I Contracted Myself

【344】Kill the beast

The main reason is that there are too many screaming beasts.

Wuming couldn't believe that this grassland could support such a large herd of howling beasts.

Generally speaking, the more predators there are, the more food is needed. The number of predators in each ecological circle is fixed. Once the number is too large, the ecological balance will inevitably be broken.

When the food is gone, the predators themselves starve to death.

But there are currently at least three hundred roaring beasts around. Is there really that much food in this grassland?

Before Wuming could think about it, the battle had already begun. Several warriors surrounded a roaring beast. In an instant, some of the roaring beasts were killed, and some of the warriors were killed as well.

The howling beast is much stronger than the savage. If the savage wants to kill the howling beast, he must at least stab the howling beast's vitals with a stone spear. Once the howling beast bites the savage, he can basically declare the savage dead.

They will shake their heads and bite the bones cleanly.

The soldiers suffered heavy casualties, and many savages rushed up to deliver food. Before they could attack, they were sneak-attacked by the howling beasts out of sight, and died neatly.

Wuming saw several boys and girls about the same age as Xia Hua rushing forward, hitting them with rocks once and then running away, but in the blink of an eye they were caught up by a roaring beast.

The Howling Beast killed a boy, then bit the girl's leg and quickly dragged her into the darkness. For a moment, only the screams could be heard.

"Don't leave the place where the firelight can shine, don't step out of my shadow!" Wuming said to Xia Hua at this time.

Xia Hua immediately nodded to show her understanding and followed Wuming closely, clutching the stone knife with sweating heart.

Because they were far away from the perimeter, when the two of them rushed over, the soldiers on the perimeter had already retreated more than ten meters. Wuming came up to look and punched a roaring beast on the head.

The howling beast was not unaware of Wuming's attack. In fact, if any other savage dared to reach out and hit it on the head like this, it would simply bite off the attacker's arm.

But when Wuming took action, its eyes had hallucinations, just for a moment, and then Wuming's fist hit its head.

A strong force instantly penetrated its bones and shattered its brain.

Just as another screaming beast sneaked up from the blind spot of his vision, he took a step back and raised his hand. The moment the screaming beast jumped in front of him, his hand slowly fell down and slapped the screaming beast on the head. After the beast landed on the ground, its limbs went limp and it fell directly

on the ground.

"It's amazing!" Xia Hua couldn't help but say when she saw Wuming kill two screaming beasts neatly.

Wuming said calmly: "Don't be distracted, pay attention to your surroundings."

"Yes!" Xia Hua responded immediately.

Wuming looked in all directions and listened in all directions, looking for the beast king among the group of roaring beasts.

It is said that to capture the thief first, capture the king. If he can kill the beast king, he can use his biological force field to frighten the howling beasts, and then drive away the howling beasts.

The problem is that the King of Howling Beasts doesn't know where he is hiding.

Wuming didn't dare to use his biological force field to search the surroundings with all his strength now. After all, the roaring beast was watching all around. Once he spread out his biological force field to look for the beast king, his body would be torn apart by the screaming beast in minutes.

To be honest, group combat is Wuming's current weakness.

After all, his biological force field is too weak. He can deal high damage with skill and detailed control of the biological force field, but there is no good way to deal with a herd of beasts that are large enough. He can only deal with them one by one. of killing.

Next, two more screaming beasts were killed by his palm. At this time, the savages also discovered how powerful he was, and some savages subconsciously approached him.

Os noticed this scene, his pupils shrank slightly, and he watched in disbelief as Wuming slapped a howling beast to death with his palm.

Before he could think about it, a howling beast suddenly bit his leg, and his leg shattered with a click.

"Help, help me!"

He fell to the ground and was dragged away, and immediately shouted to Wuming.

Wuming heard the shouting, took out a stone from his waist, and threw it directly at the Screaming Beast dragging Oss away. In an instant, the stone penetrated the Screaming Beast's head like a bullet.

"So... so awesome!" Os said in disbelief as he watched the howling beast fall.

Wuming is too strong, so strong that he doesn't even look like a trialist. Could it be that there are mysterious strong people among the savages, and they can actually learn from strong people?

The main reason is that he does not think that the tester can use abilities at this level.

If he couldn't use his abilities, he didn't believe that anyone could do it better than him, and the nameless means were obviously extraordinary means.

After eliminating all impossible answers, there is only one truth, and that is the big boss hidden among the savages. He is the key savage for them to pass the level.

Sure enough, the boss is different.

The two savages dragged Oss back, and Oss stared closely at Wu.

Ming, in his mind, was already thinking about how to please Wu Ming. It would be best if he could learn Wu Ming's magical ability.

The attack pattern of the Howling Beast is very interesting.

Wuming discovered that they were extremely good at sneak attacks. Once the sight did not fall on them, they would attack decisively.

And when there is no good opportunity, the howling beasts still cooperate with each other. One is responsible for attracting attention, and the other is responsible for sneak attacks. Their habits are very similar to those of wolves.

It's a pity that the scream beast's move is useless against Wuming.

Wuming's biological force field spreads out a little. Any screaming beast that enters the range of his biological force field is destined to be unable to escape his lock. Therefore, no matter how the screaming beast makes a sneak attack, it will be dodged by Wuming without even looking at it. Then he takes the opportunity to Raise your hand and slap the opponent to death.

Perhaps because he killed too many howling beasts, the number of howling beasts around him gradually gathered, and the savages who had been approaching him intentionally or unintentionally began to disperse.

Wuming would naturally not fight with the howling beasts. After blocking the first wave of the most fierce attack of the howling beasts, he also began to retreat.

A howling beast outside his field of vision immediately took the opportunity to attack. After he dodged, he did not hit the howling beast's head, but slapped its abdomen.

The main reason was that the howling beast's head was very hard. He had to spend a lot of effort to slap the opponent to death, and he needed to use the biological force field to transfer the force to the howling beast's head.

It was too wasteful to do so.

After understanding the body structure of the howling beast, he could use less force to more accurately hit the vital points of the howling beast, which could save a lot of physical strength.

Next, one howling beast after another turned around at different angles, and Wuming and Xiahua kept retreating.

Suddenly, two howling beasts attacked from the front and back, and then there were more howling beasts on the left and right sides that attacked a little slower.

They obviously noticed that Wuming only had one arm. Now Wuming could not look back or left, and he could only block one of the four howling beasts!

Wuming couldn't help but smile faintly, leaned to the right, and slapped the chest of the howling beast with one palm, then leaned to the left and slapped the chest of the howling beast on the left, and then slapped the front with one palm.

The three attacks were very fast. In the eyes of most people, the howling beast was slapped away by Wuming as soon as it jumped up.

Then he used his right hand to hold Xia Hua's waist and spun around, kicking the howling beast behind.

The howling beast was kicked away directly.

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