I Contracted Myself

【352】Unknown virus

Wuming still didn't get close to the monster. He waited there for about three minutes, then raised his hand and shot the monster in the head again.

After he was completely sure that the monster was dead, he slowly walked to the monster, squatted down, put on gloves and a mask, and began to check the monster's condition.

The monster's organs are basically the same as those of humans, except that its internal organs have turned black and exude an unpleasant odor.

"The interior of the corpse was highly decomposed, leaving only the heart and some blood vessels with black blood circulating." Wuming took out a dagger from his back and skillfully cut open the monster's bones. As expected, the marrow in the bones had turned black.

Wuming was basically certain that this monster should have been mutated from a human. Its deformed body was essentially no different from a living corpse or a zombie, and its weaknesses were not much different from those of humans. They were the brain and heart.

It just so happened that Wuming hit its heart with a spray just now, so it fell to the ground.

Wuming got up from the ground, took out a bottle of incendiary agent and poured it on the monster, then walked further away and lit it again.

While the monster's corpse was burning, Wuming looked up at the lighthouse. He still had no plan to enter the lighthouse. He took out several shock bombs and threw them in through different windows.

Although these windows are located at a height of six or seven meters in the lighthouse, Wuming's throw is extremely accurate and there is no possibility of missing.

A moment later, another monster jumped out of the lighthouse window. Wuming raised his eyebrows slightly, and the next moment he pulled the trigger on the monster's head.

With a gunshot, the monster's head was blown open in mid-air, and it finally fell heavily to the ground.

Wuming watched the monster land and said to himself: "The two monsters should be almost done, but for safety's sake, we'd better go back to the boat."

He returned to the sailboat and immediately ordered Xiaoxi to conduct a detailed physical examination.

Sure enough, there were many tiny black viruses in his body. This virus was very, very small, probably the smallest virus he had ever seen.

"This virus is somewhat similar to Zuo Xiangming's zombie virus. Living people infected with this virus will be infected unknowingly and lose control of their bodies in up to half an hour. It's so insidious!"

Wuming looked at the report provided by Xiaoxi and couldn't help but take a breath.

If the trialist stayed for more than half an hour after landing on the island, the consequences would be disastrous.

Imagine that you are investigating and collecting clues in a lighthouse, and suddenly you lose control of your body. When you realize that something is wrong, you have lost your ability to move, and all you have left is despair and fear.

Fortunately, Wuming is relatively stable. This level is obviously not the same style as the previous level. This level is more terrifying and dangerous, so he instinctively chooses to be steady and put safety first no matter what he does.

Just because he was cautious enough, caution also saved his life.

After clearing the virus from his body, he put on a virus protective suit and landed on the island again. He then threw shock bombs at the lighthouse several times and only cautiously entered the lighthouse after confirming that there were no monsters.

The light inside the lighthouse is very dark. After entering the door, there is a row of cabinets with raincoats, umbrellas, fishing rods, a shotgun, and a windproof portable lamp on them.

Time has left heavy traces on these things. The raincoat is covered with moss, and there are even some insects crawling on it. The umbrella is mostly broken, and there is a spider entrenched inside...

Wuming took a look and determined that there should only be one person living in this lighthouse, and he should be the lighthouse keeper.

He took out a flashlight from his backpack that was more powerful than the high beam. After turning on the flashlight, the entire lighthouse became extremely bright. If the lighthouse a moment ago was suitable for shooting horror movies or ghost movies, now the atmosphere is gone. .

"Okay, hurry up and go upstairs and take a look."

Wuming thought to himself, and then walked up the stairs.

The lighthouse has a total of six floors. In a moment, he went up to the second floor. In addition to the stairs, there were two rooms on this floor, but they were both utility rooms. There were many lifebuoys, lamp oil and other things in them, and they were all ready. It’s no longer useful.

Wuming then walked up. The third floor was the kitchen and a small bathroom.

Although this lighthouse is shaped like a cross, a large part of the structure of the cross is actually hollow. The space of the lighthouse itself becomes smaller as you go up.

Sure enough, the fourth floor is where the lighthouse keeper lives.

There are also two rooms, one is a bedroom and the other is a study room. Although there are not many books, it can be seen that each book has been carefully read, but now these books have also become damp and exude a musty smell. .

Wuming stepped forward, flipped through these tattered books, and found that they were

The text turned out to be in the island's native language.

"This is Earth?"

Wuming had some doubts in his heart, and then he glanced outside the window that he had broken. The dark ocean was full of undulating skeletons, and he immediately rejected the idea.

Maybe this is a world related to the island country, such as the animation world produced by the island country.

Wuming carefully checked the books in the study one by one. It took him almost ten minutes to read the general situation of all the books. These books were all too normal.

Seeing that there were no clues in the study, he entered the bedroom again.

There were tattered clothes and a lot of blood on the floor of the bedroom. He bypassed the clothes and blood, walked to the bed and lifted the quilt, and then took away the pillow. There was a notebook under the pillow.

"Who's a serious person who keeps a diary?"

Wuming thought of an ancient joke and said to himself with a smile.

That being said, he still picked up the notebook with expectation, opened the first page, and he was sure that this notebook was indeed a diary.

He read the diary carefully, closed it again after reading a page, and carefully put the diary into his backpack.

Although he was wearing protective clothing, it was still not suitable to stay in this place for a long time, so he had to return to the ship quickly and read the diary slowly when it was safe.

Next, he searched the bedroom, but did not find more information, so he left the bedroom and went to the fifth floor.

The fifth floor basically contained various tools needed for the lighthouse. Through the study of the entire lighthouse, Wuming could basically determine that the era of this lighthouse was relatively backward, roughly equivalent to the Republic of China period.

Seeing that there were no more clues, he simply climbed to the top floor of the lighthouse. He cleaned the large kerosene lamp of the lighthouse, and then found well-preserved kerosene on the fifth floor and refilled the kerosene lamp with kerosene.

Then he tried to wind up the lighthouse. After some effort, the lens system of the lighthouse began to rotate slowly.

He lit the flame, and the lighthouse regained its light. A beam of light passed through the lens system and shone towards the distant sea.

"Is there no hidden mission?"

Wuming looked for a while, and saw that there was no prompt for the mission to be completed, so he said with some disappointment.

However, time was running out, and he didn't want to stay on the island for long even if he was wearing protective clothing, so he turned around and walked down.

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