I Contracted Myself


When he first learned boxing at the Beast King Boxing Gym, Zhou Jielin, who was also a student, taught him a lot about fighting.

For example, don't keep staring at one point of your opponent, but look at the opponent's overall picture. Don't subconsciously close your eyes when facing an attack, but force yourself to open your eyes to observe the enemy's attack direction.

These things are very basic knowledge.

Wuming really couldn't do it at first, but over the years, he gradually learned it and now it has become instinctive.

When he fights, he will definitely not close his eyes subconsciously when the enemy attacks, but instinctively stare at the opponent.

The problem is that this habit has become instinctive, because ignoring the eyes has become a burden. Now when facing the enemy's attack, he really has to close his eyes to be immune to all damage.

Where is the best place to practice Qigong?

Wuming smiled, took out a long sword and swallowed it one by one. The next moment his consciousness entered the consciousness space of eternal martial arts.

A strong man holding a machete immediately walked out. Wuming held a sword in his hand. After taking a deep breath, he began to fight the strong man.

Death, death, death!

He keeps dying and honing his instincts.

In fact, he didn't want to re-train his instinct to close his eyes when attacked, but to train his eyes to open and close them to a state where he could switch freely.

And it has to be fast!

If possible, he would like to put dumbbells on his eyelids to exercise the muscles of his eyelids and increase the speed of opening and closing them.

After countless deaths, Wuming finally mastered the magical skill of blinking. He can freely control his eyes to open when they should be opened and close when they should be closed.

So he began to concentrate on practicing swordsmanship with various opponents. Without any distractions, his swordsmanship became more and more superb.

Of course, there is actually some credit for practicing daggers in the past. After all, he knows everything. Many moves that can be used with daggers can also be used with swords.

Even Wuming can perfectly combine the two techniques seamlessly.

But even so, it took him thousands of years to hone his swordsmanship to a superb level.

"If I eat weapons from now on, I will be a fool."

Coming out of the conscious space, Wuming covered his face with his hands tiredly, thinking to himself.

I'm really tired.

This kind of tiredness is not physical tiredness, but mental tiredness.

Although he had experienced it once before, he practiced the dagger to a level that even a practitioner could hardly imagine.

But because he spent a lot of time in the seventh level, his scars healed and he forgot about the pain.

Now he has recalled the original pain, but it is too late.


Suddenly, all the testers on the Golden Road disappeared at the same time.

Wuming opened his eyes and found himself standing on a desolate planet. The planet was about the same size as the moon. He could see the dark universe when he looked up.

The strength has not been weakened?


Wuming felt it and found that he was actually in peak condition. The previous two consecutive levels had reduced his strength. He thought that this level would also be reduced.

But then he realized one thing. The fact that his strength was not weakened actually meant that the enemies in this level were more difficult to deal with, and the danger was more terrifying than in the previous level.

After waiting for a while, the light slowly appeared in front of his eyes: the eighth level, a duel to death!

Singled out?

Wuming frowned, and the next moment he sensed a terrifying aura erupting from countless light-years away.

"One on one?"

"In other words, I pass the level by killing another enemy?"

"It's really simple and crude, but... I like it!"

In an instant, several thoughts flashed through Wuming's mind, and then he smiled and also burst out with an astonishing aura, while fighting spirit quickly filled his body.

There's not much to say about this level.

Now that we have entered the Shenzang Trial, I believe that the other party has also been prepared. We are fighting one on one in a fair environment, and no one will be far away from resenting the other party even if they die.

Although no one has any grievances, this is the rule of the Shenzang Trial!

Wuming exerted force under his feet, and his whole body instantly turned into a black stream of light and flew towards the direction of the distant aura. A bright golden light also burst out from the other side, and a kobold whose skin was dyed golden by energy also moved very quickly. Flying towards the unknown at speed.

Half an hour later, the two collided next to a star. Their fists clashed with each other. The surrounding space suddenly vibrated like waves, and countless tiny meteorites turned into powder.

Both of them saw the fighting spirit in each other's eyes, and smiled in unison.

Obviously, neither of them wanted the opponent they encountered in this level to be a long-winded mother-in-law. Since it was a one-on-one duel, it would be better to have a clean and neat collision.


Wuming let out a low roar, stepped back sharply, then raised his leg and swept it, a black streak

The sword energy immediately cuts towards the golden kobold.


The golden kobold also roared up to the sky, his body immediately became larger and stronger, and then he grabbed the sword energy swept out by Wuming with both hands and squeezed it, crushing the sword energy!

Seeing this scene, Wuming was sure that the golden kobold's power should have been improved to balance his own strength.

He had seen the level of the golden kobold. Although it was not low, it was still more than ten levels behind him.

If the golden kobold's strength is not improved, he can blow the golden kobold's head off with one punch. Now that the golden kobold can compete with him, it must be that this level has balanced their strength.

But it's okay this way.

Everyone has the same strength, so the competition is about who has more comprehensive abilities, who has more exquisite skills, and who has a stronger fighting consciousness.

Wuming's strength has skyrocketed since he entered the Shenzang Trial. Although he has tried his best in the battle with the clock cat, it was an unequal battle.

He has long wanted to find a suitable opponent and have a good fight.

Now the opportunity has finally come.

At this time, he suddenly approached the golden dog-headed man, and his fist turned into black light and blasted at the golden dog-headed man. The golden dog-headed man was not to be outdone, and his fist turned into golden light and blasted against Wuming's fist.

Every time the two collided, the space would vibrate, and all matter would be turned into dust wherever they passed.

As they fought, the two fell into the star, from the surface of the star to the center of the star. Wuming grabbed one of the black cores and smashed it at the golden dog-headed man. The golden dog-headed man smashed the black core of the sun with one punch, and opened his mouth to emit a terrifying sound wave.

Wuming put his hands in front of his chest, and the whole person was immediately blown away by the sound wave, and instantly flew into the sun, like a stream of light smashing through countless planets before stopping.

The sun in the distance exploded, and in the firelight, the golden dog-headed man flew quickly like a golden meteor, and punched Wuming's head directly.

Wuming could have closed his eyes and been immune to all damage.

But he didn't do that, instead he stiffened his neck and gritted his teeth, and directly hit the golden dog-headed man's fist with his forehead.


The space shook again, and the golden dog-headed man didn't expect that his fist would lose to Wuming's head. The whole person was blown away by the huge force, spinning wildly in space, and finally crashed into a planet that was mostly smashed by Wuming.


The half-broken planet was completely shattered by the impact of the golden dog-headed man, and countless stones were scattered in all directions.

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