I Contracted Myself

【365】Eye of Ignorance

Golden Road.

The trialists gathered together in twos and threes, talking quietly.

Wuming walked out of the golden door, and all the testers immediately looked at him. Wuming didn't care, walked to the corner, took out a chair, sat down, and closed his eyes to rest.

The most dangerous part of the seventh level is the first forbidden island. As long as the first forbidden island does not overturn, the probability of death will be greatly reduced.

Theoretically, as long as three testers die, the remaining seven testers will definitely be able to pass. But the reality will definitely not be as precise as the mathematical calculation. If there is no Wuming, the probability of passing this level can be half.

Because the new Coras cells reversely erode the blackened Coras cells, most Forbidden Islands are basically not in danger in the later stages. As long as you can find the Forbidden Islands, you will definitely get gold coins.

It can be said that the difficulty was directly reduced by Wuming.

Outside, the Oracle Network is still very lively.

The main reason is that practitioners do not need to sleep. Some practitioners who like to eat melons can even eat melons once in a thousand years to watch the excitement.

Security picture: "I don't know what level the eighth level will be. I hope it will be simpler. There are not many people trying it."

Leader of the Five Sacred Mountains: "Brother, you are new here, don't think about it. Generally speaking, each level of the Shenzang Trial is more difficult than the last, and the eighth level must be a fighting level starting from the beginning. Simply put, it is the rest. The trialists will definitely start fighting each other and killing each other."

Life Manager: "Brother, I just entered the Shenzang Space. I have a question. How do I sign up for this kind of competition? How many levels are there in total?"

Leader of the Five Sacred Mountains: "New here? Welcome. The Shenzang space is an absolutely fair place. As long as you have the strength, you can get everything. As for how many levels there are in the Shenzang trial, to be honest, everyone here doesn't know. Because as long as the trialist is willing to continue to challenge, the levels seem to be infinite.”

Life Administrator: "Then how to quit? Don't they want to quit?"

Sima Rui: "When the ninth level is over, you will have the opportunity to quit after entering the tenth level. Of course, you can keep playing if you don't want to quit."

At this time, colorful candies fell from the sky on the Golden Road.

All the testers present were stunned. They did not expect that the reward this time would be

It's candy.

Luo Cheng subconsciously picked up a candy. After peeling off the wrapper, he put an orange candy into his mouth and said in surprise: "It's so sweet, but the reward for this level is too shabby."

"It seems that there is no difference between all the candies. It seems that you can only get lucky." Zhuge Feiyu said.

Then he also picked up a candy, peeled off the wrapper and ate it. As expected, it was nothing special except that it was sweet.

At this time, other people also picked up a piece of candy casually, peeled off the candy wrapper and put it in their mouths. Only a few testers did not give up and observed.

Wuming opened his eyes and found that one of the candies falling from the sky happened to fall on his lap. Seeing that the candies around him seemed to be the same, he simply picked up the candy and peeled off the wrapper and ate it.

"The reward for this level is not as simple as a piece of candy, right?" The testers waited for a while, and one of them got angry and couldn't help but curse.

Zhuge Feiyu smiled lightly and said, "Maybe it's because our performance was so poor that that adult was dissatisfied."


The originally extremely irritable tester suddenly became quiet.

The resource tower in the Divine Treasure Space and the Divine Treasure Trial are both gifts from the Transcendent One. Only those who are willing to give it to them are eligible to take it. If others do not want to give it to them, they should just wait obediently.

If you don't know what is good for you, death may not be the worst outcome.

Wuming held the candy wrapper and found three words written on the side of the candy wrapper: the highest prize.

These three words did not exist originally. After he finished eating the candy, these three words gradually appeared.

"Hey, there are words on my candy wrapper, consolation prize?" A tester also found words on the candy wrapper at this time and immediately exclaimed.

Later, some testers found themselves on their candy wrappers, and some testers hadn't finished eating the candy yet, so they didn't notice any words on the candy wrappers.

The worst thing is the extremely irritable tester. When he was cursing, he crushed the candy wrapper into a ball and threw it on the ground. Now he can only kneel on the ground and slowly look for a candy wrapper among the candies on the floor. It is definitely not the one. An easy task.

"The highest prize, I don't know what it is."

Wuming held the candy wrapper in his hand and looked at Xu Qinqin subconsciously. Xu Qinqin immediately turned her head away from Wuming.

She was also guessing how good Wuming's reward would be. After all, Wuming's luck seemed to be even more terrifying. Wuming didn't know what he had done in the previous level, and his luck seemed to have doubled again. It was terrible.

Must stay away from namelessness.

Otherwise, once she encounters danger, she will definitely become an unknown scapegoat.

At this time, someone discovered that putting candy wrappers into the storage space would naturally be replaced by rewards, so everyone put the candy wrappers into the storage space and started to check their rewards.

The same goes for Wuming.

When he put the candy wrapper into the storage space, the candy wrapper did not appear in the storage space, but a pair of eyeballs appeared.

"You don't want me to change the eyes, do you? This is not Hokage." Wuming frowned, and finally took out the eyeballs honestly.

In an instant, he knew how powerful these eyes were.

These two eyeballs are not real eyes, but two artificial eyes, named [Eye of Ignorance].

It does not provide Wuming with stronger vision, but it has a very terrifying life-saving ability. Simply put, after Wuming integrates the Eye of Ignorance into his own eyes, any attack he does not see does not count!

This is equivalent to being immune to all sneak attacks!

He can even close his eyes and use the bio-force field and telekinesis to explore everything around him, so that he is "invincible"!

At least he can be directly immune to most attacks.

"Too strong, good stuff!"

Wuming immediately pinched an artificial eye and integrated it into his own eye, and then integrated another one into his eye.

Originally, his pupils were black, but after integrating the artificial eye, his pupils turned super black, as if any light would be swallowed by his eyes.

He closed his eyes, took out a dagger and stabbed himself in the abdomen, and he really didn't feel anything.

When he opened his eyes, there was no wound in his abdomen, and even the knife inserted in his abdomen disappeared, leaving only the part that he didn't stab in his hand.

"What a powerful ability."

Wuming had to admit that this ability was really unsolvable.

But then he realized a problem. His fighting habits had already been formed. If he wanted to unleash the power of this ability, he still had to train hard.

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