I Contracted Myself

【342】Her Hero

This level is indeed almost over.

Tribes and tribes, the closer they are to the end, the faster they will get together.

Three to one, the newly encountered tribe immediately lost its fighting spirit. Under Wuming's dealings, this tribe also agreed to accompany them.

It's funny to say that the Wuming tribe and Xia Hua's tribe were originally on guard against each other, but because of the two new tribes, they put down their guard at this time and the two teams merged together.

Maybe it was because Wuming and Xiahua were considered a marriage in the eyes of these two tribes, and they got along pretty well.

"Is there a monster behind there too?"

Xia Hua tugged at the grass skirt Wuming had knitted and asked in a low voice.

She also ate a lot of monster meat. Although she was still very afraid of monsters, she couldn't stand the taste of the meat and was looking forward to it.

Wuming nodded and said: "It's no accident, there should be."

As he spoke, he looked at the fourth team and found two testers with a sweep of the biological force field.

The trialists in this team were lucky enough that none of them were injured. One was a man and the other was a woman. In addition to the stone spear, the woman also had a very beautifully polished stone knife hanging on her waist.

Wuming discovered something very interesting, that is, the two trialists quickly locked onto Os, and Os also realized that he was locked, and moved closer to the tribe's warriors intentionally or unintentionally.

"I hope they can be smarter and not cause trouble for me." Wuming thought to himself.

Then he stopped paying attention to the three testers and did whatever they were supposed to do.

Although now is a good opportunity to kill other competitors, and he is not afraid of the monsters following behind, he is not prepared to do so.

As for the reason, it's actually very, very simple, because he doesn't want to.

If you don't want to do it, don't do it.

Isn’t that how people should be?

Wuming yawned, then simply closed his eyes, put a hand on Xia Hua's shoulder, and let Xia Hua take him away.

After all, he was active at night, so it was normal for him to take a nap when he was tired during the walking period during the day.

Xia Hua happily moved closer to Wuming, so that Wuming's hand could be placed more comfortably.

She walked forward cautiously, avoiding any rocks or anything in front of her, so as not to disturb Wuming's rest.

Only she knows that Wuming is a great hero who will secretly attack monsters that threaten the safety of the tribe at night.

The object is destroyed, so Wuming’s rest cannot be disturbed.

The longer she spends time with Wuming, the more she wants to be with Wuming. Even the stinky smell of Wuming's body is a fragrance to her.

In her eyes, Wuming was like the only light in the darkness, her own hero. She couldn't help but smile when she saw Wuming, feeling that she could just look at Wuming all day long.

Take a look at Wuming, take a look at the road ahead, take a look at Wuming, and take a look at the road ahead.

The migration road that was originally full of fear and unknown seemed to suddenly become beautiful. The sun was so bright. The sun that she originally hated turned out to be so warm. When the wind blew, it was like an unknown hand caressing her. Her face made her heart beat faster subconsciously.

Feeling the warmth from Wuming's palm.


Life is so beautiful.

This feeling of happiness was transmitted from Wuming's heart to her heart through her arms.

Her heart was filled to the brim all of a sudden, and she could no longer accommodate anyone.


Wuming walked and opened his eyes helplessly.

The biological force field does not lie. Xia Hua really sank too deeply, which made him feel very embarrassed.

Is this world real or fake? If it is fake, will the appearance of Xia Hua be one of the heart-training tasks? But what if this is a real world?

The girl's pure and stubborn love made Wuming not know how to deal with it more appropriately.

He took back his hand, and Xia Hua immediately said happily: "You're awake, are you thirsty? I have water here."

"Not thirsty."

Wuming smiled reluctantly, and then replied.


When the girl saw Wuming's forced smile, she immediately realized something and felt a little disappointed.

She walked slowly and silently, following behind Wuming.

But she quickly adjusted her mood. Looking at Wuming's broad back, she gradually couldn't help but smile. As long as she followed Wuming, she felt very happy.

"Brothers, what should you do if you meet a girl with a love brain?"

Wuming looked up at the sky, then looked around, pretending that he had seen the live broadcast, and asked in a low voice.

Divine hidden space,

Countless practitioners saw this scene and heard Wuming's question, and they were all speechless.


Those who knew it thought they were watching a sweet love TV series, but this is the level of the Kamzo Trial! ! !

Online discussion surged again.

Agou: "As expected of Zhang Shouzhong, I will kneel down and kneel down!"

Gungun Dashi: "Zhang Shouzhong is definitely an old scumbag. If he doesn't like her, he shouldn't be so nice to her. Why does he hang on to her girl?"

Black Bear: "The big boss in Shouzhong has clearly rejected it. It's because the girl came over to her on her own. What can the big boss do?"

God's Reaper: "I support Dashi's view. The boss of Shouzhong should simply accept Xia Hua. We want to have children!"

Persistent Zero: "Have a baby, have a baby, have a baby, we want to see the baby!"

Painful Holy Monk: "The world is safe with both Dharma and I live up to the Tathagata and the Lord, Amitabha. I hope that the benefactor who keeps the center can see through the world of mortals."

Cat Poem: "The bald donkey above has eight wives, don't listen to his nonsense."

The Painful Monk: "So I am in pain, but I have the mercy of Buddha. If I don't go to hell, who will? I am preparing to marry my ninth wife. Welcome everyone to attend my wedding."

Not Curly Hair: "I admire you!"

Unconsciously, the monk diverted the topic.


At night.

Wuming was sleeping by the campfire, and Xiahua was beside him, quietly grabbing one of the weeds in his grass skirt with one hand.

He sat up helplessly, and Xiahua immediately sat up with him.

"Do you want to poop? I'll help you keep watch!" Xiahua took the initiative to say.

She suspected that Wuming had quietly pooped after she left the night before. After all, Wuming ate so much, how could he not poop.

"No." Wuming rolled his eyes and said weakly.

He looked at the dark area in the distance, where Os and the other two trialists were confronting each other, but after some communication, the two sides did not fight.


There was nothing to watch, Wuming lay down again and said lightly.

Xiahua also lay down immediately, looking at Wuming sideways, then moved to get closer to Wuming, and closed her eyes happily.


Wuming turned his head slightly, opened his eyes and looked at Xiahua, and finally covered his eyes with his right hand and sighed deeply.

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