I Contracted Myself

【351】Stability is the key

Go up?

Still not going up?

What if the wood is old and breaks if I go up on it, wouldn’t I be in danger?

Wuming looked at the dock nearby, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, mainly because once he left the sailboat, he would lose all his abilities and it would be too dangerous.

But without going up there, how could he be sure if this island was a forbidden island?

Moreover, this island appears in the place closest to him, and it is probably the most important novice guide in this level. If he misses this island, it is equivalent to missing a lot of information, and it will be more dangerous in the future.


Wuming suddenly thought of something.

He took out an ordinary lifebuoy from the Nameless Sea and threw it into the seawater. Within a moment, he saw the lifebuoy rising and falling in the seawater without disappearing at all.

"If you don't have to use extraordinary power, you can still trust science!"

Wuming's eyes lit up, and then he took out a shotgun and held it in his hand. At the same time, he took out a rope and tied it around his waist, and tied the other end to the mast.

He took a deep breath, and then stepped on the wood on the dock. As expected, the wood had been soaked and soft. Fortunately, he stepped very lightly, and the wood did not break because of him.

He stood on the dock and the next thing he knew his powers weren't completely gone.

"Hey, my telepathy is still there!"

Wuming controlled his telekinesis to wrap himself up, and he was indeed able to fly. However, it felt a little unsmooth after flying for a while, so he had to quickly land on the dock.

He thought about it and returned to the boat, turned around and landed gently on the dock. His telekinesis was gone, but the ability of his mutant eyes was still retained.

"In other words, every time you land on the island, one ability will be randomly retained, and the remaining abilities cannot be used." Wuming thought.

Then he returned to the ship and stepped onto the dock again. His abilities changed again, and his mutant eyes were replaced with super-speed healing.

However, just when he was about to develop better abilities, he found that when he returned to the ship and disembarked from the dock, his abilities had not changed.


Wuming stood at the pier, holding the spray gun in his hand, feeling a little helpless for a moment.

Obviously, Jinzo's trial will not give him a chance to take advantage of the loophole. Landing on the island will randomly retain an ability, which can be refreshed once he returns to the ship and lands again, but there are only two such opportunities.

To put it simply, he has three opportunities to extract abilities. The first time is triggered directly when he lands for the first time, and the second and third times are triggered when he returns to the ship and lands again.

Big loss.

If he had known that he only had three chances, he would have kept the second mutant eye


After all, the mutant eye has so many abilities, he can definitely get through this level with just one pair of eyes.

However, super-speed healing is not bad. As long as he has enough physical strength, even serious injuries can be healed quickly. Combined with the spray gun in his hand, ordinary monsters can be destroyed with one shot at close range.


After being mentally prepared, Wuming untied the rope from his body and then cautiously moved towards the lighthouse.

The wooden planks of the pier were very fragile, so he had to walk carefully. Fortunately, there were no dangers along the way. After walking slowly for five minutes, he successfully reached the shore.

No sound was made.

He carefully thought about the lighthouse and walked towards it. The lighthouse was very dilapidated, with only half of the door remaining corroded, and there were many black marks on the steps.


Wuming glanced at the marks on the ground and thought uncertainly.

The main reason is that his current body is only at the peak human level. Apart from the ability to heal at a super speed, his five senses are not much stronger than ordinary people.

He judged that the black marks on the ground were blood, mainly because he had seen a lot and had experience.

Unfortunately, there was nothing more than a pool of black marks on the ground, and he couldn't get any more clues from it.

He thought for a while and did not rush into the lighthouse. Instead, he stepped back a little, bent down, picked up a stone, and threw it at the lighthouse door.


There was a loud bang and the door was smashed through by a stone.

Wuming was quite strong, but he couldn't just pick up a stone and smash through a seven to eight centimeter thick wooden door. The main reason was that the wooden door itself was already highly decayed.

"There's no danger of opening the door to kill someone?"

Wuming stood there, holding the spray gun in his hand, waiting carefully.

After about a while, he felt a little suspicious, so he simply picked up another stone and threw it at the wooden door, making another loud noise.

Because there is no time limit for the task in the seventh level, he doesn't care how much time is wasted. As long as safety can be guaranteed, he can even linger here all day.

Anyway, even if he is hungry, he can return to the ship, and all his statuses will be full in an instant. Even if he is not satisfied, he can take out food and eat to ensure that he will not starve to death.

Next, he simply knelt on the ground and kept throwing stones at the lighthouse. After throwing the door, he threw it at the window, and after throwing the window, he threw it at the observation tower.

Anyway, he was in no rush to enter the lighthouse, and he just didn't take risks easily.

"Why don't we just burn the entire tower first and let the inside be disinfected at high temperature?"

Wuming tested it back and forth for three hours, and when he saw that there was indeed no movement from the tower, he thought silently in his heart.

The method was actually very simple. He returned to the sailboat and took out the Molotov cocktail originally developed by the rescue team from the unknown sea, and threw the Molotov cocktail directly around the lighthouse. The high temperature would kill everything in the lighthouse.

Of course, if the monster inside is not afraid of high temperatures, then there is no solution.

He did what he said. He returned to the sailboat and took out a large number of incendiary bottles. When he found that he couldn't take so many, he simply took out a backpack. After putting the incendiary bottles, he put several stun grenades.

Anyway, everything that could be used was stuffed in.

After getting ready, he realized one thing with his backpack on his back. He couldn't land through the dock anymore, mainly because the things he was carrying were too heavy.

"Xiao Xi, find a landing device without extraordinary effects." Wuming thought about it and spoke directly.

In a moment, Xiao Xi listed all the landing facilities in the Nameless Sea, and there really were high-tech landing tools.

He took a large and heavy box out of the Nameless Sea, and then placed it on the edge of the boat, and then pressed the button in the middle of the box.

This box was several centimeters larger than a coffin. It quickly deformed at this time, and then built a metal passage between the boat and the shore.

"Sure enough, the power of technology is still trustworthy!" Wuming said with a smile when he saw that the facility could be used.

He returned to the shore, put his backpack on the ground, took out a burning bottle, lit it, and threw it on the surface of the lighthouse. Gradually, flames burned all around the lighthouse.

Under the high temperature, the water vapor evaporated, and a large amount of water vapor appeared above the lighthouse.

Wuming still thought he was not cautious enough, and then threw several stun grenades into the lighthouse through the window.

"Jie Ya!!!"

Suddenly, a terrifying scream came from the lighthouse.

Then a pale monster like a dead person jumped out of one of the windows, rolled on the ground for a while, and supported the body with twisted limbs. The blood hole on the head emitted a red light and instantly locked onto Wuming.

"I said, how could there be no danger."

Wuming was relieved when he saw the monster appear, and laughed with the spray gun.

The monster's body was extremely twisted, and at this time, the running posture was facing Wuming with its back, moving like a spider.

It sprinted towards Wuming, and then Wuming fired three shots at it neatly.

As the gunshots rang out, the monster fell to the ground with two big holes in its neck and a big hole where its heart was. Black blood flowed out of the holes.

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