I Contracted Myself

【363】Goodness towards evil is evil towards good


The mouse shook violently to the right, and immediately set off a huge wave.

Then it shook violently to the left, and a huge wave hundreds of meters high was also set off on the left.

But this was obviously useless. The blue new Coras cells were still rapidly eroding the blackened Coras cells. When the blue cells spread to the mouse's head, the mouse suddenly sank into the sea, and the struggle between the two changed from the most intense state to a silent state.

The struggle was still extremely cruel from the perspective of the cells, but the forbidden island itself had calmed down.

Wuming flew to the island and found that the island suppressed his mental power by 50%. At the same time, because his mental power returned to the level of ordinary people, his mental power was further reduced.


Wuming took a deep breath and suppressed the urge to curse.

This rule is too shameless. He thought that as long as he landed on the first forbidden island and unlocked the first ability, with the power of this ability, the gold coins on the forbidden islands behind could be easily captured.

Who knew there was such a rule that directly suppressed his ability.

He returned to the ship, picked up guns and various weapons, took out the rescue ball and released them, and then landed on the island again.

This island has been eroded by the new Coras cells, and the danger is not particularly high. Wuming did this just out of caution. Who knows if there are any messy things on the island? What if he encounters danger?

He didn't want to die like Tian Deshan.


A gunshot, a fish that escaped the net was killed on the spot.

Wuming continued to move forward, not at all surprised. Although his superpowers were suppressed, his monitoring ability was still there. With the help of the rescue ball, the area within a radius of one kilometer was under his monitoring, and no monster could escape his sight.

"The people behind are happy. I have cleaned up the island. They will be safe as long as they find gold coins next time they land on the island." Wuming shot another monster with one shot, watched the monster fall, and said with emotion.

There was no danger along the way. When he climbed to the highest point of the island, there were indeed seven gold coins on top.

These gold coins cannot be observed by his telekinesis. Even if his telekinesis extends to scan, there is nothing. Only when he comes to the front of the gold coins can he observe the existence of the gold coins.

He went forward and picked up a gold coin, and sure enough

he could not touch other gold coins.

This time, the ability he got randomly was flying.

The ability of flying is very interesting.

Although Wuming has various means of flying, he can fly with telekinesis, anti-gravity, and biological force field, and he can even grow wings to fly.

But these so-called flights are not real flying, but just some kind of force to take him off the ground.

The ability of flying is different. It really makes you fly, just like a fish swimming in the water, a person running on the ground, and a bird flying in the sky, giving people the real ability to fly.

Wuming's body flew up lightly, turned around and quickly returned to the boat. The next moment, the gold coin began to heat up. He immediately pinched the new gold coin and chose an ability to inject into it.

This time, he chose the biological force field.

His bio-force field is not as weak as the previous level. In fact, his bio-force field is terrifyingly strong.

In an instant, the bio-force field and telekinesis mixed together and radiated directly to the whole world. He flew up with the sailboat and headed for the next forbidden island.

"Brother Zhuge, he...he flew away?" Thousands of meters behind Wuming, Luo Cheng's boat came over. Seeing Wuming flying away with the boat, Luo Cheng's eyes widened and said in surprise.

Although their boat also has a flying function, because they are not sure about the safety in the air, neither of them chose to fly.

But the problem is not flying, but that Wuming's flying boat is an ordinary sailboat!

"Don't worry about it, we are also going to land on the island!" Zhuge Feiyu said lightly as he watched Wuming's boat disappear in the air.

They haven't landed on any forbidden island yet. They have seen the wind and waves caused by the giant rat just now. This island is likely to be a forbidden island.

"Well, I know!" Luo Cheng nodded and immediately took out the prepared equipment and put it on.

Zhuge Feiyu did the same. When the boat approached the island, they jumped onto the shore. Zhuge Feiyu said calmly, "Don't leave in a hurry. Find his footprints on the island. It's safer for us to follow the path he took."

"Okay, got it!" Luo Cheng nodded in response.

Then the two spent some time to find Wuming's footprints, and then they followed Wuming's footprints.


On the forbidden island, a man with a broken arm was sweating all over. He picked up a gold coin tremblingly, and the next moment his eyes burst into surprise and he couldn't help laughing.

Behind him, a dense crowd of monsters rushed over, but suddenly a brilliant flame burst out from behind him, and all the monsters were instantly engulfed by the flames.

On another forbidden island, a young woman was swiftly shuttling through the woods on an anti-gravity skateboard. Some monsters pounced on her, but she easily twisted her waist to avoid them.

When she reached the top of the mountain, she immediately grabbed one of the gold coins with one hand, and the countless monsters chasing behind her roared, waiting for her to fall again.

She turned around, made a sword seal with her hand, and said with a smile: "All evil deeds will be swept away with the sword!"

The next moment, countless swords behind her spread out like a peacock spreading its tail, and then dense swords fell from the sky, and all monsters were chopped into minced meat in an instant.

There are winners, and naturally there are losers.

A trialist in armor had just landed on the shore of the forbidden island when dense tentacles immediately emerged from under the beach, wrapped around his body and pulled him directly into the ground, leaving only roars and screams coming from under the beach.

After a moment, everything was quiet, with only the trialist's warship parked on the sea, swaying with the waves, proving that the trialist had been there.

"Another competitor is missing."

After Wuming mixed the bio-force field with telekinesis, his detection ability was greatly improved, and he naturally monitored the dead trialist.

To be honest, he actually rescued people, but when the bio-force field and telekinesis grabbed each other, the bio-force field came into contact with the other party's bio-force field.

If the trialist also had various extraordinary abilities, Wuming's bio-force field would be blocked 100%, but the problem was that the ability he randomly got at that time was a bit lousy, and it was not enough to detect the invasion of Wuming's bio-force field, so Wuming was exposed to the dark heart of the trialist in an instant.

This is a guy who kills people without hesitation, and he will continue to do evil if he has the chance.

If Wuming saves him now and lets him leave alive, it would be irresponsible to those kind people, and Wuming will be guilty of his evil deeds.

So, Wuming simply gave up the rescue and watched the other party die cleanly before he felt relieved.

If this trial participant was not dead, he would not mind giving him another blow.

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