I Contracted Myself


Plop, plop, plop...

Xia Hua tightly grasped the stone knife, and was held in Wuming's arms. She felt as if her heart was filled with honey, which made her feel a little dizzy.

But the next second Wuming helped her up and said, "Water and meat, help me get them, we will continue to retreat."

Although the burst just now allowed him to kill four howling beasts in an instant, it also consumed a lot of his energy. The biological force field did not consume too much, but the main consumption was a lot of physical strength.

Xia Hua nodded, quickly took out water for Wuming to drink, and then fed Wuming meat.

After eating, Wuming's body quickly digested the food. He and Xia Hua retreated while resting, and also to observe the situation.

The first wave of the howling beast's attack was the most fierce. As long as the first wave of the howling beast's attack was blocked, the next wave of the howling beast's attack would definitely not be so strong.

In fact, the savages also have ways to deal with the howling beasts. After blocking the first wave of attacks, the savages gradually retreated to the area with more bonfires, and fought with the howling beasts with their backs against the bonfires.

Because there was a bonfire behind them, the howling beasts did not dare to attack head-on, because once the savages dodged, they would crash into the bonfire.

Most wild beasts are naturally afraid of fire, so they will instinctively choose to attack from the left and right sides. The problem is that there are people on the left and right sides of the savages. Once the howling beast attacks, the people on the left and right sides can take the opportunity to attack.

There are only two situations next. One is that the howling beasts will fight to the death with the savages to the end. Although the howling beasts have a little advantage at first, there is no doubt that the savages will have more advantages in a fight to the end, and the howling beasts will definitely be the losers in the end.

The second situation is that the king of the howling beasts sees that there is no advantage to be taken, and orders the howling beasts to leave.

Wild beasts in nature rarely fight to the death. Generally, except for protecting their cubs, they will stop when they see a good opportunity. If things are impossible, they will give up directly.

Wuming and Xiahua continued to retreat, and on the way, another howling beast chased after them with its tail between its legs, staring at Wuming with a fierce look.

They were all very smart, and would go around to Wuming's left when they approached.

Unfortunately, this was just a little cleverness.

Wuming would take a glance to the right, and the howling beast would immediately take the opportunity to attack, and then be killed by Wuming with a palm.

This fishing method is always effective for the howling beasts. If Wuming was not limited by his physical strength, he could have completely

used this trick to kill the entire herd of howling beasts.

Finally, a strange howl came from the darkness, and the herd of howling beasts immediately turned around and ran away when they heard the howl, retreating at an astonishing speed.

The savages also took the opportunity to attack, and several howling beasts were really killed.

As the howling beasts left, the battle ended.

The ground outside was covered with blood, as well as various limbs and corpses of howling beasts.

The savages skillfully began to pull back the corpses of the howling beasts, some began to skin them, some were responsible for cutting the meat, and some warriors were alert to the surroundings to prevent the herd of howling beasts from coming back.

Wuming sat down tiredly, and immediately some savages brought fresh fruits and vegetables, and then some savages brought meat.

Some savages even knelt down and kowtowed in front of Wuming, saying something that Wuming couldn't understand.

"Sir, please accept me as your apprentice!"

At this time, a trialist walked up to Wuming and knelt down to say.

He spoke in the common language, and it was unclear whether he was testing him or what he meant.

Wuming glanced at him, then picked up a fruit and ate it slowly, completely ignoring his meaning.

Although Xia Hua had been stuffing him with meat just now, he had killed a lot of howling beasts on the way back, so his physical strength was not completely restored.

Now restoring physical strength is the most important thing.

Most of the trialists must have seen his performance, and he didn't believe that no one suspected that he was a trialist.

Once there is suspicion, then the next step is definitely testing, or even attacking.

Although he is not afraid, he has to be on guard.

Although the trialists cannot use extraordinary powers, they still have some skills. One of them is proficient in herbal medicine. Although he does not know the herbs in this world, he can already prepare poison through the identification of herbs along the way.

When the poison is applied to the weapon, his lethality is very strong.

Wuming is very clear that when all trialists cannot use extraordinary powers, he can use the biological force field just like cheating.

The so-called worry is not the lack of power but the imbalance.

Everyone cannot use extraordinary power, but you can use it, and others may be unbalanced.

Wuming is very clear about what these trialists will do if such a situation occurs.

The trialist kneeling on the ground secretly observes Wuming, and his heart is shaken again. Is this really a trialist?

They have observed each other countless times before, and every special wild man is within their observation range. Wuming's performance really does not look like a trialist at all.

If it weren't for the appearance of the howling beast, Wuming showed super combat ability, he would never believe that Wuming was a trialist.

At this time, several savages came up with a skinned and cleaned Howling Beast. They respectfully said to Wuming: "God of War, please enjoy, this is the best meat of the Howling Beast."

After that, they put the Howling Beast on the fire and roasted it, and put various spices in the roast meat.


Wuming still didn't say anything, just ate fruit and watched them roast meat.

He was a little speechless. Just when he was washing the Howling Beast, one of the trialists mixed a bottle of green liquid into the water, which was obviously the rhythm of poisoning.

This is too impatient.

The surviving trialists sat together in twos and threes, all observing Wuming from afar.

In fact, most people were not sure whether Wuming was a trialist or not. They were happy to see someone willing to take the lead to test him.

Of course, there were also smart people who guessed the thoughts of these testers. They did not hide their alliance before, and Wuming must have seen it all.

Since they did not attack them before, the probability of attacking now is also very small.

The trialist who wanted to become a disciple wanted to test him by becoming a disciple.

As for the one who poisoned him, he was probably very careful about his poison. After all, although Wuming's combat power was very strong, his resistance to toxins might not be very strong.

Whether Wuming was a trialist or not, he was a dangerous existence for everyone, and death was the best result.

The meat smelled better and better as it roasted. Suddenly, Wuming frowned. The two barbarians who were in charge of the roasting suddenly tilted their heads and fell to the ground. Then the trial participant who was kneeling on the ground to become his disciple also realized that the smell of the roasted meat was poisonous. He just stood up and his legs went weak and he fell to the ground. He had only one thought in his mind: Damn, he didn’t warn before he attacked. Isn’t this accidentally hurting friendly forces?

But then his consciousness fell into darkness. At the last moment, he saw Wuming pick up Xia Hua next to him and quickly retreat. He really hoped that the person Wuming picked up was him, not the female barbarian.

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