I Contracted Myself

【355】Alien virus


Wuming made a fist with his left hand and put the sniper rifle aside.

He sat on the chair again and used his glasses to control the search ball to find more monsters.

There are too many monsters on this island, and they must be cleaned up first, otherwise he doesn't know how he will die after landing on the island.

In fact, in other sea areas, other trialists were even more exaggerated than him. One of the trialists directly took out a nanoball and pressed it on the ship. In the blink of an eye, the entire ship changed from an ancient sailing ship to a high-tech iron package. A wooden warship was installed with laser cannons and long-range missiles. After discovering the island, it directly launched a wave of firepower to clear the land.

Anyone who lives in the Shenzang space for more than a month will collect various technological products, and there are a lot of high technologies in the Shenzang space. These products are not used for daily combat, but are placed in the storage space for emergencies.

If it is selected by the Shenzang Trial, it is guaranteed to come in handy at a certain level.

Therefore, Wuming was actually at a disadvantage in this level, so the position he came to had a slight advantage, but Wuming had not yet detected this advantage.

Outside, everyone also discovered that there seemed to be a technological gap between Wuming and other trialists. Some people immediately guessed that Wuming would not enter the Shenzang space for too long. The only few people who knew Wuming also began to secretly worry about Wuming at this time. , after all, the disadvantage of being nameless in this level is too great and too obvious.

However, everyone in the entire Shenzang Space was eyeing him. If the two sides encountered each other, Wuming would probably be killed.

All day and night, Wuming concentrated on attracting and killing monsters. Originally, he was planning to explore the island at dawn to find the virus laboratory hidden in the mountains, but after the search and rescue ball attracted one monster after another, he simply He neatly gave up his original plan and honestly killed a wave of monsters first.

There are many more monsters on this island than he expected, and there are also some monsters that are not humans, but are made up of many animals. They also act very strangely, maybe because they are made purely of animals, and they have many animals. The abilities and attack methods are various, and Wuming also spent a lot of effort to solve them.

"It's so weird that there's a brain inside the head."

Wuming put down his sniper rifle and looked at the fallen monsters in the distance on the island.

Things, he said to himself.

The last monster he killed just now had a body composed of humans, monkeys, birds, and lizards. What was even weirder was that the bird's head was actually hidden in the monkey's head. After he sniped off the heads of humans, monkeys, and lizards, , the monster still had the ability to move, which made him suspicious for a while.

Fortunately, he had good eyesight and noticed something was wrong with the monkey's head in time, and then he discovered the bird's head.

To be honest, endless killing of monsters is nothing. He has enough patience to slowly do one thing well. The question is, is this island a forbidden island?

This is his biggest concern.

He didn't want to spend too much time on an unimportant island. After all, he still didn't know whether this level was a multiplayer level or a single-player level, and whether he was competing with others.

Sometimes there is only one person who is qualified to pass the level, and if someone else gets there first, he or she will be eliminated.

He thought about it, and instead of letting the search and rescue ball continue to lure those zombie-like monsters on the island, he let the search and rescue ball continue to go deep into the woods to find the virus laboratory hidden deep in the island.

Day and night, the efficiency of killing monsters was still very high. After realizing that the monsters were very smart, he extended the front line to attract monsters, and even occasionally went to clean the battlefield himself. Most of the monsters in the forest were cleaned up by him.

The search and rescue ball went unimpeded, moving in the direction where the most monsters were found before, and slowly came into sight of a hidden base.

Of course, this base is far from being hidden now, because most of the monsters actually ran out of the laboratory, so the door of the laboratory is open.

The door itself is well camouflaged. There are a lot of rocks on the surface, which can perfectly blend with the surrounding environment. You can't find it without looking carefully.

Wuming controlled the search and rescue ball and entered the laboratory along the door. There were not many monsters in the laboratory anymore, only a mess.

In a moment, he found some well-preserved files, clamped them with the search and rescue ball's mechanical arm, and then controlled the search and rescue ball to return directly.

More than ten minutes later, the search and rescue ball came back with the archive information.

Wuming took off his glasses and asked Xiaoxi to scan them as usual. Then he waited for Xiaoxi to organize and translate the information, and then he took his time to read it himself.

About ten seconds later, the information compiled by Xiaoxi appeared in front of Wuming, and he flipped through it bit by bit.

These files record many things, but there is only one core, and that is the gene enhancement drug ‘X-710’. This is a drug that can make the user’s body stronger and greatly extend human lifespan.

According to archival records, humans who take this drug for a long time will also increase their IQ and have a certain probability of gaining superpowers.

Of course, the so-called superpowers are not the ones in "X-Men", but the special abilities similar to those of various animals.

For example, the compound eyes of insects, the heat vision of snakes, and the rebirth of lizards after their tails are severed...

It is precisely because of the huge value of X-710 that countless countries have seen the future, so laboratories have been established in many regions to conduct deeper development of X-710.

The development direction of Fudao Laboratory is research on the regeneration of severed limbs.

X-710 is essentially an alien creature found in the sub-ice ocean of Europa. It is a strange existence that is similar to a virus but not a virus.

All countries have been researching it. Finally, Country M developed the first generation of X-100 drugs, which can make the user's body become larger.

The problem is that X-100 is very unstable, so the version was soon upgraded to X-200. The user's body size will not become too exaggerated in this version, and it will only grow to about three meters at most.

Because of the super soldiers mass-produced by X-200, Country M once again became the first superpower.

Then Country Y developed the X-210 drug. Based on X-200, X-210 can make the user's bones as hard as steel.

As a result, countries paid more attention to the research on alien creatures. After paying a lot of unequal benefits, the island country also obtained the qualification to jointly develop X series drugs with Country M.

The information is incomplete. After reading the information refined by Xiaoxi, Wuming came to the above conclusion.

"In other words, alien viruses are ravaging the Earth?"

Wuming closed the light screen, rubbed his temples, and couldn't help but complain.

By the way, when he traveled through time, did the Earth discover that there was life in the sub-ice ocean of Europa?

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