I Contracted Myself

【348】The end of the journey

The trialists were not stupid either. After realizing their mission, they all picked up weapons and prepared to deal with these humanoid monsters.

They had no intention of killing these monsters, just delaying them was enough.

"It seems that the time has come for us to part ways." Wuming looked at Xia Hua and said with a smile.

Xia Hua's eyes suddenly sparkled with tears. She stood up and threw herself on Wuming, crying quietly, her body trembling slightly.

"Practice well and live well." Wuming gently patted Xia Hua's back and whispered.

Xia Hua bit her lip and nodded vigorously to express her understanding.

"Okay, let's go!" Wuming pushed Xia Hua away and looked at Xia Hua and said.

Xia Hua took a deep breath, turned around and wiped her tears, immediately caught up with the team and left with them.

As he watched Xia Hua go further and further until the figure disappeared into the darkness, Wuming's eyes dropped slightly and he turned to look at the humanoid monsters around him.

He narrowed his eyes and walked towards a monster. When the monster attacked another savage warrior, he punched the humanoid monster in the vital part. In an instant, the terrifying monster collapsed.

"Oh oh oh!"

When the surrounding savages saw this scene, they immediately shouted excitedly.

Originally, they were all ready to sacrifice, but Wuming's punch gave them unlimited confidence. The other savages who were fighting against the monster also roared excitedly, their fear was cut in half, and their morale increased greatly.

Wuming strolled towards another monster. The monster was not stupid. He immediately roared and launched an attack on Wuming, but Wuming had figured out the attack patterns of these monsters before and easily avoided the attack. Punch at a vital spot.

The bodies of these monsters are composed of three creatures. The perfect cooperation between them is completely coordinated by the shell-like monster on the head. One of the key nerves is at the back of the waist. As long as it can penetrate If the thick rock armor interrupts that nerve, the monster will be unable to move and will be slaughtered.

It sounds simple, but in fact the real difficulty lies in how to accurately find the nerve and how to penetrate the rock armor.

This is something that is impossible for savage warriors and trialists, so for them, these monsters are indeed unsolvable.

Wuming easily walked to the next monster, killed it instantly with one punch, and then walked to the next monster.

He killed monsters so easily that the testers around him looked horrified and almost

The new tester who came today looked at me and I looked at you, and finally quietly left the battlefield and chased towards the Holy Mountain.

"Why do you have to be a beast when you can be a human being?" Wuming looked helpless.

In a world without extraordinary power, the biological force field is definitely a nearly omnipotent force. It has the characteristics of telepathy and many messy superpower characteristics.

When the biological force field is strong enough, it can easily sense other people's emotions and even connect to the other person's mind.

At the moment when the trialists had malicious intentions, Wuming had been monitoring the surrounding biological force fields and had already sensed the changes in their biological force fields.

He punched a humanoid monster to death, and then took a stone spear from the savage next to him.

The next moment, he turned around and threw the stone spear.

Didn't see the results.

He then continued to kill another monster.

The few trialists who left towards the Holy Mountain were running quickly in the grass. They wanted to catch Xia Hua and use it to threaten Wu Ming. It would be best if they could figure out what Wu Ming's ability was.

This ability is too precious.

He can even ignore the rules of Jinzang and exert unimaginable power in a world where extraordinary power cannot be used.

Although this power is weak to most trialists, no one will despise this ability.

After all, the test of Shen Zang is not a one-time or two-time thing. Many practitioners will eventually have the opportunity to enter Shen Zang to accept the test. If they encounter such a level, Wuming's ability will be of great value.

Of course, they didn't want to kill Wuming, they just wanted to use Xia Hua to threaten Wuming to hand over the practice method of this ability, and then immediately escape into the Golden Gate after the test.

Once they leave this level, they are not weak, and naturally they no longer need to be afraid of Wuming.

However, the ideal is full, but the reality is cruel.

Perhaps it was because they had always followed one another when migrating with the tribe, so now they were running in a straight line.

A stone spear came from behind instantly, and several people were skewered like candied haws on a stick before they could react.

They were all running fast and stopped instantly. They all looked down at their chests in disbelief. The last mouthful of blood spurted out and they fell neatly to the ground. Before they died, their bodies kept twitching, and their eyes were full of unwillingness and regret.

Sure enough, this level should be more rigorous.

Knowing that the other party has extraordinary power, he actually intends to use ordinary people to

It is too arrogant to challenge someone else's extraordinary power with a human body.

Of course, the above is only reflection that occurs after failure. It is like the whine of a bereaved dog and has no meaning.

Successful people will be proud of their boldness and think that it is their bravery and decisiveness that lead to success, but they have never seen those losers who died in the middle because of their bravery and decisiveness.

Every trialist is a strong person in reality, and naturally has the blind confidence similar to that of a successful person, so they do this seemingly stupid behavior.

As these trialists expired, Wuming also punched the last monster to death.

He sat on a monster, looked at the cheering savages, and then looked at the gathered trialists. When the trialists saw him looking at them, they all showed vigilance and nervousness.

Wuming understood why they were nervous. After all, anyone would feel uncomfortable if their life was held in the hands of others.

He did not look at the trialists again, but looked at the holy mountain in the distance. This experience was actually quite long. He even felt like several years had passed.

"It was an interesting test." Wuming recalled many experiences throughout the journey and smiled gently.

Suddenly, the whole world froze, the grass swaying left and right in the wind stopped, the unpredictable flames also stopped, and the savages also froze in place, with a triumphant smile on their faces.

A golden gate slowly appeared in the middle of the camp.

The surrounding trialists immediately approached the direction of the golden gate, while staring at Wuming vigilantly. Suddenly, someone accelerated and rushed into the golden gate.

This was like a sprint signal. Everyone rushed to the golden gate and rushed into it.

Finally, Wuming was the only one left in the camp.

He looked up at the brilliant starry sky, then at the dark holy mountain, silently wishing Xia Hua a safe life, then jumped off the monster and walked slowly into the golden gate.

When Wuming entered the golden gate, it disappeared instantly, and time resumed.

The wind was still blowing, and the fire was still dancing.

The wild warriors immediately noticed that Wuming had disappeared, and the smiles on their faces gradually faded, and they knelt on the ground to worship the place where Wuming disappeared.

On the holy mountain.

Xia Hua turned around suddenly, looking sadly at the distance, tears gradually flowing from her eyes.

She knew that her hero had left forever.

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