I Contracted Myself


Wuming hugged Xia Hua and backed away to a place where he could no longer smell the fragrance. He placed Xia Hua on the ground, and gently touched Xia Hua's abdomen with his right index finger, and the biological force field immediately began to operate.

The human body itself has the ability to detoxify. Under the stimulation of the biological force field, this ability is greatly improved. At the same time, Wuming uses the biological force field to find the organs affected by the virus and remove the toxins bit by bit.

In just a few seconds, Xia Hua turned the corner, and Wuming breathed a sigh of relief. When he raised his head, he also raised his right hand, just in time to catch the flying bone knife with his fingers.

This bone flying knife was obviously smeared with poison, and the tip of the knife exuded a green light.

He glanced at the flying knife, and then looked at the tester who threw the flying knife. The other person was looking at him with an expression of disbelief.

The next moment, the opponent turned around and ran away, obviously realizing that he couldn't beat Wuming.

Wuming walked forward slowly, and other trialists gathered together, staring at him defensively with weapons in hand, obviously worried that Wuming would do something to him.

"Do you know why I didn't kill you?" Wuming held his breath and returned to his original position, squatting down and pressing the pulse of the tester who was poisoned to the ground, without raising his head.

After confirming that the tester was poisoned to death, he sighed slightly, then looked at the testers gathered in twos and threes and looked at him solemnly, and continued: "Because I treat you as human beings, unless forced by the rules of the game. I kill, otherwise I don't want to kill anyone, but why...some people just don't behave?"

He raised his hand and threw the bone flying knife the next moment.

At this time, the tester who sneaked up on him had already run a thousand meters away, and there were many savages around who were confused about the situation, becoming his most natural barrier.

But the next moment, the flying knife stabbed into his throat with a 'whoosh' sound. He was shot instantly while running. His eyes were wide open when he fell to the ground. It was hard to believe that he could still be hit after running so far.

The other testers also stared wide-eyed, because they didn't see clearly how the flying knife hit the tester who was good at using poison. It was obvious that other savages were blocking the tester.

"It just so happens that you seem to have formed a team now. Be optimistic about your teammates. If anyone attacks me next, everything will be fine if it succeeds. If it fails... everyone in your group will be buried with him." Wumingjian The sneak attacker has been dealt with, and then we will deal with other trialists


The faces of the trialists suddenly tightened, and they immediately looked at each other. No matter what little thoughts they had, they must supervise each other now. After all, if a stupid guy sneaks up on Wuming, he will also be implicated.

Although everyone is very curious as to why Wuming can still show extraordinary power in this world, no matter how curious they are, they can only endure it. Maybe they will try to explore after leaving this world, but now they just want to live.

Wuming ignored the other testers. He walked to the savages and picked out a new howling beast. Then he said to one of the savages: "You can't eat that howling beast. He has poisoned it."

"Yes!" The savage nodded immediately.

Next, he whispered to the savages around him, making gestures when he couldn't understand the language. Slowly, the message spread among the savages.

Everyone figured out why Wuming suddenly retreated with Xia Hua, and why he suddenly took action to kill people. They were all shocked by Wuming and even started to spread among the savages what kind of god Wuming was.

Wuming returned to Xia Hua, originally planning to eat the meat of the roaring beast raw, but soon a savage came over diligently and built a bonfire. Before leaving, he knelt on the ground and handed a few treasured fruits to Wuming in his hands. before.


Wuming blinked, and finally stretched out his hand to take the fruit. The savage suddenly showed a bright smile, stood up and walked away, returning to the crowd and saying something excitedly.

Does this mean he is a god?

Wuming smiled lightly. During the past rescue, he met some tribesmen who also regarded him as a god. He would explain at first, but then he was too lazy to waste his words.

Just be God.

Especially after the shell of the God of Rescue appeared, this pure faith could provide him with a lot of strength, so he really has many believers in the Xili community.

Of course, that is all in the past. After the birth of the Nameless Sea, he no longer needs this kind of belief.

Next, he put one of the fruits into his mouth. When his teeth bit through the outer skin of the fruit, a stream of fresh and sweet juice suddenly spurted out from the fruit. His entire mouth was filled with the sweet taste of the fruit.

Delicious, surprisingly delicious.

No wonder the savage handed over the fruit with great care, because the fruit was really delicious.

Wuming tasted it carefully, finishing one after another

Eat one, and then start roasting the meat of the howling beast after you finish all the fruits.

The wind at night had begun to get a bit cold. After the attack by the Howling Beasts, no one dared to get too close to the outside. They gradually moved closer to Wuming, and all the bonfires were moved over.

Everyone is also grilling meat. The meat of the Howling Beast is actually not high-grade, just like wolf meat. The only advantage is that they are of higher quality and the meat is stronger.

If there are enough seasonings, the taste should still be good, but there are too few seasonings in the tribe, and there are very few spices to mask the smell. The savages are already used to eating it, and the trialists can only bite the bullet and eat it. After all, there is no way I don’t have enough energy to eat, and I have to walk a long way tomorrow.

These trialists were watching each other while eating, and their eyes seemed to be able to speak, transmitting information when they looked at each other.

However, Wuming was not very interested in the trialists. He could suppress them now, and he could suppress them again after they recovered their strength. He was originally the highest-level trialist. If he had to worry about this, no matter how strong he became in the future, he would only be a coward who bullied the weak.

At this time, Xia Hua woke up quietly. She didn't even know how she fell asleep.

But when she woke up, she found that her whole body was soft and she had no strength at all.

Wuming put his right hand on her shoulder to stop her from getting up, and said, "Don't move. Although the poison has been removed, the damage to your body is still there. You have to recuperate for a while."

"I'm poisoned?" Xia Hua said in surprise.

Wuming nodded and said, "Yes, you are poisoned. Sorry, I have implicated you."

The trialist was targeting him. Xia Hua, the trialist who tried to become his apprentice, and the two savages who were responsible for the barbecue were all innocent people affected by him.

"It's okay. I'm not afraid of death when I'm with you." Xia Hua looked pale and weakly at Wuming, smiling foolishly.

Wuming brought the wooden can of water to Xia Hua's mouth, fed her half a can of water, and sighed, "Sorry, I can't accompany you. I will leave when we get to where the tribe wants to go."

"It's okay. I know you are a messenger sent by God to protect us." Xia Hua smiled happily.

Wuming was silent, stretched out his hand and touched Xia Hua's brow, and the biological force field immediately flowed into Xia Hua's body...

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