I Contracted Myself

【360】Really just go ahead

Wuming glanced at the anesthesia gun, and then looked at Chen Weihua curiously.

"The Coras cells you sent over have turned black and are extremely hostile to humans, so I simply cultured new Coras cells based on these cells. This cell became hostile to humans under my 'education' Extremely friendly, you only need to inject this friendly Coras cell into the target's body, and the two cells will immediately fight with each other," explained Chen Weihua.

Wuming frowned and said, "The problem is, with so many cells, can they compete with my blackened Coras cells?"

The Coras cells on his side have covered the entire planet, and it stands to reason that they must be more powerful than Chen Weihua's Coras cells.

"Didn't I say that? The spirit of Coras cells is not as powerful as you think. It can only focus on one place. We can do it quietly here without attracting its attention." Chen Weihua laughed. road.

Now Wuming understood. To put it simply, they stole the house while the blackened Coras cells were not at home.

By the time it develops to be evenly matched with the blackened Coras cells, even if the blackened Coras cells discover new Coras cells, the new Coras cells have already grown, and there is no need to be afraid of the blackened Coras cells. Sri Lanka cells.

"This method does have a possibility of success, then I'll give it a try!" Wuming thought for a while, then nodded.

Chen Weihua said with satisfaction: "Well, you can give it a try first, but remember to pay attention to safety. I will let my people continue the research and contact you when I have the latest results."

"Okay, thank you Sister Weihua!" Wuming nodded repeatedly.

It would be nice to have someone to help. The next moment Wuming had an anesthetic gun and nine anesthetic needles in his hand.

Wuming stood up with a gun and suddenly realized one thing. It didn't matter that the sea was dark. As long as there were no dark clouds in the sky, it was actually quite normal.

But he didn't see a single seagull!

Something is wrong, even if a creature like a seagull turns into a zombie, the ability to fly should be preserved.

Wouldn't it be more convenient to attack creatures on earth from the sky?

But why isn't there a bird?

Wuming looked at the sky and was puzzled, and finally shot a gun at the sea.

"Come on, breed. It's up to you whether the sea can become blue again!" Wuming watched as the blue Coras cells gradually merged into the black cells.

The sea, he said to himself.

He put the gun away, then sat on a chair and looked at the sky, continuing to wonder where the birds had gone.

This was obviously a question that he couldn't figure out just by thinking about it. He didn't think of the answer until night.

Of course, in fact, he didn't think about it seriously, he was just in a daze, just like sleeping on the lawn and wasting time.

Sometimes knowing how to waste time is also a very important ability.

However, around seven or eight o'clock in the evening, a huge island appeared in front, and at the same time, a silver battleship parked alone about forty or fifty meters away from the island.

"That's a childish ghost's boat!"

Wuming stood up and looked at the silver battleship with a telescope.

There was no one in the battleship, and Wuming was not sure whether Tian Deshan had landed on the island or was sleeping in the ship.

He asked the Deep Sea Apostle to drive the sailboat over. About fifteen minutes later, the sailboat sailed not far from the silver battleship. He stood on the side of the ship and shouted: "Children, come out!"

Next, he waited for a while and saw that there was no movement on the silver battleship, so he took out a coin and threw it over.

The coin fell on the deck of the silver battleship and rolled for a while, but there was still no other movement on the ship.

Wuming was sure that if Tian Deshan was on the boat, he would definitely come out and curse at him.

"Have you landed on the island?"

Wuming looked at the dark island in front of him, guessing in his heart.

If Tian Deshan really landed on the island, he could completely destroy Tian Deshan's ship, and then find a way to kill Tian Deshan slowly.

This silly guy had already teased him before, so there was no need for him to coddle him.

"No, there is no need to destroy the ship. Let's try to see if we can kill him first!"

Wuming thought seriously, then took out a handful of small iron balls. He gently threw the small iron balls, and all the iron balls immediately began to rotate around the sailboat.

Under constant acceleration, all the small iron balls contained huge energy. Finally, with an unknown sound, all the small iron balls immediately shot towards the distant island.


From Wuming's side, the small iron balls were like streaks of orange light, flying towards the island from different trajectories, falling like rain, and intensively bombarded the ground.

Once is definitely not enough.

Nameless then took another

Throw out a handful of iron balls and repeat the same trick.

After dozens of consecutive bombardments, the entire mountain was reduced by several meters. Now he was sure that even if Tian Deshan was alive a moment ago, he should be dead now.

Of course, he preferred that Tian Deshan died before he arrived.

Because Tian Deshan obviously has the ability to remotely control the silver battleship, unless he unexpectedly kills Tian Deshan in the first round of bombardment, Tian Deshan can completely control the silver battleship to attack him to achieve the purpose of interference.

Wuming stood on the deck, gently tossing the small iron ball with his hand, and thought to himself: "There are only two possibilities now. One is that the childish ghost has died on the island, and the other is that the other party's childishness is actually pretending to me. The hostility is also fake. Now he is hiding on the boat. No matter whether I land on the island or board his boat, it will be a dead end. "

He looked at the silver battleship, and the next moment an iron ball immediately started spinning, and finally hit the silver battleship.

The silver battleship did not dodge and was hit by the iron ball head-on. Although the silver battleship has a high technological content and the materials used are extremely hard, it is only a thin layer after all. Under the impact of the huge kinetic energy of the iron ball, a big hole was still blasted out.

All of a sudden, seawater began to pour into the ship.

Wuming watched the silver battleship sinking little by little, and he was sure in his heart that Tian Deshan had died on the island, and it was very likely that he had died before he arrived.

This guy came and went in a hurry, and he really "left" one step ahead.

"Alas, so why is life so impatient, and is it in a hurry to reincarnate?" Wuming's mind moved, and the Deep Sea Apostle immediately moved the sailboat away from the silver battleship, sighing in his heart.

It is obviously not suitable to land on the island at night, and... it is hard to say whether this island is a forbidden island.

He sailed along the sea chart, and Tian Deshan might also have a sea chart, so the route they sailed was so consistent. He stopped around the island, on the one hand because the silver battleship was parked here, and on the other hand, he suspected that this island was a forbidden island.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether it is a forbidden island or not. No matter whether it is Wuming or Tian Deshan, they will definitely land on the island if they encounter it during the voyage. After all, only in this way can they find the so-called forbidden island.

"I'm sleepy, take a nap first, and explore tomorrow."

Wuming stretched, took a last look at the island, and turned to enter the cabin.

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