I Contracted Myself

【369】Unlucky dog

He was very lucky and did not encounter those evil preachers.

And under the guidance of kind-hearted people, he gradually integrated into the Shenzang space.

With the endless resources of the Resource Tower, he finally began to stand up. Not only did his strength undergo earth-shaking changes, but his body also soared from 1.3 meters to 2 meters, and he became the strongest greyhound in history.

He returned to his tribe, easily crushed the people who had oppressed him in the tribe, and became the leader of the tribe.

After decades of living in intoxication, he was no longer interested in anything in the clan, so he once again immersed himself in various practice sites in the Shenzang space, and became stronger and stronger.

This practice lasts for thousands of years.

He refused to accept it. Why could he not be able to defeat Wu Ming after thousands of years of hard training?

After venting a lot of fighting spirit from his mouth, he slowly closed his mouth and looked ahead seriously. Sure enough, when the light dispersed, Wuming was unscathed.

This enemy is too strong!

The golden kobold's eyes gradually turned red. He roared and rushed towards Wuming. He gave up his sword and simply used his extremely sharp claws.

To the outside world, Wuming has already gained many ‘fans’ in the first two levels.

The audience watched the golden kobold desperately charge towards Wuming, and they all gave encouragement.

When the fish turns into a dragon: "Come on, woof woof, you can do it!"

Live up to the mountain: "Gouchi, charge forward, let out a cry of defiance against fate!"

Phoenix: "This dog looks so pitiful, but he met the devil Zhang Shouzhong. Other opponents still have a glimmer of hope."

Chirp chirped again: "Is Zhang Shouzhong very strong? It feels like this year's trialists are too weak. So far they have only broken some planets. At their peak, they can't even explode the world. It's not promising. "

Anonymous kitten: "Ignorance, the level of the Shenzang trial is not like the resource tower. There are multiple spaces to cover the bottom. Even the great gods of the Zun Alliance are absolutely impossible to break the space of the Shenzang trial. Zhang Shouzhong's strength is based on my current His judgment is at least at the level of Tianzun. As for whether he has reached the level of a great god, it’s hard to say.”

Ivy: "Guess which level Zhang Shouzhong should belong to?"

Lotus Saint Son: "At least above two hundred levels, no higher than two hundred and fifty levels."

Many viewers speculated that everyone has their own

For their own reasons, they suddenly quarreled over which layer Wuming belonged to, and no one was convinced by the other.

The battle continues.

Wuming saw that the golden kobold was not using a weapon, so he simply put away his weapon. He avoided the golden kobold's claws, grabbed the golden kobold's wrist and swung it hard, and the golden kobold was immediately thrown away.


After the golden kobold crashed into several planets, he landed heavily on a meteorite. Dense cracks immediately appeared on the meteorite. His eyes turned completely red, and he raised his head and let out a wolf howl.

The originally golden fighting spirit suddenly gained a hint of red. This red fighting spirit was at the very tip of the fighting flame. The body of the golden kobold expanded again, and at the same time, the hair on his body became thicker and harder.

"Do you still have a trump card?"

Wuming felt a little hopeful when he saw this scene.

To be honest, apart from the fact that the golden kobold's strength is about the same as him, his skills are far behind him. He is like a child wielding a huge war hammer and cannot display the true strength of the war hammer at all.

In fact, this is also a problem that many practitioners need to face.

The same is true for Wuming. In fact, he was unable to exert his full strength before the sixth level. However, after the transformation of the sixth level, he gradually started to focus on the details and gradually mastered his power completely.

For example, in the seventh level, many practitioners are actually very uncomfortable with the feeling of changing strength. They were strong on the ship, but became weak after landing on the island, and their strength suddenly disappeared.

After they landed on the island, the biggest feeling was that their bodies were shackled.

But Wuming was different. He behaved very naturally whether on the boat or off the boat, and he did not feel any discomfort due to changes in strength.

This is the performance of a strong state of mind.

Wuming's current level is much higher than that of the Golden Kobold. Even if the Golden Kobold's power is the same as Wuming's, it will be difficult to compete with Wuming without a trump card.

Moreover, the golden kobold had already used a lot of his abilities, but Wuming didn't use any strength from beginning to end.

The golden kobolds have entered the state of mad dogs at this moment. This is the unique ability of their gray kobold family, and it is also the fundamental ability for them to have a place in the cruel nature.

After entering the mad dog state, the body size of the gray kobolds will be slightly smaller.

With a slight expansion, the blood circulation speed in the body will be greatly increased, and at the same time, their consciousness will become extremely pure, and they are completely born for fighting.

In the blink of an eye, the golden kobold appeared in front of Wuming, and punched Wuming on the chin, but Wuming closed his eyes just in time when he waved his fist.

The punch was ignored.

Then Wuming slapped his palm with his eyes closed. The golden kobold's chest was hit by this palm print, and his chest was directly sunk in, forming a palm print.

The golden kobold spurted out a mouthful of blood, but he held on without retreating. Instead, he furiously bombarded Wuming's head. His hands were so fast that they looked like a golden screen of light.

However, all the attacks were ignored by Wuming. He did not attack the golden dog-headed man madly, but slapped the golden dog-headed man's chest one after another.

The golden dog-headed man's chest was originally sunken, and now it was rotting around little by little. His internal organs had been smashed by Wuming, and it was not easy to be smashed by Wuming until the bones were slightly hard.

But Wuming slapped him again and again, and it was only a matter of time before his spine was broken.

Too desperate.

His own attacks were completely ineffective, and the enemy's attacks were fatal.

Even though the golden dog-headed man had entered the mad dog state, he realized that this would not work. When Wuming slapped him again, he retreated, vomiting blood while retreating, and spitting out the blood-stained and broken internal organs.

The pure consciousness greatly increased the golden dog-headed man's combat instinct.

He looked at Wuming's closed eyes and realized that Wuming's closing his eyes might be a condition for the use of some ability or props. Wuming had already used the prize in the Shenzang Trial.

The golden kobold was an unlucky guy. He used the rewards from the first and second levels in the third level. He finally made it through the third level, and then used the rewards from the third level in the fourth level.

He didn't use any props in the fifth level. He thought he could save two props, but the seventh level consumed all the props from the first two levels.

As for the sixth level, he was also among the trialists that Wuming had let go. His reward in that level was a potion that permanently enhanced his bloodline, and he drank it immediately after he got it.

So now he only has the reward from the seventh level to use.

Do you want to use that trump card?

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