I Contracted Myself


Returning to the ship from the island, Wuming took out a chair from the Nameless Sea and sat down, then strengthened the diary he found.

After making sure that the diary would not fall apart while he was reading it, he first asked Xiao Xi to scan the text of the original diary, and then slowly began to

The owner of this diary is named Yuzaburo Abe.

Originally a soldier, he later retired and became a lighthouse keeper.


Wuming gradually looked down and discovered that he was not actually the lighthouse keeper.

Because his task is only to add lamp oil and wind up the lighthouse, he spends more time fishing and monitoring everyone who lands on the island.

The name of this island is Fudao. Every once in a while, blond and blue-eyed foreigners will come in and out. He has to record the entry and exit of these foreigners and then submit it to his superiors.

Yuzaburo Abe often guesses what those foreigners are doing on this island. Unfortunately, he cannot leave the lighthouse and can only watch foreigners coming in and out day after day.

This diary is very boring. Most of the content records how many ships Yuzaburo Abe saw passing by the sea, or how he missed the cherry blossoms in his hometown.

There are also some complaints about foreigners, such as foreigners littering the beach, which requires a lot of effort to clean up.

"It's so boring, Xiaoxi. Extract the valuable information from this diary and present it." Wuming flipped through the pages and finally couldn't help but yawn.

In just a moment, Xiao Xi extracted the essence of the diary.

In fact, most of the valuable information is at the back of the diary. Yuzaburo Abe found that he was sick and the bloodshot eyes gradually turned black.

He asked his boss for leave many times and wanted to see a doctor, but his boss refused.

If it is the original diary, it actually contains a lot of cordial greetings to the boss, and even to the boss's wife and daughter.

However, all these contents were omitted by Xiao Xi.

As Yuzaburo Abe's illness became more and more serious, Yuzaburo Abe began to suspect that his illness was abnormal. After all, he had served in the military and had always been in good health. Managing lighthouses required him to move heavy objects such as lamp oil up and down. Got a good workout.

Yuzaburo Abe suspects that those foreign countries

A man was quietly studying biological viruses in Fudao, but he had no evidence. He wrote down in his diary the areas where foreigners often disappeared, and stated that he was going to investigate.

However, the diary ended here, and Yuzaburo Abe did not update subsequent diaries.

Wuming knew without guessing that Yuzaburo Abe must have died, turned into a monster and came back to life, and then he was killed instantly with a spray shot.

"Okay, the clues are out. There is only one question left, and that is whether Fudao is a forbidden island?" Wuming closed the light and looked at Fudao and said to himself.

There is a virus laboratory hidden in the mountains of Fushima, and the virus apparently leaked, which caused Yuzaburo Abe to be infected with the virus and turn into a zombie.

Judging from the second zombie that appeared in the lighthouse, I am afraid that the virus laboratory has not just leaked, but even the researchers inside have been wiped out.

If Fudao is really one of the forbidden islands in the mission, then cleaning up the laboratory should be considered as completing the mission.

Sometimes the missions of Shenzang are like this. It is said that you can land on the forbidden island, but in fact you have to reach the specified location to be considered as 'landing'. You have not reached that location, you are just walking on the shore, which is not useful at all. count.

Wuming thought for a while and decided to wait. It was night now and visibility was very low in the forest, which was too dangerous.

Unless he could conquer the entire island, it would be better to wait until daylight to explore.

It was still some time before dawn, so he simply began to count the various non-supernatural items he had stored in the Nameless Sea.

Most of these items come from the rescue team, including weapons, armor, and even many functional technology products.

Basically, most of them are convenient products, and some are props that can facilitate team members in rescue operations.

As the captain of the rescue team, Wuming will be assigned a certain share of equipment every month regardless of whether it is needed or not. These things were thrown into Dream City by him in the past. Later, Dream City was integrated into Dream River, and these things were also transferred. , and finally was transferred to the unknown sea.

I don’t know if I don’t count them, but I will be shocked when I count them.

Decades of accumulation have allowed him to store a large number of technological products, some of which actually have high technological content.

The technology is very, very high, at least hundreds of years behind the technology of the earth where he lived in his previous life.

It's just that these technological products are ultimately no match for superpowers, so they have been in a state of being in a state of dust.

Wuming took out a small ball and glasses. He put on the glasses. The next moment he pressed the button on the frame of the glasses, the lens of his left eye immediately displayed the picture captured by the ball.

This small ball is called a magnetic levitation search and rescue ball. It can be used to take pictures with people, or it can be controlled through glasses to fly into the air and take pictures of the ground from various angles.

Its maximum flight distance is three thousand meters, and it will automatically return home once it exceeds three thousand meters.

The rescue team invented it for the purpose of searching and rescuing victims, but later found that its function was far inferior to that of practitioners of the third stage of the biological force field, so instead it became a tool used by the Xili community to film TV series and movies.

"With the search and rescue ball, as long as I don't wander, this level will be considered stable."

Wuming controlled the search and rescue ball to fly around in the air, and finally flew in circles above the lighthouse, recording the entire surrounding area of ​​the island.

The glasses he wore could collect his brain waves, allowing him to control the movement of the rescue ball with his mind.

Most people still need to practice to avoid collisions and crashes, but he was able to master the use of the rescue ball in almost an instant.

Next, he landed on Fu Island again.

This time he carried a signal amplifier to the top of the lighthouse and placed the signal amplifier under the kerosene lamp.

With the signal amplifier, the control distance of the rescue ball will be increased from the original 3,000 meters to 10,000 meters. He decided to control the rescue ball to find the virus laboratory before dawn.

He returned to the ship and then controlled the rescue ball to enter the mountains.

The mountains are actually three mountains connected together. Because the trees are very dense, they look gloomy at night. I don’t know what is hidden inside.

The rescue ball flew over the woods, and Wuming’s glasses played the pictures taken by the rescue ball. Suddenly, he saw a monster with a twisted body and pale skin standing behind a tree, with rope marks on his neck.


Wuming controlled the rescue ball to rotate around the monster, and suddenly the monster looked up and stared at the rescue ball in the sky.

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