I Contracted Myself


Wuming actually didn't quite understand why a well-developed drug ended up being like a zombie virus.

Unfortunately, the answer he wanted to know was not recorded in the data.

But this was normal. If a random file recorded such an important secret, he would have to doubt whether the record was true.

Next, he put on his glasses again and controlled the rescue ball to go to the laboratory to collect more clues.

The world has become what it is now, which is most likely the result of this X series of drugs. The more you know, the higher the probability of passing the level.

The rescue ball returned to the laboratory and entered the residential area with ease.

Normally, if a lot of people died in a place and no one has dealt with the bodies, there will inevitably be a large number of scavengers gathering, but this laboratory is too "clean" except for the bloodstains on the ground.

It feels like something has cleaned it up personally and cleaned up all the "food".

Of course, there is still dust, and it has covered the ground, and even the tables, chairs, and beds are covered with a layer of dust. The rescue ball must clean the dust before it can see what is under the dust.

The rescue ball flew out of a room, with a document on its mechanical arm. When it flew into the next room, a monster covered in dust appeared in front of it.

The monster sat on the bed motionless, its face completely blurred, and looked like a pale ghost.

Because of the sudden entry of the rescue ball, the monster looked up at the rescue ball, and Wuming immediately controlled the rescue ball to leave the room. Once caught by the monster in a small room, the rescue ball might not be able to break free.

Especially when forced into a corner, the opponent might be able to step on the rescue ball with one foot.

The monster immediately chased the rescue ball, and Wuming controlled the rescue ball to dodge left and right, avoiding the monster's attacks again and again, and the rescue ball left the laboratory during the chase.

Originally, he thought the monster would chase him out, but he didn't expect the monster to stop at the door of the laboratory and didn't chase him anymore.

"Otaku-type zombie?" Wuming said in surprise when he saw this scene.

He immediately controlled the rescue ball to return, flying behind the zombies, and even making a loud noise.

As expected, the monster immediately turned around and attacked, but was avoided by the rescue ball again.

"Too slow, too slow!"

"Is this the only speed you have?"

"How can you come out with this speed? Are you embarrassed to tell others that you are a monster?"

Wuming controlled the rescue ball and kept provoking the monster, but after the rescue ball left the laboratory, the monster stopped at the door of the laboratory again, then turned around and slowly returned to the base.


Wuming was speechless. Obviously, this monster could not be lured to kill.

He took off his glasses, looked in the direction of the laboratory, and silently calculated the distance from the sailboat to the laboratory.

The monster would only chase the rescue ball to the door of the laboratory at most. Is there a way to snipe it within this distance?

If it was just an ordinary person, then there was really no need to think about it. The problem was that he was not an ordinary person in the sailboat, but a supernatural person in his prime.

"First of all, I can't use a sniper rifle. The range is not enough."

Wuming put away the sniper rifle, then took out a long-range rocket launcher, and then he began to calculate the wind direction and wind force, and at the same time calculated the distance between his side and the laboratory.

After a while, he felt that his brain was not enough, and immediately loaded Xiaoxi's computing power. Through the most simple observation of the glasses, he roughly calculated the orbital height required for the attack.

Then he put on the glasses again and controlled the search and rescue ball to lure the monster out.

"There is only one chance, and we must cooperate well!"

Wuming thought secretly in his heart, and his hand couldn't help but slightly grasp the handle of the rocket launcher.

In the passage of the laboratory, the monster chased the search and rescue ball and approached the gate at a very fast speed, but just like the last time, once it reached the gate, it would definitely stop and turn back without hesitation.

Wuming counted silently in his heart. When the monster approached the gate, he pulled the trigger and a rocket launcher was immediately launched.

He controlled the search and rescue ball to fly out of the gate quickly, while raising his own height. At the moment of turning around, a rocket launcher fell from the sky.

Just as the monster stopped in front of the gate, a cannonball hit it.


In an instant, flames exploded, the earth shook violently, and all the surrounding trees were swept down by the shock wave.

In the air, the rescue ball shook for a while and stabilized itself. After the flames of the cannonball disappeared, it slowly landed on the ground, and saw that the monster had been blown to pieces.

Wuming was not surprised by this result. No matter how hard the opponent's bones were and how strong the skin's ability to resist impact was, it was still a flesh and blood body, and still a carbon-based creature.

Without the protection of extraordinary energy, humans are actually very fragile.

A rocket is enough to turn a person into scum.

The rescue ball returned to the laboratory again. This time there was no monster, and the mechanical arm quickly rescued a lot of information.

When the rescue ball returned to the ship, Wuming asked Xiaoxi to continue scanning the information, and then read the information himself.

"Oh, is this the information found in the room of the highest commander of the base? It's really informative." Wuming looked at the information and said in surprise.

On the surface, this base is a laboratory where M country and the island country cooperate to study the X-series drugs for regeneration of broken arms. In fact, this laboratory is also studying biological armor and exploring the technology of combining alien creatures with humans to make people immortal.

Because this strange cell found in the ocean under the ice of Europa has no aging period, as long as the conditions are suitable, it seems to be able to survive forever and there is no death.

Some senior officials are naturally very envious of the immortality of this creature, so they want to study whether they can make this cell become a part of humans and gain immortality?

"It seems that they failed."

Wuming looked at the information and smiled and muttered to himself.

However, the latter part of the information made his eyes light up, because according to the information provided in this information, they created a total of seven experimental subjects in order to study immortality.

One of them is human, and the other six are various animals.

Seven experimental subjects, the mission requires landing on seven forbidden islands.

Wuming touched his chin and felt that the seven forbidden islands in the mission might be related to these seven experimental subjects. Could it be that these seven experimental subjects have now evolved into terrifying monsters?

If his guess was correct, then it was very likely that when they landed on the seven forbidden islands, they would also shoulder the task of destroying the seven monsters.

After all, the islands they landed on were other people's territory, so how could they not warmly "greet" their guests.

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