I Contracted Myself

【370】one hour

The golden kobold was a little hesitant for a moment.

It's not that he was reluctant to give up the reward for the seventh level, it was mainly that the reward was a bit of a trap. After all, not everyone can be lucky enough to get the special prize. His reward was only a third prize.

The rewards for special level and third level can be said to be very different.

The nameless Eye of Ignorance has almost no drawbacks, and the effect of the ability is as powerful as a bug. At level three, the effect may still be powerful, but it will definitely not be as powerful as the Eye of Invisibility.

【Debt Future Instrument】

This is a prop similar to a pocket watch. Pressing the button above will randomly borrow your future self's power for one hour.

For example, if the randomness is doubled, the strength will be doubled; if the randomness is doubled, the strength will be doubled.

The higher the multiplier, the stronger the power gained.

However, this is not without cost. After an hour, the user will enter the debt repayment state and lose all his strength to repay the power borrowed in the previous battle.

For example, if you borrow twice the power, you will lose your power for one hour after the effect ends. If you borrow twice the power, you will lose your power for two hours after the effect ends, and so on.

The golden kobold was not sure whether he could be powerful enough to defeat Wuming. After all, he only had one hour. If Wuming could not be killed after one hour, he would definitely be the one who died.

Moreover, he was also worried that he had doubled too high. If he randomly received a 10,000-fold increase in power, then even if he killed Wuming, he would still be in a 'mortal' state for 10,000 hours.

After this level is over, there will definitely be no 10,000 hours of rest.

Not to mention ten thousand hours, not even one hour. He was not sure whether he could pass the next level if he lost his power.

To put it simply, if you don’t use props, you will die now. If you use props, you may die later, but you will die anyway.

The golden kobold took a deep breath, decisively took out the debt future instrument, and pressed the button with his thumb.

If he really had to die, he would choose to die in the future.

After all, after passing this level, he still has a chance to get another reward. What if that reward will be better?

As an African chief, he never gives up the slim hope and always looks forward to getting better next time.


The golden kobold watched the numbers on the debt future meter rolling crazily, feeling extremely nervous. However, when the numbers stopped, he just wanted to vent.

He randomly arrived at the smallest unit, doubled!

In fact, in his heart, twice or three times is the best. He doesn't believe that when his strength is far superior to Wuming, Wuming can still suppress him with his skills.

But the random power was doubled, and he really didn't have the confidence to defeat Wuming within an hour.

The problem is that the result is already like this, and he has no ability to change it.

In an instant, he felt a force born out of thin air in his body. His body immediately became stronger, and his five senses were also doubled.

He looked at Wuming again and found that Wuming was looking at him with a smile in the void, but behind that smile was a deep and vast sea.

"I'm not convinced!!!"

The golden kobold roared, and his golden fighting spirit burst out again, and his whole body crashed into Wuming like a flame.

His dissatisfaction was not with Wu Ming, but with fate. Why was he so unlucky that he risked a higher mortality rate in the next level by using props, but his chance was only doubled.

The two fought again, but the golden kobold who had doubled in strength became stronger. Wuming could hardly block his attack, but through the Eye of Indifference, Wuming could always be immune to all damage at the most dangerous moment.

Both of them just used the rewards from the previous level, but the results were completely different.

"Die, die, die!!"

The golden kobold punched harder than the last, causing the surrounding space to tremble like waves, and even formed larger space ripples, which continued to spread with the two people as the center. Even planets hundreds of light years away were affected by this. Affected by this force, dense cracks appeared on the surface.

"You're in a hurry!"

Wuming quickly caught the golden kobold's fist with both hands. Occasionally, some fists were not caught and landed on his face without causing any damage.

He felt the golden kobold's impatience, and then he spoke to remind him.

The more impatient the golden kobold is, the less able he is to exert his own strength. Although the golden kobold is still in a mad dog state and has an extremely pure fighting consciousness, impatience is like a flame, which always affects the golden kobold's fighting style.

"I only have one hour left, one hour

If I can't kill you within an hour, then I will be the one who dies! "The golden kobold stared at Wuming and said while taking action.

Wuming suddenly realized: "So it turns out that the power obtained by such a harsh method seems a bit weak."


The golden kobold's guard was suddenly broken by Wuming's light words.

This is the fact. If the golden kobold cannot kill Wuming within an hour, then he will lose all his power and will not need Wuming to hit him. Without his extraordinary power, he does not have the ability to survive in space. It can be said that he will definitely die. .

"Then I'll have a good fight with you!"

Wuming said with a smile. After speaking, he opened his eyes, and a huge fist immediately appeared in front of him.

One punch.

His face was immediately deformed by the beating, and he was also knocked away.

it hurts!

Wuming covered his face and rolled quickly in space. The golden dog-headed man immediately chased him, but as soon as he approached him, he was kicked in the abdomen by him, and the whole person flew backwards immediately.

"It's been a long time since I was hit in the face. Hiss... It hurts so much!" Wuming looked at the golden dog-headed man who was still hitting the planet in the distance and said to himself.

Then he mobilized the power in his body, and gradually his body was covered with a layer of biological force field. The biological force field of the nameless sea was instantly compressed to the surface of his body by him, only a thin layer.

It is difficult for ordinary people to compress their own biological force field.

This move seems to be light and easy, but it actually requires a very high spiritual realm.

The golden dog-headed man attacked again from a distance, and punched Wuming's door with a space ripple. Wuming raised his hand and punched out as well. The space around both sides suddenly vibrated wildly. The frequency of the vibration has reached an extremely terrifying level. In the ripples, both sides passed through each other, one appeared in a star thousands of light years away, and the other appeared next to a black hole.

The space was folded.

Wuming punched into the void, and the surrounding space shook violently, forming a huge vortex in an instant, even the black hole was instantly shattered.

He stepped into the vortex and appeared on the other side of the golden dog-headed man in the blink of an eye.

The golden dog-headed man immediately turned around and punched Wuming, but Wuming caught it with his palm. Then both sides punched wildly again, but consciously maintained the balance of space, so as not to let the shaking space affect their fight.

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