I Contracted Myself

【350】Level 7

The trialists all stared at Wuming, but no one wanted to be the first to stand out.

At this time, a burly man with a lion's head walked out. He glanced at the other testers with disdain and strode towards Wuming.

Arriving in front of Wuming, he knelt down and said, "Excuse me, I am willing to use the rewards from this level in exchange for your cultivation method. What do you think?"


Wuming was still sleeping, with no intention of being woken up.


The lion man's eyes gradually turned cold and he said, "You don't want to be everyone's enemy, right? Otherwise, everyone will target you in the next level. Do you think you have a chance to survive?"


Wuming was still sleeping, not even changing his movements.

Now the lion man was angry, and his fingers gradually turned into claws, but he calmed down after thinking that he could not attack other trialists in Shenzang. He said coldly: "Okay, very good, then you just wait to die. Next time It’s better not to meet us!”

After saying that, he stood up and left.

Everyone also saw that Wuming would obviously not reveal his practice method that could violate the rules. Since the road to Shenzang could not be fought, everyone was waiting for the start of the next level with various thoughts.

A few minutes later, suddenly the people around him disappeared.

Wuming opened his eyes and found that he was on the sea, and even his clothes had changed.

"Is this the seventh level?"

Wuming quickly looked around. He was on the deck of a sailboat. The visibility outside the ship was very low, and the water was pitch black. A large number of skeletons could be seen floating in the water.

He walked to the side of the boat and just wanted to observe the situation of the sea water. Suddenly a skeleton arm stretched out from the water and almost caught his neck.

Obviously the skeleton arm wanted to drag him into the water, and the seawater gave him an extremely dangerous feeling, as if something extremely bad would happen if he fell.


Wuming stood up, and his level rose rapidly in an instant.

His thoughts immediately spread around, but he soon encountered obstacles.

All abilities such as mental power, telekinesis, thoughts, and biological force fields cannot break through the scope of this ship. To put it simply, his abilities can only be used in this ship.

, completely unable to affect the outside of the ship.

"Can the ability only be used on the ship?"

Wuming regained various abilities and returned to the state of an ordinary person in an instant.

He simply sat on the barrel nearby and waited for the mission of this level to be released.

After a moment, a light appeared in front of him, which read: The seventh level, completed a circumnavigation and landed on seven forbidden islands.

"It's not difficult to understand the circumnavigation, but what the hell is the Forbidden Island?" Wuming said to himself after reading this test.

After the light dissipated, Wuming got up from the barrel. He walked around on the deck first, and then entered the cabin. This was a medium-sized sailboat, slightly smaller than the Black Pearl in "Pirates of the Caribbean" , but obviously an ordinary person cannot control it.

Fortunately, Wuming was not an ordinary person. He summoned the Deep Sea Apostles. The next moment, the Deep Sea Apostles split into eight and began to control the ship.

Wuming walked into the captain's cabin. Sure enough, there was a navigation chart in the captain's cabin.

"Xiao Xi, scan all the information here." Wuming was too lazy to look at the navigation chart and simply handed the task to Xiao Xi.

Xiaoxi completed the scan in a moment, and Wuming asked him to pay attention to the outside scenery and figure out where the ship was first.

After all, the first task is to complete the circumnavigation of the world. How can I sail if I don't even know where I am?

"There's obviously something wrong with this sea area. I don't know if it's the entire planet's sea water or the sea area I'm in. And...are there multiple people doing the mission at the same time this time, or am I the only one in this level? "Wu Ming sat on the chair in the captain's cabin, looking at the undulating sea outside the window, thinking in his heart.

There is no doubt that this level will be more difficult than the previous one.

Because of the biological force field in the previous level, he could easily pass the level even with a broken arm.

This time, all his abilities have not been blocked, but they can only be used on this ship. In fact, this is more demanding than the previous level.

He didn't know what would happen to him once the ship was destroyed, but thinking about the things in the sea and that his abilities could not be used in areas other than the ship, he came to the conclusion that the ship must not be destroyed, and he Never fall into the water.

At this time, under the control of the Deep Sea Apostle, the capsized ship sailed slowly forward.

Mainly because Wuming did not issue new orders, nor did they

Knowing whether Wuming wanted to stay where he was or move forward or turn somewhere, he could only let nature take its course and let the boat move forward with the wind.

Wuming General inspected the entire ship inside and out, and even took out many materials to reinforce the ship over and over again.

After completing the preliminary preparations, Wuming returned to the deck, took out his telescope and looked around.

Sure enough, his extraordinary abilities cannot break through the ship, and his eagle eye, night vision and other abilities are limited to the inside of the ship. Once he looks outside the ship, he doesn't have the telescope to use it.

Through the telescope, he could vaguely see an island in the dark ahead. There was a cross-shaped lighthouse on the island, but the lighthouse was very dilapidated and had stopped working long ago.

"Keep going, don't go too fast, be careful there are rocks in the water!" Wuming ordered a deep-sea apostle behind him.

The deep-sea apostle responded, and then continued to deal with the hemp ropes on the boat.

Even if the Deep Sea Apostles are divided into countless individuals, their will is unified, so there is no need to communicate specifically. If you give an order to one Deep Sea Apostle, all Deep Sea Apostles will know.

"That island looks familiar, Xiaoxi, show the sea chart to my right." Wuming said with a telescope.

A moment later, the sea chart just scanned from the captain's room was displayed on his right. He compared it with a mark on the sea chart and took another look at the iconic cross-shaped lighthouse on the island.

"Finally figured out the location."

Wuming put down the telescope, looked at the sea chart and said with a smile.

In fact, if Xiaoxi could detect the area outside the ship, he could easily locate it, but because all extraordinary abilities could not leave the ship, he could only rely on himself.

Fortunately, the ship was not far from the island, and the wind was just leading the ship forward, so he quickly figured out his position.

Half an hour later, the sailboat was only 300 meters away from the island, and the entire island was very clear.

This is a small island with only a lonely lighthouse. Not far below the lighthouse is a very simple pier, with only tattered wooden boards, which have long been highly corroded by the sea water, and even the original appearance cannot be seen clearly.

A few minutes later, the sailboat approached the tattered pier.

Wuming walked to the right side of the boat and could jump onto the pier with just a light jump.

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