I Contracted Myself

【341】Oss’s guess

For the next whole day, Xia Hua would observe Wuming from time to time, and then she would quietly imitate what Wuming did, as if imitating Wuming would help Wuming have a child with her.

Wuming didn't care about this. He just acted casually. He would sit for a while when he was tired, drink water when he was thirsty, and eat meat when he was hungry. He would stop to admire the beautiful scenery when he saw it, and he would not hesitate when he saw the fragrant and beautiful flowers. Go pick it, but lower your head and smell it.

These actions are not particularly eye-catching, everything happens naturally, and even the old man walking next to him does not find it strange.

Xiahua didn't think it was strange at first, but as she imitated Wuming's every move, she found that many of Wuming's actions were actually tiring, and she didn't understand many of Wuming's behaviors, such as stopping to look at the mountains in the distance. What looks good?

At night, she quickly fell asleep by the campfire, and she slept very well.

Early the next morning, she woke up and found that Wuming was not in the campfire opposite. An idea flashed in her mind, and she immediately left the camp and ran back.

But this time she didn't find Wuming. After calling around, she saw Wuming wasn't there, so she walked back angrily.

Half an hour later, Wuming returned to the team leisurely with a basket on his back. There was a lot more monster meat in the basket. This was the meat of monsters from Xiahua's tribe.

In fact, the reason why Xia Hua didn't find him was because Xia Hua looked in the wrong direction.

Although the two tribes have merged, the monsters have not merged. The angles of the two sides are different, like an 'X' shape, with one monster on the left and the other on the right.

Xia Hua ran to the left to look for Wuming, but Wuming was on the right, so naturally she couldn't find Wuming.

"Are you okay?" Xia Hua saw Wuming coming back and immediately ran to Wuming and asked.

Wuming was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "It's okay, do you want to eat meat?"


Xia Hua immediately nodded heavily.


Wuming handed a piece of monster meat to Xia Hua, and then walked towards his team.

Looking at the meat in her hand, Xia Hua showed a bright smile and immediately followed Wuming carelessly.

The team moves on and then team meets team again.

The tribe I encountered this time did not take action because the Wuming and Xiahua tribes combined already had more people than that tribe.

a lot of.

That tribe took a defensive stance from the beginning, and after Wuming dealt with it, the three tribes merged together.

Wuming quickly found the tester in this team. The other party only had one tester left, and his body was covered with scars. The worst thing was that he was blind in one eye and also lost his identity as a warrior.

"Sure enough, every tribe has trialists. If I guess correctly, they should be in groups of two." Wuming thought silently in his heart.

In this way, many of his guesses basically came true.

He glanced at the back of the tribe. If he guessed correctly, there was a monster behind the tribe. Thinking of the taste of the monster after it was cooked, he was drooling a little.

Originally, he was a little worried that if he guessed wrong, he might not have enough to eat. Now that his guess was correct, he could eat freely.

On the other side, the blind trialist Os is also quietly observing the tribes of Wuming and Xiahua, intending to find the trialists hidden in the team.

"This level seems to be not only to guard against the attacks of wild beasts, but also to guard against the sneak attacks of other trialists. After all, this level is the best time to eliminate dissidents. No matter how strong everyone is outside the level, entering this level only requires Able to fight with flesh and blood," Os thought seriously.

If he wasn't blind in one eye, and his internal organs were injured, and it hurt like hell when he exerted force, he would definitely find an opportunity to kill other testers.

But now he can only hide himself and find ways to find other testers so as not to expose his flaws in front of those testers.

When he thought that he was so powerful, but now he could only live in poverty, he wished he could punch the planet to pieces on the spot. Unfortunately, if he punched the ground now, the pain would only be in his own hand.

"That tall and mighty warrior looks a bit like a trialer."

"The savage who just stood up to communicate is also suspected."

While thinking, Aos glanced at Wuming quietly, but when he saw Wuming walking and eating raw meat, his demeanor was no different from that of a savage, he silently dismissed his doubts.

In fact, there is a big difference between trialists and savages. Although trialists have lost their extraordinary power, their demeanor and temperament are difficult for savages to imitate.

Wuming now looks like a savage. At best, he has enough food, but he is not necessarily a trialist.


What they mentioned was that after they entered this level, they actually couldn't recognize the other testers. Obviously, the appearance of each tester remained the same, but it was as if they had become face blind, making it difficult to distinguish them from each other.

This was also the reason why Wuming didn't recognize Boshe as the tester at first.

And Boshe can see that Wuming is purely because Wuming's behavior is very different from that of a savage.

Now there is almost no difference between Wuming and savages, so Os naturally can't tell.

The team continued to move forward, and Xia Hua was always followed behind Wuming. Although Wuming really didn't want to seduce Xia Hua, but he was too charming. No matter he treated Xia Hua coldly or paid little attention to Xia Hua, Xia Hua followed him stubbornly.

Even the people from the opposite tribe thought that Xia Hua had followed Wu Ming.

What can Wuming say, it can only be like this for the time being.

On the other side, Oss was still trying to find the trialist. He did not give up observing Wuming because of his first judgment. He still had some doubts in his heart.

After all, what if Wuming pretended to be a savage on purpose?

The other party certainly did not want to be discovered by other trialists!

Based on the idea that my thoughts were the other party's thoughts, Oss had been secretly observing Wuming. After all, compared with other savages, Wuming's ability to stand up and mediate was itself a very eye-catching thing.

However, when Oss saw Wuming handing a piece of meat to Xia Hua, he frowned and thought to himself: "There is a woman, it seems that he is indeed a savage!"

Which cultivator is not arrogant, especially the cultivators who entered the Shenzang space. What kind of beauty have they not seen?

Xia Hua's skin was tanned by the sun, and her body was dirty and smelly. Even if the cultivators were not picky, they would not be able to find such a woman.

Besides, the Shenzang trial was live broadcast. Did he really want to let people all over the world watch him make a baby?

Oss thought about it and finally stopped observing Wuming. A savage with a female savage was definitely not a trialist.

"Could it be that the trialists of these two teams are already dead?"

Os was very confident in his observation. After he eliminated the suspicious savages one by one, an idea came to his mind. After all, even he suffered a lot in this stage, so it was normal for other trialists to die like his partner.

In this case, doesn't he have to pretend?

But just when he was about to put down his disguise, the three teams encountered another team.

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