I Contracted Myself

【347】The final test

The next day, Wu Ming walked at the end of the team carrying Xia Hua.

Xia Hua really stinks, but Wuming has gotten used to it after spending time with her.

"Can you leave me a child?" Xia Hua lay on Wuming's shoulder and prayed to Wuming.

Wuming refused: "No."

He just felt guilty and didn't like Xia Hua.

Besides, there was a live broadcast outside, so he would be crazy to attack a female savage.

If he is really that crazy, his reputation of being "not selective about food" will definitely spread throughout the world after he goes out, and it will be impossible to clean it up at that time.

If someone else encounters him in the future, they will raise their hands as soon as they hear his name and say: "It turns out that it is His Excellency Zhang Shouzhong who is 'a hungry wolf who is not selective about food, but a hungry wolf in lust'. I have admired him for a long time!"

Isn't this embarrassing?


Wuming suddenly realized that he seemed to be using Fatty's name...

Forget it.

Even if he used Fatty's name, he would not attack Xia Hua.

At noon, several more teams joined the group. Wuming ignored the testers inside and just chatted with Xia Hua.

Xia Hua begged for a child several times to no avail, and hoped to help Wu Ming look out for her, but Wu Ming had no choice but to excuse herself by saying that she didn't need to poop.

After learning that Wuming didn't need to poop, Xia Hua was very disappointed, and then asked a lot of questions, and then she found that Wuming knew almost everything.

Why are the stars in the sky, why the sun sets, why people age...

No matter what question she asked, Wuming would tell her the answer. She didn't know if the answer Wuming told her was correct, but many of Wuming's answers did bring her into contact with a world she had never been exposed to before.

It turns out that there is something called oxygen in the air. People must breathe the oxygen in the air to survive.

It turns out that the planet beneath their feet revolves around the sun, not the sun revolving around the ground beneath their feet.

It turns out that people will die of old age because there are things called cells in the body. They have a limit of division. Once the limit is reached, they can no longer divide.

Xia Hua lay on Wuming's shoulder and looked at Wuming with bright eyes. She felt that now was the happiest time in her life. It would be great if this road could never be completed.

But at four or five o'clock in the afternoon

At this moment, a mountain can be seen vaguely in the distance.

The savages in front cheered, and then the cheers seemed to be contagious, and the entire group of savages cheered.

Wuming and Xiahua soon knew the reason for everyone's cheers, and their destination was arrived.

That is the holy mountain in the minds of the savages. It is said that all the savages come from the holy mountain and later disperse to various places. When the tribe encounters a disaster, the tribe will migrate back to the holy mountain and wait until the crisis has passed before leaving.

"Finally we're here." Wuming smiled with a piece of grass in his mouth.

Xia Hua lay on Wuming's shoulder in despair, her eyes full of reluctance. Why are happy times always so short?

The team began to speed up, but as the saying goes, the Holy Mountain was still far away until night fell. Although the savages were eager to reach the Holy Mountain immediately, they finally settled down to camp and rest.

Wuming still enjoys the highest treatment. Some savages have prepared all kinds of food and brought them to him. Some savages have specially helped to build a bonfire. Because the holy mountain is in front of them, the savages all eat freely tonight and take out all the food they have stored. Plenty placed around the campfire.

"Why does the flame glow?" Xia Hua looked at Wuming and asked.

Wuming was eating a piece of meat with his right hand. He was stunned when he heard Xia Hua's question. Why did the flame glow?

"Because the flame is burning, it's a chemical reaction." Wuming thought for a while and gave a rough answer.

The main reason is that he really forgot why the flames glow. If Xiao Xi was here, he would definitely be able to give a more complete answer, but he just forgot about it. He would definitely not remember the answer to this kind of question.

"What is a chemical reaction?"

Sure enough, Xia Hua asked again.

Wuming had no choice but to start explaining what a chemical reaction was, but after the explanation, Xiahua would ask more questions. Wuming explained while eating, and when Xiahua herself was tired of asking questions, she felt a sense of relief.

"Am I stupid?" Xia Hua asked a little disappointed when Wuming showed a look of relief.

She just wanted to get closer to Wuming. Wuming knew everything, but she didn't understand anything. She felt very scared when she thought that Wuming would leave after arriving at the Holy Mountain.

She was obviously alone along the way, but after just a few days together, Wuming had become an indispensable presence in her life.

"Actually, he's smarter than I thought." Wuming thought for a while and gave the answer.

After all, Xia Hua is a savage from a primitive tribe, so it’s amazing to be able to understand what he said. Many of the words he used when explaining were not found in the Xia Hua tribe and his tribe, but Xia Hua still understood after listening to his explanation. .

For example, the word 'chemical reaction' just mentioned has no corresponding word in either the Wuming tribe or the Xiahua tribe. Wuming can only be explained in common language, which is equivalent to a new word.

It was not easy to understand this new word, but Xia Hua quickly understood the meaning of this new word from Wu Ming's explanation.

This is equivalent to her learning common language while learning knowledge.

Wuming touched Xia Hua's head and smiled: "To be honest, I didn't expect you to be so smart. If I had known earlier, I would definitely teach you more things, but it's too late."

"Can you not leave?"

Xia Hua looked at Wuming expectantly, wanting to ask in her heart, but couldn't speak.

She knew it was impossible, Wuming would definitely leave.

Suddenly, the ground shook slightly.

Many savages stood up, holding stone spears and looking around vigilantly. Wuming sighed: "Sure enough, it's not so easy to get through tonight."

"What happened?" Xia Hua asked.

Wuming stood up, looked at the humanoid monsters slowly walking in the darkness, and replied: "The last test."

The humanoid monsters quickly walked to the place where the fire could shine, and the trial participants turned pale, realizing that this might be the last test.

"How to fight this?" A trial participant looked at the burly humanoid monster and couldn't help cursing.

The rocks on the humanoid monsters looked harder than the stone spears in their hands. They couldn't beat these monsters at all.

"Young men, women, and children, pick up torches and move toward the Holy Mountain immediately. Soldiers and old men stay behind and stop these monsters at all costs!" At this time, the elders of each tribe issued orders.

Wuming heard the order and immediately showed a look of enlightenment. Sure enough, there is no death checkpoint in the test of Shenzang.

This level has ended here. What they have to do now is to hold back these monsters and let the young men, women, and children escape to the Holy Mountain.

It is estimated that when those people escape to the Holy Mountain, this level will be considered passed.

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