If there was no final resurrection, this would be The level is almost equal to a certain death level.

However, because of the final resurrection, some people disagreed that this level was difficult, so the audience in Shenzang Space just had a big fight over this issue.

Next, everyone finally cleared up the topic and continued to discuss various details of this level.

In a blink of an eye, more than half a day passed.

Fortunately, the tribe's brigade did not just rush on the road, but would also set up camp to rest along the way, so Wuming and the others hurried and took their time, and finally caught up with the main force around four o'clock in the afternoon.

"Did you save her?" Boshe asked in surprise when he saw that the woman's complexion had recovered a lot after being placed on the ground.

Wuming smiled and said, "It's just a fluke."

If there are no detoxifying ingredients in those grasses, women will actually die in the end.

Surviving now can really only be attributed to good luck.

"There was no accident on the way, right?"

Wuming sat on the ground tiredly, took the meat from a young man, and asked in a low and vague voice while eating.

"No, although we encountered a small herd of beasts on the way, there was no fight because of the large number of people and the threat of fire." Bosche replied.

Then he looked at Wuming's mouth and asked, "What about you?"

"It was a near miss." Wuming smiled.

Then he recounted the process of rescuing people a little. After listening to it, Boshe also sighed, Wuming worked harder than him.

At this time, the team in front started to get up and move forward again. Although the people around them were tired, they all endured the discomfort and got up one after another.

"I've only been sitting for ten minutes, and I'm leaving again?" Wuming said dumbfounded as he watched the people around him get up.

Boshe smiled bitterly and said: "You can rest on my shoulder, I will take you away."

"Okay, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to survive the night." Wuming nodded in agreement.

I have to say that this level is really tiring. Wuming didn't sleep all night. He walked night after day, and he had to keep moving forward.

If it had not been weakened, this would only be considered trivial, but to do such a thing with a mortal body would be too painful.

The team continued to move forward mightily

, Wuming put his hand on Boshe's shoulder, lowered his head and closed his eyes, resting while instinctively walking forward.

Halfway through, he even actually slept for a while.

But after waking up, not only did I not feel better, but I had a splitting headache. It was like playing games all night long, and instead of feeling better after sleeping, I felt even more uncomfortable.

At this moment, he particularly missed the absolute command provided by the contract gem.

If the contract gem has the effect, he can walk while sleeping, and his body will even execute his orders very well. He can wake up at any time when there is danger.

"Supernatural power, no wonder people are so fascinated."

Wuming's thoughts returned to reality, and he took a breath of cold air with a headache, and sighed secretly in his heart.

Unfortunately, he does not have supernatural power now, only a bulky flesh and blood body, and the power he can exert is far from the limit of human beings.

In his half-awake state, a roar suddenly came from the front.

"Wake up, something is happening!" Boshe immediately patted his back and said seriously.

Wuming opened his eyes, wiped the eye mucus from the corner of his eyes, and immediately looked up and looked forward.

A green creature with a body similar to a lion and a head similar to a wild wolf was trying to hunt the savages. Several savages' arms were scratched by it, and blood was flowing everywhere. There were also several savage warriors holding stone spears, shouting and driving it away.

"Something is wrong, be careful, that guy has a companion."

Wuming saw that many warriors and savages did not participate in the siege, but were alert to the surroundings. He immediately reacted and reminded Boshe.

He walked to the outside with a stone spear in his hand and carefully observed the grass on the plain.

No wonder the hair of the creature whose name was unknown was green, because the grass on this grassland was green, and they were hiding in the long grass, and it was really not easy to be found.

Suddenly, about five meters away from Wuming, a lion wolf pounced out and directly knocked a warrior to the ground.


In just a moment, the warrior's neck was bitten off, and the savages around were scared and scattered. Before Wuming had time to shout at them not to run around, a lion wolf rushed out from the other side, grabbed a savage's neck neatly, and turned around and hid in the grass.

"Damn it, kill!"

Wuming was furious, holding a stone spear and immediately killed the lion wolf closest to him.

But just as he charged, a lion-wolf suddenly jumped out from the bushes on his left and opened its bloody mouth towards his neck.

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