I Contracted Myself

【359】Chen Weihua’s discovery

Not a coward.

But this island is too scary.

The shape of this island is like a tomb, with no plants on the lonely land, and the island is surrounded by thick black fog. People can get an overview of it at a glance, but they can't see what is actually hidden on the island. .

Tian Deshan is also a person who has experienced many strong winds and waves. Even if he doesn't use his abilities, he can feel that this island is definitely very dangerous.

"Why don't you wait for the others?"

Tian Deshan was in a state of confusion, and finally couldn't help but think.

But then he was worried that Wuming would arrive before the others. After all, everyone had arrived at different positions, and the distance between them must also be different.

The possibility of Wuming being faster than others still exists.

In addition, he was actually not sure if there were any other testers besides him and Wuming in this level, because he had not met any other testers yet.

What if this level is actually just him and Wuming?

Then he waits here foolishly, and in the end he will definitely have to wait until Wuming. As a result, the two of them will fall into a chain of suspicion. No one dares to land on the island first, and no one dares to leave his ship.

In this way, the two of them are completely trapped in this level, and may even be trapped in this level forever, until one of them runs out of life.

"Hey, it seems we can only give it a try."

Tian Deshan spat at the sea, took out the nano armor from the space ring and covered his whole body. He then carried a gun on his back, a lightsaber on his waist, and several floating cannons hanging in the air. Then he flew directly from the ship. Toward the island.

After leaving the range of the battleship, he found that his self-healing ability seemed to be preserved, and the vibrant feeling in his body was not deceiving.

"It turns out that I can still retain one ability!"

Tian Deshan thought to himself, and then concentrated on observing the island.

After landing on the island, he slowly walked deeper. The surrounding black mist avoided him like a living creature, allowing him to walk deeper little by little.

"Landing on the Forbidden Island, I should be considered landed now, right?"

Tian Deshan walked forward for about ten steps, then stopped, frowned and looked around, thinking suspiciously.

He really didn't know what he wanted to do by landing on the Forbidden Island. Theoretically, he had landed on the Forbidden Island now and should be able to go back.

Such a simple task?

The fog seemed to be thicker.

Tian Deshan squinted his eyes, and the nano-suit immediately turned on the night mode.

In the night mode, the whole picture of the island changed. The black fog surrounding him turned into a huge black snake. This black snake was entrenched on this bare island, turning little by little.

He swallowed his saliva and slowly looked up in shock. Sure enough, the head of the black giant snake was looking down at him in mid-air.

"What the hell, how can we fight like this!"

Tian Deshan cursed in his heart, turned around and ran away without saying a word. At the same time, the floating cannon had switched to harassment mode, flying around, intending to attract the attention of the black snake.

"This level is so disgusting, so disgusting. Landing on the Forbidden Island is simply going to kill us."

Tian Deshan was cursing in his mind as he ran. Suddenly, two floating cannons exploded dozens of meters behind him. Then he felt a huge pushing feeling from behind, and he was immediately pushed to the ground.

After all, he is also a physical practitioner. In an instant, he rolled on the ground, kicked off his feet, and got up from the ground and continued running.

But at this moment, his heartbeat accelerated rapidly, and a feeling of powerlessness came over him.


Tian Deshan looked ahead. The black fog gradually dispersed, and the world became darker and darker.

He thought of the time when he was a child and was forced to work hard by his father, of the happy days in his life, of his children, and of the joy of entering the divine space for the first time.

"Am I...going to die?"

The last thought that came to Tian Deshan's mind was that the big snake's bloody mouth instantly bit his upper body from top to bottom. As the big snake's mouth closed, only one leg was left standing alone, and the Nano Battle Armor Sparks keep coming.

"Dead, why did you die again?"

On the sailboat, Wuming was fighting a BOSS with a game console in his hand, but the skills of this BOSS were too abnormal. An ordinary level A would knock out one-third of the health of the character he controlled, and then he controlled the character continuously. Dodged, but still failed to defeat this BOSS, and fell down moments before victory.

He put the game console aside, stretched out, and was about to take a nap when Chen Weihua suddenly contacted him.

"Sister Weihua, what's the matter?"

Wuming answered the call, looked at Chen Weihua in the screen lazily, and asked with a smile.

Chen Weihua gave Wuming a big roll of her eyes, and then complained: "Obviously you asked me to study the Coras cells, and now you ask me what's the matter?"

"Ah, yes, there is another matter. Sister Weihua, how is your research going? Are there any results?" Wuming slapped his forehead and asked with a smile.

Chen Weihua nodded and said: "Of course. After all, you said this was an urgent mission. How could I not take it seriously? This time I mobilized all the staff from several laboratories to jointly study Colas cells, and some research was actually done. Interesting stuff."

"Speak quickly, don't show off." Wuming asked anxiously.

Chen Weihua took out a test tube and introduced: "There is actually a connection between these Coras cells. Although they look like viruses and bacteria in nature, they are actually a whole!"

"A whole?" Wuming frowned.

Chen Weihua smiled and said: "Actually, whether we humans or animals, there are gaps between cell walls. You can understand it this way, Coras cells just have a larger 'gap'."

"I probably understand, but what are the consequences of this?" Wuming asked curiously.

Chen Weihua smiled and said: "Of course, if there are no mistakes in this research, the planet you are on now, the entire planet may be covered by this kind of Coras cells, so you can be regarded as moving in the body of Coras cells. "

"So scary!" Wuming said in surprise.

Chen Weihua smiled and said: "It is so scary, but there is also good news, that is, its own mental power is very weak and cannot support such a huge body, so some of the Coras cells are completely controlled by instinct, and this instinct Usually it comes from the creature it controls, that is, the appearance of the zombies you sent over when they were alive."

"Is there a way to deal with it? Without involving extraordinary power." Wuming touched his chin and asked seriously.

Chen Weihua smiled and said: "Yes, and the method is very simple!"

As she spoke, she pulled out a gun.

This is a gun modified from an anesthesia gun, with blue liquid in the anesthesia needle.

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