I Contracted Myself


On the fourth day after entering the seventh level, Wuming personally entered the laboratory and found original samples of alien creatures that had not yet been destroyed. He collected all the samples and returned to the sailboat within half an hour.

The island has been drained of its value.

He ordered the deep-sea apostles to set sail, and then his consciousness entered the No. 1 bubble world and handed alien biological samples to Chen Weihua for research.

This kind of alien creature is called 'Colas Cell'. Koras was actually the first discoverer of this kind of alien creature. He simply named this creature after himself.

It is estimated that he himself did not expect that Coras cells would become the source of the destruction of biological life on earth.

Of course, everything in the bubble world is controlled by the world master. Chen Weihua is studying Coras cells in her own world, and Coras cells cannot make a big splash at all.

"Okay, the next step is to travel around the world and land on the seven forbidden islands."

The nameless consciousness returned to the body from the bubble world, opened his eyes and looked at the sea with dense fear buildings floating in front of him, thinking to himself.

By the way, I forgot one thing!

Wuming suddenly remembered that the water in the sea turned black, something was obviously wrong, and this might be a sample.

He immediately stood up and took out a test tube. He held a gun in one hand and a test tube in the other. He walked to the side of the boat and fired several shots at the sea water. After breaking the floating bones in the water, he quickly loaded it with the test tube. got some sea water.

After delivering the seawater to Bubble World and handing it over to Chen Weihua, he began to consider more issues in this level.

The Seven Forbidden Islands will definitely not have only three or four big cats and kittens like Fu Island, and the risk will be very high. It is good that he randomly retained good abilities when he landed, but it would be troublesome if he had useless abilities.

It just so happens that he has so many abilities that it's easy to randomly end up with useless abilities.

"Hey, let's show you what you're doing!"

Wuming thought for a while and finally sighed. He had no choice now. After all, once he left the sailboat, the only things he could rely on were technological products and a randomly retained ability.

He couldn't think of any particularly good tactics before he was sure what abilities were randomly assigned to him.

In the next few days, the sailboat sailed slowly on the sea. Compared with other trialists driving warships,

Driving at high speed, his speed was indeed too slow.

"This level is so boring. Isn't boredom one of the tests?" Wuming said to himself while sitting on the deck, looking at the white clouds passing by in the sky.

He had thought about fishing to pass the time, but when the fishing rod fell into the water, he caught a skeleton.

When he had nothing to do, he also dissected the skeletons and found that these skeletons had actually been completely eaten by some kind of creature. There were a lot of strange creatures living in the hollow bones, so they became able to move.

These strange creatures were undoubtedly monsters mutated by the combination of Coras cells and cells of earth creatures. Wuming simply packed the skeletons and sent them to the bubble world for Chen Weihua to study.

In fact, Chen Weihua has long been no longer on the front line of scientific research. When she obtained Wuming's samples, she handed them over to her subordinates for research.

Only Chen Weihua knows whether his subordinates will outsource research projects to others.

During the time when Wuming was doing nothing, the sailboat was still moving with the wind, and the deep-sea apostles were busy on the boat. Wuming simply returned to his normal state, sitting on a deck chair and taking a nap.

Suddenly, Xiaoxi issued a warning to Wuming.

At this time, Xiaoxi was linked to the search and rescue ball. Through the analysis of various situations captured by the search and rescue ball, it was found that the search and rescue ball was suspended at the highest point of the sailboat and did not leave the range of the sailboat.

This was also the reason why Wuming dared to fish. With Xiaoxi cooperating with the search and rescue ball to guard the surrounding area, he really didn't believe that anyone could sneak attack him.

But as soon as he opened his eyes, the next moment he saw two thick lasers coming from the distance.


Wuming's eyes suddenly widened and he quickly got up from the chair.

Theoretically, he had absolutely no time to protect his sailboat, but at this moment, the Nameless Book appeared on his right, and he directly touched the open Book of Names with one hand.

The outside world was not affected by the Nameless Book, but everything within the sailboat was frozen, even the flags flying on the ship kept their original shape.

The laser hit the surface of the sailboat, but because the sailboat's time was frozen, the laser hit it alone.

After the bombardment ended, the laser slowly dissipated. Only then did Wuming see a silver battleship tens of thousands of meters away. He took out

Looking through the telescope at the deck of the battleship, a familiar man immediately made a gesture of wiping his neck to him.

"Do you hate me so much?" Wuming put down the telescope and said to himself with a smile.

He let go of his hand, and the time of the sailboat continued to flow, slowly sailing forward. Then he took out his sniper rifle, aimed at the opponent, and pulled the trigger.

Bullets eject from the barrel of the gun and shoot toward the target while spinning at high speed.

But after entering the range of the opponent's warship, the opponent directly held the bullet with one hand and showed a disdainful smile.

Obviously, neither side could do anything to the other without getting off the ship. The two also realized this problem, so they stopped attacking each other.

The silver battleship sped over. The man on the boat took out a metal ball the size of a basketball and said, "This is a nano battleship. It can be attached to any ship made of any material, turning it into the most advanced battleship. Tell me the previous level." How about I give you the practice method?”

"I think I'm pretty good now." Wuming refused with a smile.

The man sneered, "Everyone's mission in this level should be the same. You should also need to land on seven forbidden islands, right? Your technology is so far behind ours. Once you land on the island, everyone will have the firepower support of the warship behind you. Do you think you have a chance to land on the island? Can you survive after landing on the island?"

"Has anyone told you that you are very long-winded?" Wuming said impatiently.

The man's face turned cold and he sneered, "Then you wait for death. I will always follow you. Don't even think about landing on any forbidden island!"

After saying that, he drove the warship away without waiting for Wuming's reply.

Wuming glanced at the other party, shook his head, and continued to close his eyes to rest.

In fact, he was also tempted by the nano battleship for a second, but the problem was that he didn't trust the other party at all. What if the other party tampered with the nano battleship and directly penetrated the bottom of his ship after installation? Wouldn't he be in danger?

Even if there was no concern in this regard, he was worried that the other party had the back door of the nano battleship and could control his ship at any time.

He was not familiar with the technology in this area, and the rescue team did not have the corresponding technical accumulation. Safety was the first priority, so he naturally could not trade with the other party. Who knew if it was a scam?

Wuming was not naive enough to easily believe the words of someone who was obviously hostile to him.

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