I Contracted Myself

【339】A love story with no end

"She seemed very disappointed just now. Did I speak too harshly?"

As Wuming walked, he was thinking about the scene just now, but he really didn't know how to complain about it.

This is the case for this primitive tribe. In their concept, survival is the most important thing, and everything else should be put aside first. After all, everything is over when you die.

For a moment, Wuming turned around speechlessly and said, "Come out."

His biological force field was used to lock on the monster, so he didn't notice the girl following her at the first time, but when the wind blew from behind, he smelled the girl's scent.

This smell is not something like body fragrance, but a mixture of sweat, grass, and all the unique female smells. In fact, it doesn't smell good, but a bit smelly.

The savages in the tribe are actually very smelly. Even Wuming himself has a bad smell. After all, he hasn't had a bath for a long time. The smell of blood, sweat and all kinds of messy smells are mixed together, which makes the smell really good.

"Come out, I see you!"

Wuming stood there and waited for a while, and when he saw that the girl was still hiding behind a tree, he said helplessly.

Probably realizing that she couldn't hide anymore, the girl came out slowly. She looked at Wuming and asked, "Aren't you going to poop?"

Too far.

Normally, you don’t go that far when you poop, because it is very dangerous to go too far, and you may be killed by wild animals and dragged away in minutes.

"Can't sleep, let's take a walk. Go back to sleep quickly. I don't need you to watch the wind." Wuming tried to soften his tone and said.

After all, the other party followed quietly just to protect him, although this method of protection was quite strange in his eyes.

"I can't sleep either, let's go together." The girl walked up to Wuming and said with a smile.

Wuming looked at the girl deeply and said, "I will not marry a woman from another tribe, and I will not have children with you. Just give up."


The girl was startled, and the smile on her face gradually faded, then she lowered her head and turned around and left without saying a word.

"As expected, being too charming is also a worry."

Wuming scratched the back of his head with his only right hand, and said to himself with a wry smile.

Logically speaking, he, a one-armed man, shouldn't have much competitiveness. Women in the tribe avoid him. Unexpectedly, there are women in other tribes who don't dislike him.

One-armed, I still want to be with him.

All I can say is that his excellence is something that no one can hide, this damn charm.

Next, he continued to find trouble with the monster. The girl's ignorant feelings did not leave any traces in his heart. He knew very well that he was in the level of Shenzang's test, and he and the savage girl were destined not to be together.

A few minutes later, he came to the savage.

The savage was lying on the ground resting when he suddenly smelled Wuming's scent and opened his red eyes suddenly. Then he roared and got up from the ground.

So high.

It turned out to be almost two and a half meters tall.

The average height of the savages in the tribe is about 1.6 meters, and the height of women is even shorter.

Facing this huge monster with thick rocks on its body, there is really no room for resistance. Once encountered, it will be a sure death.


The monster punched down, and the ground suddenly shook.

However, Wuming easily predicted when it punched, and now stood on its shoulders.

"Damn it, the difficulty of this final test is too exaggerated." Wuming glanced at the big hole made by the monster on the ground where he was standing, and couldn't help complaining.

This punch has at least three tons of power.

Not to mention that these trialists have become ordinary people, even the awakened ones who have awakened superpowers in Pearl City may be directly punched to death when facing it.

This combination of brute strength and defense is too foul.

Two people would definitely not be able to defeat it. It would take at least six trials to be able to kill such a monster, and the trials themselves must be good at close combat.

There are many practitioners who practice various exercises and study various superpowers from the beginning.

Their strength is based on their own extraordinary strength. Once they lose their extraordinary strength, they are like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, with almost no fighting ability.

For example, although Boshe was able to fight Wuming during the sparring session, he actually did not have much experience in hand-to-hand combat, and his body was as heavy as shackles, which prevented him from exerting his full strength, so he was attacked and bitten to death by the lion wolf.

Based on the memories in his mind, Wuming pieced together countless clues and reviewed the fighting situation at that time.

If Boshe had been more decisive and given up his weapon like Wuming gave up his left hand, or even gave up an arm, he would have been able to survive Wuming's rescue.

But he didn't do this, which ultimately led to his own death.

Many of the trialists were practitioners like Boshe, so Wuming personally tested the monster's strength and came to the conclusion that this level was very difficult.

Although it is not as difficult as the previous level, it is still several times more difficult than the previous levels.

Next, Wuming jumped up and down, constantly avoiding the monster's attack. The monster's attack speed was not particularly fast, but its power was huge and its defense was strong. For creatures without extraordinary abilities, they were a disaster.


Wuming easily avoided the monster's fist, walked slowly to the monster, and said with a smile: "It turned out to be a creature composed of three creatures. If you don't study it carefully, you really can't tell."

There are three creatures in the rock of this monster, and they coexist together.

The first one is a monster with a head that spreads down to form a rock armor. The second one is a monster that forms the body and arms in the middle. The last two legs are also separate creatures.

Wuming lightly tapped the monster's legs, and the biological force field instantly hit the skeleton of the lower body through the rock. The arm that was originally intended to sweep back Wuming was suddenly swept away because of the monster's own imbalance.

Then Wuming jumped onto the monster's body, and walked forward slowly as the monster fell down. Then he stepped on the monster's chest, and the biological force field penetrated into it again. A creature in the rock that looked a bit like a giant salamander without eyes, nose, or mouth suddenly had dense cracks on its skin, and blood seeped out of the cracks.

The monster's two hands suddenly fell weakly, and the monster itself fell heavily.

Wuming then finished off the monster's head and lower body, and then sat on the monster's body, took out a stone, and slowly knocked the rock on the monster's body.

He wrapped the rock in his hand with the bio-force field, making the rock's hardness even more exaggerated, and then he hit the monster's body tirelessly, and gradually cracks appeared on the monster's body.

Half an hour later, the monster's chest was completely cracked, and the white meat inside could be seen.

The first layer of meat was the meat that extended downward from the head of the monster. Wuming poked it with his finger, and it felt a bit like the meat of shellfish, soft and smooth, and it should taste very good.

Wuming cut off a piece of meat and ate it directly. Sure enough, it tasted good when eaten raw, a bit like seafood, but without the fishy smell of seafood.


Wuming's eyes lit up, and then he simply sat on the monster and started eating.

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