I Contracted Myself

【334】Broken arm

In fact, Lion Wolf's movements are not very fast. The problem is that Wuming's reaction speed is not fast either. The two sides can be said to be evenly matched.

The lion wolf suddenly attacked. When Wuming reacted, he could smell the stench coming from the lion wolf's mouth. He gritted his teeth and directly stuffed his left hand into the lion wolf's mouth. With a 'click' sound, His left hand was bitten off, but at the same time he endured the severe pain and inserted the stone spear in his right hand into the lion wolf's eye.


He was thrown to the ground, and the pain and anger made him roar. Then the spear penetrated deeper, killing the lion and wolf immediately.

Blood continued to flow out from the wound. He had his own blood and the blood of the lion and wolf.

The adrenaline gradually subsided, and the pain continued to amplify. He gritted his teeth and pushed the dead lion wolf away. As soon as he got up, he saw Boshe's head being bitten off by a lion wolf, and he died with his eyes open.

He took a deep breath, pulled out the stone spear from the lion wolf's eye, and chased after the lion wolf, which was dragging Boshe's body and retreating into the grass.


When the lion wolf saw Wuming charging towards him, he immediately let go of his mouth and roared at Wuming.


Wuming immediately thrust out a spear, and Lion Wolf jumped back quickly, just in time to avoid the blow.

However, this blow was originally a false move by Wuming. After avoiding the blow, Lion Wolf immediately went around to Wuming's left hand side and pounced towards Wuming.

"I knew you would come here!"

Wuming thought to himself, just as his body was leaning to the right, the stone spear in his right hand was mysteriously exploring the lion wolf's mouth.

With his fighting skills, if the lion wolf does not attack by surprise, he can basically fight one against two, or even one against three. It is not difficult to deal with a lion wolf at all.

In an instant, the lion wolf's throat was pierced by a stone spear.

Wuming quickly retreated and pulled out the spear from the lion wolf's throat, and then killed another lion wolf again.

But before he took two steps, he suddenly felt dizzy and his body shook violently. Fortunately, he stabbed his stone spear into the ground to stabilize his body.

His left hand was bitten off, and the wounds were uneven. He was bleeding too fast. If the bleeding stopped, he would die from excessive bleeding.

At this time,

The young man who had been following him rushed over, pulled him and ran in the direction where the most people were fleeing. After running into the grass, the old man who had been working together was already waiting aside. The two of them ran away without a name until there were many people. where it stopped.

The old man immediately began to bandage Wuming's wound, while the young man fed some red fruits to Wuming's mouth. Smelling the fragrance of the fruits, Wuming weakly opened his mouth, ate the fruit bit by bit, and slowly chewed and swallowed the juice. .

"Cuban Samsung Sanai." The old man said to Wuming at this time.

Wuming didn't understand what the old man said, but when he saw that the broken part of his arm was wrapped in leaves, he guessed that he might be telling him not to move his hand in the future.

After eating the small red fruit, he felt slightly better, but the loss of his left arm and excessive blood loss still made him very uncomfortable and his body became weaker.

Next, he slowly closed his eyes and tried to adjust his breathing. The current situation was very dangerous. If other tribe warriors could not defeat those lion wolves, the lion wolves would definitely come after them.

Boshe's death made him understand that this level was actually more cruel than the previous one.

Fortunately, because of his broken arm, he could vaguely feel that there was also a biological force field in this body.

The biological force field is not some extraordinary ability, but a special life substance that all living things possess. Generally speaking, most living things cannot sense their own biological force field, let alone integrate their own biological force field.

But Wuming himself has already mastered his own biological force field, and has easily cultivated the biological force field to level three or above, so he himself is extremely sensitive to the biological force field.

It's a pity that this body is too weak. Even if he has experience, it will probably take him several months to integrate the body's biological force field. But now because he has lost an arm, his own biological force field has become incomplete, which makes him even more Clearly feel how the defective biological force field operates.

So, as he closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing, his body's biological force field slowly began to change shape little by little according to his will.

Because his body is not strong enough, this biological force field is not strong either. He can only use the biological force field to stimulate his body first, recovering his physical strength while speeding up the healing of his wounds.

Fortunately, the worst case did not happen.

After sacrificing seven or eight warriors, the tribe successfully defeated the lion wolf.

Creatures in nature rarely go all out. After hunting enough food and feeling that there will be heavy casualties if they continue, the Beast King will decisively order a retreat.

The tribe actually lost this battle, but life had to go on and migration could not stop.

During the delay, all the people who had been separated gradually gathered back, and the team continued to set off, but some people were left in the grass forever, while some people carried the meat cut from the lion and wolf carcasses, and continued Move forward with a heavy load.

Wuming was helped by the young man to walk. Because he controlled the biological force field, Wuming's current state was actually recovering quickly. However, people around him began to alienate him intentionally or unintentionally. Except for the young man and the old man, everyone stopped helping him.

Perhaps in the eyes of these people, Wuming was already a dead person and was destined not to survive this long journey.

About half a day later, a warrior came over. The boy could only follow him obediently amidst the scolding. Wuming also understood some things about the tribe through the contact with the bio-force field.

The bio-force field essentially contains all the information of this life. After controlling the bio-force field, Wuming can perceive the most superficial thoughts of the other party through the collision of bio-force fields.

It turns out that the boy is not a servant, but a reserve warrior.

Every warrior of the tribe will have a reserve warrior to follow. This reserve warrior is actually similar to the squire knight in ancient Western times.

Wuming has now lost an arm and obviously does not have much combat power, so he has also lost the qualification of a warrior.

"It's really cruel."

After Wuming understood the situation, he sighed helplessly in his heart.

He knew very well that the tribe was so cruel because the conditions were too bad.

In order to survive, the tribe must give up some things, otherwise the entire tribe will fall into unsustainable danger.

But to be honest, if this kind of thing does not happen to you, I am afraid that everyone will only watch coldly. Only when it happens to you will you know how painful it is.

Fortunately, Wuming is not a real savage. He is knowledgeable and has seen countless ungrateful and ungrateful people in the process of rescuing Wanjie. This little disturbance did not even cause a ripple in his heart.

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