I Contracted Myself

【349】Eternal Martial Arts

God hidden.

Wuming walked out of the golden door, and all the testers looked at him.

Some of the eyes of these testers were hostile, some were greedy, and some were unconvinced, but no one spoke first.

Wuming didn't care about these people at all. He walked to the corner and sat cross-legged on the ground. His eyes slowly closed, and the next moment his breath gradually began to weaken.

If anyone could see his level, he would find that his level was declining at an extremely fast rate, and finally only one level remained.

At this time, rewards began to be distributed, and a box the size of a mobile phone box appeared in front of everyone. Everyone looked back and opened their own boxes.

A box also appeared in front of Wuming. The note on the box's seal said: 100100.

One hundred hundred?

Or one hundred thousand and one hundred?

Wuming didn't understand the meaning of the note, so he simply tore it open. After opening the box, there was a hexagonal piece of black metal about the same length as a mobile phone.

He took out the metal and the next moment he knew what it was.

【Eternal Martial Arts】

[Function: Can be integrated into the body and gain the ability to devour, simulate, and master weapons. 】

Wuming thought for a while and pressed the black metal to his chest. The next moment, the black metal integrated into his body. He could feel that the metal actually had other effects. His bones and meridians were quickly absorbed by the metal. A wave of intensification.

However, this is obviously not the main ability of Eternal Martial Arts, and it is not even an incidental ability, so it is not displayed in the function.

Wuming then took out an ordinary dagger from the Nameless Sea. He looked at the dagger, then opened his mouth and stuffed the dagger into his mouth. The taste was very ordinary, but now his body was no different from ordinary people, and he could actually eat it. Eating daggers like chocolate, this is obviously the devouring effect of eternal martial arts.

After eating the dagger, the next moment he found himself in an empty space with only a dagger in his hand.

The next second, an enemy appeared instantly and cut his throat with a knife.

When he came back to his senses, he was still in the same place. He immediately raised his hand when he reacted, just as the enemy appeared, and the dagger in his hand collided with his dagger.

After blocking the first move, the enemy spun around, then bypassed him and stabbed his back with a knife.

"I see!"

Wuming understood that the core ability of eternal martial arts is to master the devoured weapons, and

This mastery is probably not an ordinary mastery, but directly allows him to become the master of this weapon in this spiritual space.

Next, he kept his mind and began to fight with the mysterious enemy. The two sides gradually fought back and forth.

This space has no physical limitations and no concept of time. If he dies, he can be resurrected again until he completely defeats his opponent.

Wuming didn't know how long it took, but finally he stabbed the enemy's heart with his dagger, and the enemy immediately froze in place.

Then, a burly man appeared holding a huge hammer. Wuming glanced at the small dagger in his hand that was exactly the same as the one he just swallowed, and then looked at the enemy's huge hammer. He was a little speechless for a moment. What's going on? beat?

But there was no way, obviously the rule of this space was that he couldn't leave without completely controlling the dagger, so he could only bite the bullet and fight with the opponent.

In fact, the first enemy had many very strong skills. Wuming was completely unable to parry them at first, but later he realized that he could learn the opponent's dagger skills, and by learning and imitating the opponent's skills bit by bit, he had a chance to defeat the opponent. .

The enemy is using a hammer now, and he can't learn anything from it, so he can only improve the skills he just learned!

One day, two days, three days, four days...

The hammer was so overbearing that Wuming didn't even dare to block it. He could only avoid the attack by moving around, and then find opportunities to assassinate the opponent.

Wuming had to admit that the second enemy was much more difficult to deal with than the first, especially since the opponent was very skilled with the hammer and had almost no flaws.

One year has passed in the blink of an eye...

Wuming's skills have been honed to perfection, mainly because in one year he does not need to eat, drink or rest, he only needs to fight with the opponent wholeheartedly, and he can be as good as ordinary people for several years in one year.

From being embarrassed and barely parrying at the beginning, he is now able to deal with the hammer's attack calmly. Although he is still unable to defeat the opponent, it is difficult for the opponent to defeat him.

The two are fighting inextricably. The dagger in Wuming's hand has become a part of Wuming's body. He can transfer the dagger from his right hand to his left hand, launch surprise attacks, and even use his feet to launch weird and unpredictable long-range attacks.

Of course, once the dagger is kicked out, he will soon be beaten to death by Brother Hammer.

Brother Hammer is the name given to this enemy by Wuming, mainly because his skills in using the hammer are so good. Wuming can be sure that if he eats the hammer in the future, he will not be able to bear the consequences.

Based on this experience of competing with Brother Hammer, he was able to control the hammer in a very short period of time.

Finally, in the tenth year of his fight with Brother Hammer, the dagger in Wuming's hand was no longer a dagger, but the elusive wind.

After avoiding Brother Hammer's attack, he threw the dagger directly, and then performed a roundhouse kick. His shoe hit the end of the handle of the dagger, and the dagger instantly penetrated the gap in Brother Hammer's armor.

Brother Hammer's movements paused, and then a large amount of blood spurted out from the gap.

The next second, Brother Hammer's body turned into a black shadow and disappeared.

"It's finally over."

Wuming watched Hammer disappear and he breathed a sigh of relief. It was too painful in this hellhole. He wanted to get out!

But then a white-haired man holding a long sword appeared. Wuming's face suddenly fell, and his eyes were full of despair.



Wuming opened his eyes, and the people around him did not change. Obviously, the countless years he spent in the spiritual space would not have any impact on reality.

Even if he spent 10,000 years in the spiritual space, not a second would pass in the outside world.

Recalling the memory of fighting with opponents holding various weapons in the spiritual space with a dagger, he felt chilled, especially in the end, the spiritual space was not worth playing with, and even guns, spray guns and the like were used.

At first, he was basically killed by a spray gun before he could react.

But because the later opponents were more perverted and stronger, he did become stronger in the endless torture and fighting.

Now he is sure to kill any enemy with a dagger.

Of course, the premise is that the level of both parties cannot be too different, otherwise the other party can kill him in a second with just a glance, and his thousands of skills are useless.

"I'm so tired, let me sleep for a while."

Wuming rubbed his temples, and then simply closed his eyes to rest.

Others have also learned about their rewards at this time. Although the rewards are very good, what they want more is Wuming's practice method in the previous level.

After all, there are at least three levels ahead before they can leave Shenzang.

In the Shenzang trial, except for the first level, you can quit, and you will get a chance to quit every nine levels. It is very important to be able to quit when you are ahead.

Many trial participants here have decided to quit directly after passing the ninth level.

The problem is the next three levels, what if you lose your extraordinary power again?

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