I Contracted Myself

【358】Take a step ahead

Maybe most people will regret it extremely if they encounter this kind of situation.

If I had known that I should have killed all the testers in the previous level, I would naturally not be threatened by the testers in this level.

But Wuming didn't have this idea. Just like when he saw a cute little tiger, he would not maliciously think that the little tiger would grow up and the tiger would eat people.

He doesn't like to make presumptions of guilt, and he doesn't like to speculate on others with the greatest malice.

"Are all people in the spiritual world that violent?"

Wuming sat on the chair and watched the trialist drive the battleship galloping forward in a mighty manner. Then the other party turned back sharply, drove the battleship past Wuming's sailboat, and made a throat-cutting gesture to Wuming.

He rolled his eyes and couldn't complain about the trialist's childish behavior. Then he thought of something and simply took out a small iron ball and threw it gently. The small iron ball began to accelerate in the sailboat in the electric light.

It rotated around the entire ship, gradually turning into an orange light.

After reaching a certain speed, Wuming suddenly let go of control of the small iron ball, and the small iron ball instantly flew out of the sailboat's envelope.


The small iron ball bombarded the sea, directly causing a terrifying explosion.

The sea was rough, and Wuming held an umbrella indifferently. When the sea water was blasted into the sky and then fell, he smiled and said: "Although it cannot directly affect the outside world, it turns out that indirect effects can still be achieved."

Wuming's acceleration of the small iron ball is not purely a force exerted on it, because this force is of extraordinary nature and will inevitably disappear once it leaves the range of the sailboat.

So he created a strong magnetic field in front of the small iron ball, attracting the small iron ball to move on its own.

Although the small iron ball moves due to the magnetic field and slowly accumulates a large amount of energy, this energy comes from this world, not from an unknown supernatural power, so it is still useful outside of sailing ships.

At this time, on the silver battleship in the distance, the trialist who had been thinking about how to target Wuming just a moment ago saw this scene, and his face suddenly became uncertain.

His battleship could not block the blow.

Once he arrives at the Forbidden Island, another situation may arise: He is worried that Wuming will do something to his ship, so he can only stay on the ship. Wuming was worried that he would attack his ship, so he also stayed on the ship. As a result, neither party dared to land on the forbidden island.

Originally he

Seeing that Wuming only has a gun, and the sailboat is an extremely backward sailboat, plus the extraordinary power cannot escape the range covered by the boat, he feels that he has a great advantage.

But after seeing this shot, he realized that Wuming was also a threat to him.

As a result, his only advantage is speed.

His warship has a speed far exceeding that of Wuming's sailing ship. He can land on the Forbidden Island first, and then turn back to interfere with Wuming after completing the mission, or even bombard Wuming during Wuming's landing on the Forbidden Island.

Speaking of which, he actually didn't have much grudge against Wuming. The reason why he was hostile to Wuming was simply because he tasted the long-lost shame in the previous level.

At that time, he and the other trialists felt like they were children again, trembling in front of predators, and their life and death depended on the predators' thoughts.

He was afraid.

Then he felt ashamed and angry at his fear.

And Wu Ming, who made him suffer humiliation, deserved death!

In fact, the vast majority of people in the trial had similar thoughts, but some were calmer and some were more cautious and would not expose their thoughts nakedly.

Of course, there are all kinds of different ways of practice in the world of spiritual practice. Some ways of practice focus on the mind, while others focus on liberating nature, and other ways of practice are just purely about the pursuit of strong willpower, and things like personality and state of mind are not very important. .

Therefore, in the world of spiritual practice, there are basically all kinds of people. Some people have excellent character but weak strength. There are also people who have the same character as ordinary people but are extremely powerful.

The trialist who met Wuming obviously belonged to the latter group. At this time, his heart was shaken, and he immediately drove the silver battleship and left quickly.

Just as he wanted to disgust Wuming, he came here to disgust Wuming. Now he wanted to land on the Forbidden Island first and leave immediately without any sloppiness.


Wuming was a little surprised when he saw the silver battleship leaving quickly.

Then he thought about it, put away the umbrella in his hand, and couldn't help but smile lightly. He had already guessed what the other party was thinking, but this move was really a bit threatening to him.

"I always feel that there are still a lot of pitfalls in this level. Let him go through them first."

Wuming sat on the chair, pondered for a moment and then put aside the matter of the trialer temporarily. This level was not simple. The other party wanted to quickly pass through a forbidden island and ensure that

Otherwise, it will be self-defeating and die on a forbidden island.

If you really think that if the ship is fast and the ship can participate in the support, you can pass the level, then you can only say that the other party is too naive.

Next, the nameless sailboat still sailed with the wind. He was not impatient. Instead, he checked Kojima Mahide's diary from time to time and checked the information found in the laboratory.

Although Xiao Xi is very smart, he is not human after all. Sometimes it cannot understand some metaphors that only humans can understand.

When watching the second round, Wuming discovered that there was actually an interesting little detail in the laboratory information. The seven experimental subjects all loved to look at the sky, and would stare at the sky in a daze.

"Look at the sky?"

Wuming looked up at the sky. Today was a very good day with no clouds. The sun was hanging high in the sky, emitting a scorching breath. The light blue sky was so deep that he felt like flying to the sky.

Of course, he was not going to do that, although he had the technology to fly.

For the next week, the sailboat was sailing, without any danger or waves.

Wuming actually liked this leisurely state. After completing what he could do, he was not anxious about the future, nor did he worry about being at a disadvantage. After the initial boring period of doing nothing, he simply drew on the boat and drew what he saw.

Let's talk about two things.

While Wuming was leisurely, the silver battleship in the distant sea gradually slowed down.

The owner of the silver battleship was named Tian Deshan, who was a body-refining practitioner. His strong physique and endless physical strength gave him extremely strong melee ability.

The technique he practiced was called "Kunlong Jue".

Although there is a dragon character in it, Kunlong is actually the same as earth dragon, and earth dragon is actually another name for earthworm.

This is a skill that imitates earthworms. After practicing it to perfection, the body will become very flexible, and the recovery ability will be greatly improved. Once standing on the ground or falling into the water, he can use the power of both to recover his physical strength and injuries.

In the previous levels, he often relied on burrowing into the ground to imitate the breath of earthworms to avoid the search of all trialers or enemies, and survived to this level again and again.

At this time, in front of him was a strange island.

He looked at the island and swallowed his saliva, wondering whether he should go to the island.

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