I Contracted Myself

【343】The Howling Beast Attacks

It was around five o'clock in the morning, the air was slightly cool, and dewdrops hung on the weeds far away from the bonfire.

The elders of the tribe woke up one after another and left the camp in groups to go out to solve physical problems.

The open fire in the bonfire had been extinguished, but the charcoal was still smoking, and the ground was toasty warm. A savage accidentally put his hand into the bonfire and was awakened by the burn, letting out a scream.

This scream was like an alarm clock, and the savages woke up one after another.

Wuming opened his eyes, sat up and yawned. He glanced at the unlucky guy today, then took out the wooden water storage jar from the basket on the ground, and drank big gulps of water.

Next, everyone left in groups, and Xia Hua also left with a female wildling.

Everyone was there to solve physical problems, but Wuming had no such need at all where he was. After drinking water, he took out the meat that had been roasted last night and ate the meat in big mouthfuls.

When he had eaten and drank enough, the savages just returned.

The team continues to set off.

Today was a busy day. After walking for almost an hour and a half in the morning, the team encountered several teams one after another, and there was even a team that merged with two teams.

The number of trialists increased again.

Wuming observed these trialists calmly and found that all the trialists who survived until now did have brains. No one took the initiative to provoke a fight, but only focused on protecting his team.

As the team grew, the rest of the journey went smoothly, and basically no blind animals dared to block the progress of the team.

In the afternoon, more teams showed up.

It's still the same as before, after the confrontation, they merge together.

Wuming did some calculations and found that the total number of people in so many teams now totaled several thousand.

"Should all the trialists be in this level?"

Wuming counted the number of trialists and thought to himself.

If all the trialists are really in this level, I'm afraid there will be a big melee at the end. After all, this level is a good opportunity to deal with competitors.

No matter how strong the testers were in the past, they are just flesh and blood at this level. As long as they pierce the opponent's heart with a stone spear, the opponent will definitely die.

Although Wuming is not prepared to do this, there is no guarantee that other trialists will not do so.

As night approached, another team of about 400 people joined the brigade. This was also a merged team.

After passing through the team several times, there were five surviving trialists.

Wuming spotted a short tester and couldn't help but wonder if the other person was Xu Qinqin.

After all, although the testers are a bit face-blind and cannot recognize each other, they can easily distinguish their identities as long as they communicate, so the height and the like have not actually changed.

Xu Qinqin is the shortest among the testers and is easily identifiable.

Of course, Wuming does not rule out that there are also trialists with similar body shapes hidden among the other trialists. Even Xu Qinqin herself has hidden her true form and is now undergoing the test in her true form. And the short trialist Instead, it was another tester.

Regardless of whether they are tall, short, fat or thin, practitioners with extraordinary powers are too easy to forge, so it is not reliable to judge a person's identity based on their body shape alone.

However, Wuming didn't intend to confirm it himself. After all, Xu Qinqin and he just met by chance.

At night, the team camped again. This time the camp was bigger. The soldiers camped on the outside, using a circle of bonfires to protect ordinary people in the circle. Ordinary people in the circle also burned bonfires and carried out their own activities in circles.

This is like a small circle, and those who can sit together are close friends or relatives.

Wuming was sitting by the campfire, holding a wooden stick in his hand, with a piece of meat and a few fruits that could be roasted and eaten stuck on the stick. Xia Hua sat next to him, humming an old and off-key song, also holding a stick Rolling on the barbecue.

Sure enough, those trialists began to move around again, building relationships, and gradually formed small teams.

Basically, every team was wary of other teams. Through the exchanges between these people, Wuming learned a lot of details that he had not noticed before.

"It turns out that if you control the entire tribe, you can transform from a warrior to an elder, thereby avoiding fighting and getting good treatment." Wuming narrowed his eyes and looked at the elders of his tribe.

In fact, elders are similar to chiefs in some worlds. They have great power in the tribe and can almost determine life and death at a glance.

Of course, everyone must be convinced. If someone is not convinced, it will be difficult to manage.

The trialist quietly assassinated the elders of his tribe, and then successfully seized the tribe's supreme power through a series of means. Relying on the protection of the savage warriors, he was not injured at all along the way, and was treated much better than other trialists.

There is also the possibility of becoming a partner with a female savage. It turns out that you can get the full support of the female savage and have a trial person.

He only survived with the help of the female savage.


Wuming glanced at the silly Xia Hua and couldn't help but chuckle to himself.

It turns out there is such a shortcut. If he hadn't successfully controlled the biological force field, he might have had to rely on Xia Hua to have a chance to survive.

Of course, if he didn't control the biological force field, Xia Hua might not realize how good he was, so she would naturally look down on him.

If you think about it this way, Xia Hua's love is not so pure, it may just be Mu Qiang.


Suddenly, a savage roar came from outside the camp.

This is a language that Wuming does not understand. There are too many teams joining today, and he has not had time to learn the languages ​​of these teams.

But soon he heard a kind of howling sound.

Could it be that there is a wolf pack in this world?

His biological force field can drive away most wild beasts, but it does not mean that it is really omnipotent.

If the scale reaches a certain level, the beast king may not be afraid of his biological force field. After all, the beast group will give the beast king great confidence, and the beast group will have unlimited courage because of the beast king.

Wuming stood up and immediately looked in the direction where the sound came from.

On the outskirts of the camp, there were dense red eyes glowing in the darkness where the fire could not reach, and there were also green eyes glowing.

"Oh no, we are being targeted by the howling beasts. Children and women gather quickly, and others pick up weapons and kill!" Finally, a sentence that Wuming could understand came from the chaotic crowd.

Howling beast?

Wuming immediately walked to the outskirts, and Xia Hua followed closely.

This time, only children and breastfeeding women did not need to fight. The rest, both men and women, had to participate in the battle. Many women of the same age as Xia Hua walked to the periphery with stones and stone knives in their hands.

The periphery was also shrinking, and the warriors retreated little by little, but several warriors were dragged into the darkness by the howling beasts before they could react. In a blink of an eye, only shrill screams could be heard.

It was obvious that the team had been surrounded by the howling beasts.

When the howling beasts stepped into the range illuminated by the fire, Wuming finally saw the appearance of the howling beasts clearly.

They were indeed similar in size to wolves, but stronger, almost the same size as adult hyenas, and their mouths were hard bird beaks with barbs on the edges. Once bitten by it, it would be extremely difficult to break free.

This battle was not easy to fight!

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