Divine hidden space.

Countless people's eyes suddenly widened, looking at Wuming's finger in disbelief.

This time, all the testers are actually in this level and are performing tasks in teams of two.

No matter how strong they are, everyone is an ordinary person at this level, and they can only rely on past experience and flesh and blood to fight against wild beasts.

The audience had just witnessed countless testers who were more powerful than themselves being bitten to death by various ordinary beasts. Everyone had accepted the setting that testers at this level could not use extraordinary abilities, but Wuming suddenly overturned it. this setting.

"How is it possible? There is obviously a world without any extraordinary power, and everyone is still struggling for survival. How come he suddenly masters extraordinary power? Is he cheating?" A practitioner inserted his hands into his hair, in disbelief. said.

The other trialists are not stupid. Even if they lose their power temporarily, they will find ways to recover it. Some trialists even practice magic skills and secretly kill a few savages in the hope of gaining extraordinary abilities first. Intend.

There are too many techniques that can be achieved quickly in the Shenzang space. These trialists have tried them all, but they all failed without exception.

Wuming's current move was simply earth-shattering, shocking the practitioners in the entire Shenzang space.

There are even many practitioners who have been silently eyeing Wuming. Once Wuming comes out of the Shenzang trial alive, they will do whatever it takes to find out what the methods Wuming is using now.

Inside the Oracle, it was also very lively at this time, and many people began to speculate on how Wuming mastered the extraordinary power.

Extraordinary social beast: "Zhang Shouzhong's ability looks a bit like telekinesis. Strictly speaking, mental power is not an extraordinary ability. As long as a person's mental power is strong enough, telekinesis can be produced even in a world without extraordinary elements or rules. The question is why Zhang Shouzhong’s mental power is so strong.”

Queen of One Punch: "It is not about telekinesis, but the eyes of people with strong mental power will become smart and deep. Once ordinary people look directly at them, they will fall into the vast sea of ​​​​spirits and even lose themselves. This is also the natural birthright of many people with strong mental power. It’s hypnotic, but Zhang Shouzhong’s eyes don’t have such a profound feeling.”

Father Killer: "Is it possible?

Is it a reward for clearing the previous level? "

Forest of Cats: "The possibility is extremely low. At present, all the testers in this level cannot use any extraordinary abilities, nor can they use the reward props they received. The possibility of Zhang Shouzhong being an exception is not high."

Immortal Kingdom Daomori: "As expected of being the only person to pass the previous level, there is indeed something extraordinary about it."

After some discussion, the answer was naturally no, but many people realized that Wuming was indeed mysterious and powerful, not inferior to the rulers of various regions.

Once Wuming can survive the trial of Shenzang, there will definitely be another turmoil.

The savages of the tribe did not realize that Wuming had taken action to kill the beast.

After the ferocious beast suddenly exploded, it fled in all directions in fear, and it took half an hour to get back together again.

Wuming walked behind the team, holding a skinned leg in his hand, chewing on it as he walked.

"Eating it raw will make you die easily." The old man couldn't help but say when he saw that Wuming's mouth was full of blood.

Wuming swallowed a piece of meat and said with a smile: "I'm hungry. If I don't eat, I'll starve to death. If I eat, I'll die of fullness."

"It's not good to die of hunger, it's better to die of fullness!" The old man was stunned for a moment, then said firmly.

Next, Wuming ate and walked. From time to time, he would hang his legs around his waist and pick fruits on the roadside to relieve his tiredness.

"Be careful, don't eat it randomly, it may be poisonous." The old man said helplessly after seeing Wuming's random behavior.

Wuming nodded and said with a smile: "You are not afraid of death if you are full, but are you afraid of death if you are poisoned?"


The old man was suddenly speechless.

Afterwards, Wuming continued to be independent, eating and drinking freely along the way, but his body became stronger and stronger.

Many people in the tribe can feel Wuming's strength. After all, his chest muscles and abdominal muscles are becoming more and more full and hard. It is too sharp compared with the people around him who are getting thinner and more haggard.

If Wuming hadn't lost his left hand, the tribe would definitely let him resume his status as a warrior.

In fact, Wuming originally wanted his left hand to grow quickly, but after an epiphany, his mind rose to a higher level, and now he is not so anxious.

Be at ease when you are at ease.

Nameless is like the grass on the roadside. It grows leaves when it should grow leaves and blooms when it should bloom.


He really didn't like that his left hand was gone, but it was indeed gone, and he couldn't grow it back instantly. What could he do?

If he is always worried about his left hand, isn't he living for his left hand? If he is always worried about all kinds of troubles, how can he be clear and clear about himself?

"As it is now, so it will be."

This is Wuming's answer, so now he is eating and drinking happily.

But this seemingly muddle-through behavior actually made his body stronger and stronger, making his biological force field more powerful.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed quietly.

The migration of the tribe was coming to an end. The tribe actually encountered a lot of wild beasts along the way. However, these beasts were frightened away by the biological force field emitted by Wuming before they got close. Therefore, except for a few savages suffering from heat stroke, the tribe did not lose any more members.

"Alert, alert!"

Suddenly, someone shouted from the front of the team.

The warriors took the stone spears and moved to the direction of their right hands, protecting the rest of the tribe behind them.

On the other side, the shouts of the savages were also heard, but the language was completely different from the language of Wuming's tribe. Wuming looked curiously in the direction where the sound came from and found that many savages holding stone axes were staring at the tribe vigilantly.

"This should be the last test?" Wuming thought to himself.

Then the warriors on both sides approached each other cautiously. When they were about to fight, Wuming had a premonition and said, "Wait, don't fight!"

People on both sides were attracted by his voice and looked at him.

"The danger is not over yet." Wuming walked not far from the warriors, pointed to the way they came, and said seriously.

Then he pointed to the way the axe savages came, and the biofield was linked to the other side's biofield, looking at each other seriously.

Both sides fell into silence and gradually understood what Wuming meant.

"Don't fight, it's dangerous!" Wuming said to the warriors on both sides.

Next, it was the turn of the elders of the tribe to come forward. The elder of the opposite tribe was a woman. Because of the language barrier, the two sides could only use gestures and gradually understood each other's meaning.

Of course, there are bound to be some nameless jokes in the middle, so that both sides can feel that the other side does not want to fight.

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