I Contracted Myself

【336】I am now and I am then

With a biological force field protecting the stomach, Wuming is not afraid of problems such as parasites and bacteria. The difference between cooked and raw food is only the difficulty of digestion.

There must be other predators in this small forest. Wuming could not roast the prey slowly and then eat it, nor could he carry the prey back and eat it again, so he could only eat it directly.

After a full meal, he used the biological force field to stimulate his stomach and speed up the absorption of nutrients in the intestines. He felt that his body was quickly rejuvenated. His right hand was still aching from being used as a gun, but now it has recovered quickly.

He shook his right hand, bent down to pick up a stone, and then returned to the team.

Because it took a long time to eat, the team had already set off in great force. He chased for a while before catching up with the team. When the old man walking behind saw him coming back covered in blood, he immediately asked: "Are you okay? ?”

"No." Wuming immediately replied with a smile.

The old man said earnestly: "I told you to poop with the wind at your back!"

"Okay, wait until I poop." Wuming nodded with a smile. Under the pressure of the biological force field, the essence of all food will be completely absorbed, so he poops much less than others, and he poops in ten days. A poop is also normal.

Next, Wuming continued to repair his left hand.

Only those who have lost an arm can understand how painful it is to lose an arm. If nothing else, just an injury to the thumb is enough to make life extremely inconvenient, let alone an entire arm.

Fortunately, Wuming had a way to repair this arm, otherwise he would have no chance of passing this level alive.

In a blink of an eye, night fell again, and the team arrived at the foot of a mountain peak. From a distance, this peak looked like a "mountain" shape. When we got closer, we discovered that the peak in the middle was actually composed of many chaotic mountains. Made of rocks, the rocky hill at the front looks like a big steamed bun, but there is a crack in the middle that allows people to pass through.

The tribe rested in this crack tonight, and warriors guarded both ends of the crack.

This steamed bun-shaped hill is only about seven or eight meters high. There are many weeds growing in the gaps between the rocks, and there are even some vines with fruits hanging down. It may be because the small environment can easily make people feel safe. The children of the tribe became lively and gathered together to pick the fruits on these rocks.

Wuming held a wooden stick and gently stirred the firewood in the campfire to make the flames burn brighter. After the water boiled, he filled a bowl with it and placed it in front of him.

"Here." The old man handed the straw cake to Wuming.

Wuming took the straw cake and put it into the boiling water. After a while, the water turned green.

Although this grass cake is extremely unpalatable, it actually contains quite a lot of oil. After soaking it in boiling water, you will feel very full after drinking it. For ordinary people, one straw cake can barely last a day, but for Wuming, this is not the case. There was too little food.

After Wuming waited for the grass cake soup to cool down, he drank the grass cake soup in one gulp, and then continued to use the biological force field to stimulate his body and repair his left hand at the same time.

These two tasks are carried out at the same time. Only when the body becomes stronger can the biological force field become stronger, and when the biological force field becomes stronger can the body become stronger. As long as there is enough food, Wuming can actually step on his left foot and right foot and directly transform himself into a human being. Become a muscular man like Schwarzenegger.

The problem now is that there is not enough food, and his left hand seriously slows down his speed of getting stronger.

All we can say is that every drink and every peck has its own destiny.

Because his left hand was broken, he controlled the biological force field in advance, but also because his left hand was broken, his biological force field became stronger much slower.

In the middle of the night, he opened his eyes and exhaled slightly.

He glanced at his left hand, which had barely grown, and couldn't help but complain: "I really want to cheat. It's too difficult for ordinary people to practice."

Suddenly, he admired those strong people who had not awakened their superpowers and had cultivated their biological force field to a high level through hard work.

He became stronger by cheating. Although he also went through countless painful trainings, at least he started much better than many people. Those strong people who did not have any ability to assist, but step by step, cultivated the biological force field to the third or even fourth level. He is a truly determined and powerful man.

Then he looked at the savages around him. These savages were much thinner than before they set off, and most of them were already asleep from exhaustion.

Compared to these people, his biological force field is actually equivalent to cheating.

He looked at his right hand, suddenly laughed, and thought to himself: "This level turns out to be the Heart Refining Level."

Then he simply fell asleep, and the biological force field was instantly released from control, naturally

Ranran covers the body, just like the biological force field of ordinary people, no different.

The next day, just after dawn, the sleeping people were awakened.

Everyone yawned, picked up their heavy luggage, and embarked on the journey again.

Wuming woke up naturally and followed the team, just like an ordinary person. If before he was like a pearl that fell into the mortal world, still shining brightly even if it was covered with dust, then now he is It's like a glass bead mixed in countless glass beads, with nothing unique about it anymore.

In fact, he has been feeling very uncomfortable since entering this level.

It felt like being demoted from an omnipotent god to a mortal body. His body was so clumsy and heavy, as if it had become a prison for his soul, making him feel uncomfortable all over.

I believe Boshe also feels this way. They are like two prisoners who are forced to wear heavy shackles and are tortured day and night. Even if neither of them shouts out, they are actually in pain and unacceptable.

But now Wuming feels good. The blood in his body flows smoothly, and his heart beats healthily. He begins to enjoy the changes in his body.

Metabolic cost, bone growth, transmission of nerve signals...

Every time he breathes, he can feel the oxygen entering his lungs and then exhaling carbon dioxide.

He becomes a god again. In the past, he controlled power, but this time he controls himself.

"It turns out that 'I' don't need power."

Wuming closed his eyes, his heart was extremely satisfied, and he felt that his realm had completed a gorgeous sublimation without knowing it.

Suddenly, a scream came from the front.

Wuming opened his eyes, and his pupils saw through the gap between the crowd that a beast with sharp teeth, similar to a combination of a porcupine and a wild boar, instantly killed a warrior.

He smiled and said, "Now I need strength!"

Instantly, his bio-force field surged out of his body like a flame, and the bio-force fields of all the people around him formed a finger under the flame.


Wuming pressed forward lightly like a chess piece.

The beast that roared at the crowd around him suddenly "snapped" and turned into a pile of meat paste.

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