I Contracted Myself

【368】The fatal sword technique

Happy, happy, happy! ! !

Wuming appeared in front of the golden kobold with a smile. Before the golden kobold could react, he punched him in the nose, and then dense fists fell, which shook the golden kobold's whole body.


The golden kobold roared after the severe pain, his body gradually expanded, and his head gradually changed from dog shape to wolf shape.

Then he withstood Wuming's attack and punched Wuming in the chest. Wuming immediately counterattacked and punched it on the chin. Both sides retreated at the same time, and in the blink of an eye they were hundreds of meters apart.

"The warm-up is over."

The golden kobold touched his chin and then spoke.

The hair on his back exploded like a hedgehog, gradually becoming extremely hard. At the same time, a golden fighting spirit surged out of his body, covering his whole body like a flame.

In Wuming's eyes, the golden kobold at this moment looked like the Super Saiyan 3 in "Dragon Ball", except that the head was a wolf-headed version.


Black seawater surged out of Wuming's hand, and in a blink of an eye, the seawater formed a dagger. He held the dagger and smiled at the golden kobold.

The next second, the two sides collided instantly. The golden kobold condensed his fighting spirit into a big sword, which happened to collide with the nameless dagger.

Then the two sides retreated at the first touch. The golden kobold pulled away and then brandished a golden sword and slashed at Wuming's waist. Wuming did not retreat but moved forward. As he approached the golden kobold, his body tilted and moved upward.

When fighting in space, there are no obstacles in front, back, up, down, left, or right, and the fighting method is completely different from that on the ground.

Wuming finally stepped on the golden kobold's sword, and stabbed the golden kobold's throat with the dagger, but the golden kobold's eyes narrowed, and he roared the next moment.

Golden ripples exploded from his mouth, and Wuming was the first to bear the brunt and was instantly blown away.

"It's much more powerful!"

Wuming opened his eyes, glanced at the hand holding the dagger, and thought to himself.

The golden kobold had also used this move before, but it only blew him away without breaking his defense. This time he was broken.

He now has a lot of states, especially the prayer of love provided by Su Jingyao, which makes him not only have amazing defense but also extremely strong combat power after entering the fighting state.


Just relying on his physical strength, he can completely defeat countless practitioners of the same level.

The golden kobold's roar can break through defenses, which is definitely not easy.

At this time, the golden kobold flew over again, holding a golden sword and stabbed Wuming in the chest. Wuming immediately changed the dagger into a long sword, and the sword tips collided with each other.

Next, the two sides fought quickly, and the golden sword and the black rapier collided crazily in space.

The golden kobold holds the sword with both hands, while Wuming holds the sword with one hand. Therefore, in terms of strength, Wuming is actually weaker than the golden kobold, but in terms of skill, he completely beats the golden kobold.

After exchanging thousands of moves, Wuming seized an opportunity and instantly avoided the golden kobold's slash. The long sword left a bloody mark on the golden kobold's neck.

The golden kobold touched his neck and looked at Wuming in disbelief.

"My sword isn't bad, isn't it?"

Wuming waved his hand gently, and the sword immediately turned into sea water and merged into his body.

Perhaps due to the influence of the dagger, he prefers to kill with one blow with his sword. Countless sword moves are constantly foreshadowing, all for the purpose of exposing the enemy's flaws at the last moment.

The more tricks he uses to fight the enemy, the more obvious the enemy's flaws will appear under his foreshadowing.

In the end, his sword will hit the target's vital point 100% of the time. This is a sure-fire blow after countless preparations.

This process is like playing chess, using your own sword moves to influence the target's moves, gradually paving a path among countless sword moves that the enemy cannot guard against. Just follow that path and stab lightly, and the enemy will be dead.

"very nice!"

The golden kobold took a deep breath, then nodded.

His throat was slit by Wuming, and even his nerves were severed by Wuming's sword energy. A normal person would have been divided between life and death under this sword.

However, his strength was forcibly enhanced because of this level, and this strength was comprehensive, so the injury healed the moment before he spoke.

His body itself is far less powerful than Wuming. It is precisely because the power of the checkpoint has raised him to a level where he can face Wuming head-on that he can face Wuming head-on.

At the same time, many of his abilities have also been strengthened, such as his healing ability.

The Wuming sword was not a pure physical attack, but also the erosion of the Wuming Sea. Even if the healing ability was extremely high,

A strong practitioner was injured by this sword, and it took a lot of effort to heal the wound.

But he can use his fighting spirit to compete with it and directly force the water out of the Nameless Sea, thereby accelerating the healing of the wound.

These are all improvements for him in this level, so as to achieve the result of a fair fight.

"Nice healing ability!"

At this time, Wuming also discovered that the wounds under the golden kobold's fur had healed, and smiled lightly.

Suddenly, the golden kobold opened his mouth, and a golden beam of light shot from his mouth towards Wuming. The attack was very sudden. As soon as Wuming finished speaking, he was hit by the beam in the face.

He had no choice but to close his eyes and still let the beam attack him.

The golden kobold didn't want to lose, nor did he want to die. Even though his strength had improved so much, he was still beaten by Wuming. He had realized that his fighting skills, fighting consciousness, and fighting will might all be completely crushed by Wuming.

Strength can be divided into hard strength and soft strength. This level only raises his hard strength to the level of Wuming, but his state of mind, will, and skills are still at the original level.

You must give up all distractions and enter the mad dog state!

The golden dog-headed man also comes from the earth, but that earth is more unique. Humans did not give birth to civilization. Instead, a deformed wolf obtained the gift of a mysterious existence after leaving the group. Not only did he gain a lot of knowledge, but his body also evolved into a half-werewolf state.

This lucky wolf returned to the tribe, became the king of the wolf pack, and bred the first half-werewolf.

Later, after thousands of years of long evolution, the half-werewolf gradually evolved into several races, including the strongest werewolf tribe, the snow wolf tribe that can control ice fighting spirit in the snow, and the hyena tribe that fights lions in Africa.

The golden dog-headed man comes from the weakest gray dog-headed man tribe.

He is an outlier among the grey dog-headed people. Because of his golden hair, he was discriminated by his tribe when he was a child, so he vowed in his heart to stand out and make his tribe look up to him, please him, and fear him.

However, apart from his golden fur, he is actually no different from other grey dog-headed people, and is often humiliated and rejected by his tribe, so he often looks for insects to eat in the wilderness alone.

Until one day, he was lucky enough to enter a different space and was qualified to enter the Shenzang space.

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