I Contracted Myself

【361】Telekinesis Unlock

A night of silence.

The next morning, Wuming came out of the cabin and looked at the tomb-like island. He found that the island was still dark, with thick black fog always shrouding the entire island.

He suddenly remembered what Chen Weihua said: There is a big gap between the cell walls of Coras cells.

"This is no longer a big problem, right? If even the fog is really part of the Coras cells, it would be too exaggerated." Wuming held a telescope, looked at the invisible island, and muttered in a low voice.

Then he frowned slightly and suddenly changed the direction of the telescope, and saw a warship even bigger than Tian Deshan's silver warship approaching from a distance.

"Come on, here comes another competitor." Wuming muttered in a low voice.

On the huge battleship, two trialists also observed the nameless ship. One of the men wearing glasses smiled and said: "Interesting, it seems that he did not enter the Shenzang space for a long time, and he did not even have time to buy many A must-have equipment in the divine space.”

"Don't be careless, look... the radar found a sunken ship, the model is the same as our ship." Next to the man wearing glasses, a strong man wearing black armor and a big beard said calmly.

The man with glasses was silent for a moment and guessed: "Is he fishing?"

"No matter what he wants to do, there is no need for us to offend him. Let's go around it." The strong man said calmly.

The man with glasses frowned and said, "Don't you want to know why he could use extraordinary power in the previous level?"

"Humph, Luo Cheng, use your brain. The level of danger in the current level is extremely high. You still want to trouble other trialists. Do you think you don't die fast enough? No matter what you think, give them all now. I hide it in my heart. When he leaves the Shenzang Trial, the enemies he will face will definitely be beyond imagination. There will be plenty of opportunities at that time, so why put himself at risk in the Shenzang Trial?" The strong man frowned and said in a serious tone. said.

The bespectacled man Luo Cheng was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said: "Brother Zhuge is right, let's avoid him."

"Well, it's a wise choice." Zhuge Feiyu nodded.

Then the two men changed the direction of the battleship and directly avoided the nameless sailboat.

On the other side, Wuming originally thought they would live like Tian Deshan.

Looking for trouble, who would have thought that he would leave halfway through the journey.

Wuming watched the other party walk away completely, and couldn't help but laugh: "It seems that there are many people with brains."

Then he looked back at the island shrouded in black mist, took out the gun modified from the tranquilizer gun, raised his hand and fired a shot at the island, and the Coras cells immediately integrated into the earth.

He would definitely have to land on the island, but he could give the island a shot first to see if the danger could be eliminated first.

He held a telescope and observed the situation on the island. He didn't know what would happen if the new version of Coras cells were injected into the sea, but when the new version of Coras cells was injected into the earth, the effect was very obvious.

The originally dark land immediately started to see blue spread, forming spider web-like cracks. Then the cracks began to spread into the air. The black mist originally looked like a mass, but as the cracks spread, Wuming could gradually see a huge black line. snake.

The black snake's body was covered with blue cracks, and it could only struggle and roar instinctively, but it was unable to stop the spread of the blue cracks, and its body gradually turned blue bit by bit.

After about three hours, the originally dark island turned into a blue island, with blue fog floating in the air.

"Awesome, I never thought there was a snake hidden on this island." Wuming said with emotion after the dust settled.

If one did not know the existence of the big black snake, anyone who foolishly landed on the island would be in danger. Tian Deshan died in such confusion.

Fortunately, with Tian Deshan as a warning, Wuming became more cautious and avoided this big pit.

Next, he drove the boat to the shore and landed directly on the island.

Walking up the mountain from the foot of the mountain, he saw the remaining half of Tian Deshan's body standing on the ground. Judging from the condition of the wound, he should have been bitten off by a big black snake.

"Hey, it's such a tragic death, so you shouldn't be too crazy and keep a low profile!" Wuming walked past Tian Deshan's body and shook his head. He didn't know if he was talking to himself or to the dead Tian Deshan. listen.

Nearly twenty minutes later, Wuming climbed to the highest peak of the island. At the top of the mountain, there were seven golden coins placed on a huge rock.

He stepped forward and picked up one of the coins. The next moment he saw

His eyes widened slightly, and he realized that he had another ability that he could use.

As soon as he landed on the island, he randomly received an ability, but now that he picked up the coin, another ability also appeared.

"This should be proof of the Forbidden Island. Only by landing on the Forbidden Island can more abilities be unlocked!" Wuming suddenly realized and said to himself.

Then he wanted to pick up more gold coins, but his hands passed through those gold coins and he was completely unable to touch the remaining gold coins.

"A person can only take one gold coin. The rules are really simple and easy to understand." Wuming retracted his hand, put the gold coin into his pocket with a smile, turned around and left directly.

There is no doubt that this island must be one of the forbidden islands.

Anyone who lands on the forbidden island will be attacked by the black snake, because the black snake exists in the form of black mist. Triers cannot observe the black snake. If they are not aware of the danger, landing on the island will mean a narrow escape.

Wuming came down from the mountain and returned to his sailboat. Suddenly, he felt the gold coins in his pocket getting hot.

He took the gold coins out of his pocket and held them in his palm. He immediately had an extremely magical intuition. If he injected a certain ability into the gold coins, he could choose that ability and use it even if he left the sailboat.

"So this is how this level is played!"

Wuming looked at the gold coins and finally understood the unspoken rules of this level.

First of all, everyone who landed on the island would randomly retain an ability, and after landing on the forbidden island, if they found a certain prop in the forbidden island, they could unlock another ability.

And this ability can also extend outside the ship!

The most important thing for every trialist is to land on more forbidden islands as soon as possible, because the more forbidden islands they land on, the greater the advantage, and they can crush other trialists in the later stage.

Although Wuming doesn't like to speculate about others with the greatest malice, he knows very well that if others get more abilities first, they will definitely attack him.

"Then we have to speed up!"

Wuming thought about it and directly chose to inject telekinesis into the gold coins.

The next moment, his powerful telekinesis immediately spread out of the ship. With his current telekinesis level, he could do a lot.

The entire ship was immediately wrapped in telekinesis, soaring from the sea surface to the next island in the distance.

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