I Contracted Myself

【338】The girl's determination

Not surprisingly, the two tribes did not fight, and unfortunately they did not merge into one tribe. Wuming was curious about how high his rating would be if the two tribes were merged into one.

Another thing is that all the trial members of this tribe seemed to have died during the migration. Wuming used the biological force field to check every savage, but no trial members were found.

Although it is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye who is a savage and who is a trial in the tribe, it is easy to distinguish the difference between the two using a biological force field, because after all, the mental state of the trial is hugely different from that of the real savages. The difference is not visible on the outside, but on the inside it is like black and white, which can be said to be distinct.

Of course, Wuming did not dare to be 100% sure that there must be testers in this tribe. After all, he did not have a God's perspective and did not know the specific situation of this level.

The destinations of the two tribes seemed to be the same, and next tribe and tribe walked side by side.

Wuming returned to the end of the team and continued to follow the team's footsteps leisurely. From the opposite tribe, a girl suddenly threw a fruit over. Wuming raised his hand to catch the fruit just in time.

"Thank you!" Wuming waved the fruit in his hand and said with a smile.

The girl immediately smiled broadly, and her dark skin had a hint of blush.

Her smile is very clean, not a pure or innocent feeling, but a pure feeling.

Wuming smiled and took a bite of the fruit, and found that the fruit, which was similar to a combination of apple and pear, had a very special taste, with a refreshing sweetness and a fragrance unique to this world, and the smell of a girl's sweat...

Well, apparently this fruit was carried by the girl before.

Wuming didn't dislike it. He finished the fruit slowly, then after thinking about it, he took out a piece of marinated barbecue from the basket on his back and said with a smile: "Go on!"

After speaking, he gently tossed the meat into the girl's hand.

"The fruit is delicious!" He smiled at the girl.

Although the girl couldn't understand what he said, she understood what he meant and immediately came over happily, giggling for a while.

"Speak a little slower, a little slower!" Wuming said with a helpless smile.

The girl understood Wuming's meaning from Wuming's tone and gestures, so she slowed down her speech and said what she wanted to say one by one.

by bio

Force field, Wuming vaguely understood what the girl meant.

She was thanking Wuming for preventing the two sides from really fighting.

Wuming smiled as he walked: "After all, there is no benefit to either side in a fight, and I don't want to see a river of blood on our side due to inexplicable reasons."

Because Wuming wanted to learn the girl's language, the two of them started talking nonsense. Gradually Wuming mastered some vocabulary of the girl's tribe, and they gradually became able to communicate.

The girl also discovered that Wuming had a strong learning ability, so one was willing to teach and the other was willing to learn. It was not until night that the girl reluctantly said goodbye to Wuming and returned to the circle where her tribe was camping.

"Well done, your arm is gone, and the tribal women won't want you. You can have children with that tribe's women!" The old man whispered to Wuming at this time.

Wuming rolled his eyes, the old man's thoughts were always so pure and simple.

How beautiful can a woman be in this barbaric and backward world?

Not to mention great beauties like Lin Renmei, even the average-looking Liu Sishan can be said to be a goddess in this tribe. Besides, he came in to complete the test, and once he completes the test, he will leave. Who knows whether this world is real or fake, maybe after he leaves, this world will be 'formatted'.

In the middle of the night, apart from the chirping of insects, there was only the sound of sleeping people snoring.

Wuming was lying on the ground, no different from other savages. Suddenly the wood in the campfire made a crackling sound, and Wuming slowly opened his eyes.

He looked behind him and said to himself: "Sure enough, my intuition was right."

When the two tribes were about to fight, he realized that if there was a real fight, there would be heavy casualties, and the trial between tribes would turn into a fight to the death.

This level is very difficult, and it will be even more difficult to develop into a death match.

But is this the original intention of this level?

Not really.

From the beginning to the end, the task of this level is not about fighting each other, but about cooperation.

So if the two tribes weren't fighting each other, they would definitely be stronger when they merged, and they wouldn't have reached the finish line so smoothly, right?

Wuming realizes that the real danger lies not in the tribes meeting each other.

Then, he had an intuition that the danger came from the monster that caused the tribe to migrate!

Two tribes equals two monsters. If more tribes are encountered next, it means there are more monsters.

This is the real final test.

If the trialists don't realize this when the tribe meets the tribe, once they start fighting each other, even if they win in the end, all the trialists will definitely die in this level.

While sleeping, his biological force field was unconsciously emitted, like a puff of smoke or a soft thread, gradually drifting towards the path he walked.

Finally, he found the other person.

It was a humanoid creature with many stones on its body.

Thick stone wraps it into the shape of a stone man, with only the hands and eyes exposed.

There is no doubt that this monster is a formidable enemy for the tribe and most of the trialists who do not have extraordinary abilities. The extremely hard rock is enough to make it invincible.

If there are more monsters like this, when all the tribes gather together, there will be heavy casualties, and the trialists may die in the battle.

"Safety first, work overtime!"

Wuming got up from the ground, without making any sound, and walked leisurely into the darkness where the firelight could not illuminate.

Next, he planned to take the initiative every time he joined a tribe, kill the monsters following behind, and then pass the level and leave directly after all the tribes gathered.

"Are you going to poop?" Suddenly, a girl's voice came from behind Wuming.

Wuming smiled bitterly and looked back. Sure enough, the girl followed him from his tribe. Looking at her dark circles, she knew that she was not asleep.

"Yes, go to poop!" Wuming nodded.

The girl was eager to try and said, "Then I'll help you keep watch. It's dangerous at night!"

"No, I'm used to being alone." Wuming declined.

The girl stood there disappointed. There was a custom in her tribe that when a man was taking a shit, if he was willing to let a woman keep watch, it meant that the man really accepted the woman.

After all, when a man was taking a shit, he was at his most vulnerable, and a woman could have the opportunity to kill a man.

She watched Wuming disappear gradually, clenched her fists, gritted her teeth, and followed him again after a while. She wanted to prove to Wuming that she would never sneak attack him when he was taking a shit.

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