The third forbidden island.

The nameless sailboat fell from the sky, carrying terrifying telekinesis and mixed with biological force fields, violently bombarding the sea.


As the sailboat fell, the sea suddenly sank, forming a huge wave thousands of meters high.

Because once he lands on the Forbidden Island, his own abilities will be weakened. Wuming feels that it is very troublesome, so this time he will clean the Forbidden Island first. By the time he sets foot on the Forbidden Island, it is estimated that there will be very few monsters left on the Forbidden Island. .

Big waves hit the Forbidden Island, and everything on the Forbidden Island was suddenly washed away by the sea water. Trees, rocks, and creatures were all carried away with the sea water.

It took about two hours before the big waves finished scouring the Forbidden Island.

Wuming stood on the boat and looked at the bare Forbidden Island, then took out a tranquilizer gun and shot it at the Forbidden Island.

At this level, he had already decided on a strategy for action from the beginning, which was to be steady. Even though he now had considerable strength, he could not 100% guarantee that he would not die at this level.

Therefore, the more he feels that there is no danger, the more cautious he will be.

After a while, blue lines began to appear on the dark land of the Forbidden Island. Wuming turned around and sat on a chair, took out a can of green tea from the Nameless Sea, and watched the Forbidden Island slowly change while drinking it.

After waiting for about an hour, the entire island finally turned blue. He slowly landed on the forbidden island and found the third gold coin without any danger.

Next, the fourth gold coin, the fifth gold coin, and the sixth gold coin were all the same. Without any trouble, Wuming had almost collected seven gold coins.

Although his strength is far from what it was in his heyday, he has six abilities and can walk sideways in this world, so he headed directly towards the seventh forbidden island.

The seventh forbidden island is always moving, and is the fastest moving island among all the forbidden islands.

However, the island was too huge after all, and it was moving on the sea. The resistance was much greater than that of Wuming's sailboat moving in the air, so it took Wuming a few days to catch up with the seventh forbidden island.

This forbidden island is not a real island, but a Skull Island made of countless skeletons.

There are countless Jingguan around the island, and skulls are stacked together to form small triangular corners.

Wuming sighed slightly when he saw this scene. Although he had foreseen this scene, he still felt extremely shocked and sad when he saw it with his own eyes.

Nearly 90% of humanity is already on this island, and there are too few survivors on this planet.

Although humans were responsible for all this, he did not think that all people on this planet deserved to die. After all, it was only a small number of people who did wrong things. In his eyes, venting anger on innocent people was not something that could be forgiven.

Coras Cell must die, and he will give the other party an extremely unpleasant death.

In most cases, Wuming's position is always on the side of humans. Unless humans have an absolute advantage and do something extremely excessive, he will not deviate from his position.

In an instant, the sailboat fell from the sky, and dense dark clouds suddenly formed in the sky. Then a terrifying thunderstorm fell from the sky, directly bombarding the Seventh Forbidden Island.

On the huge skull of the Seventh Forbidden Island, a little boy with pale skin looked up at the thunder and lightning falling, and a black mist blocked his head.



The friction between lightning and black mist made a harsh sound, plasma sputtered everywhere, and dense black spots appeared on the surrounding bones.

The little boy immediately looked towards the position of the sailboat. His eyes were completely dark instead of white.

The sea suddenly formed a dense mass of hands grabbing at the sailboat, but they were all blocked by an invisible force of thought.

"Sure enough, the main consciousness of Coras Cell is on this island."

Wuming was not surprised by this. Instead, Feng Qingyun smiled calmly, raised his hand and slapped the air like a golf ball. The sea suddenly exploded, and with a terrifying sound, countless raindrops shot out like bullets. Toward the island.

The next moment, a large amount of seawater also surged up on the other side of the island to form a shield and collided with the water droplets shot by Wuming.

The little boy on the island let out a roar of unknown meaning. The next moment, the seawater quickly enveloped Skull Island, and then Skull Island immediately rose slowly, forming a huge black skeleton giant.

"It's really strong."

Wuming was not surprised by the power of Coras cells.

Nowadays, Coras cells have spread all over the world. If it were not limited by their own weak consciousness, Coras cells could easily control the entire planet.

Whether it is sea water, air, or dark clouds, wherever Coras cells exist, the consciousness of Coras cells can easily control it.

Fighting it is really like fighting the entire planet.

At this time, the huge black skeleton raised his hand and slapped the sail directly

Boat, Wuming controlled the sailboat to teleport dozens of meters away, just outside the attack range.

"I feel your anger, and I also feel your wish. I understand your pain and dissatisfaction with mankind, but if you anger everyone and harm those innocent lives, then you deserve death!"

Wuming slowly walked to the bow of the ship and looked up at the towering black skull.

He jumped up and turned into a huge black giant in the air. Then he pressed the black skull into the sea with a slap, and then squeezed it hard.


The sea exploded, forming a huge vacuum area. In the vacuum area, only the nameless huge palm and the skull held in the hand were left.

The black skull had been squeezed into a ball by him, and even many places were emitting colorful light, which was like squeezing carbon into diamonds.

Wuming exerted force again the next moment, and the skull that had been squeezed into a ball was compressed again.

At the same time, his power affected the outside world, and the sea retreated countless kilometers directly, forming a terrifying tsunami that forced the continent.

Some trialists who were heading towards the forbidden island faced the sudden big waves, and they shouted to turn around, and froze themselves into ice cubes. Some people rode flying swords to quickly increase the distance, watching the big waves destroy their warships, their faces were full of doubts.

Wuming returned to his original size at this time, and gently landed on the seventh forbidden island that had been pressed very hard.

"I know you are not dead, but it doesn't matter, I will send you a way." Wuming said with a smile, and he didn't know who he was talking to.

He bent down to pick up the gold coins on the surface of the seventh forbidden island, and then returned to his ship.

In this way, there was only one task left for this level, which was to travel around the world.

He sat on his chair, and his hand seemed to hold something. He pulled it upwards, and the compacted Seventh Forbidden Island immediately flew into space, flying towards Europa at a very fast speed.


Wuming suddenly thought of something, and quickly stood up and pulled it hard, and the Forbidden Island fell from the sky again.

He almost forgot that there were other contestants in this level, and those people had to land on the Forbidden Island to get gold coins. If he really sent the island to space, the result would be that the rest of the people would not be able to complete the task.

After putting the Forbidden Island back to its original position, he controlled the sailboat to leave. As for whether the next trialist could find the island, it was none of his business.

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