I Contracted Myself

【371】Who do you want to die the most?

The time was decreasing little by little, and the battle between the two became more and more violent.

At the beginning, the two had some concerns, mainly because the golden kobold only had one hour. If the two collapsed the space again and were teleported to different locations far and wide, the battle would have to be interrupted.

The golden kobold didn't want to waste time, and Wuming didn't want the golden kobold to die with regrets.

But in the later stages of the fight, every punch of the Golden Kobold will cause the entire world to tremble, and every punch of Wuming will also cause space ripples to spread to the entire universe.

The entire world was turned upside down by the two men. They fought from one end of the universe to the other end of the universe. Ripples in space spread out wherever they passed, and countless planets were turned into powder.

This is not the end, but a new beginning.

Countless pieces of broken planet dust gradually gathered towards one location under the terrifying power of Wuming and the Golden Kobold.

There are ten minutes left!

The fighting spirit in the golden kobold's body completely turned red, and he began to burn his own blood and foundation. He threw everything into the battle and no longer left a way out for himself.

In fact, at this moment, he had already lost. He knew that Wuming had even prepared a cemetery for him.

But he refused!

The golden kobold roared and punched, and Wuming punched out as well. The fists collided with each other, and Wuming immediately flew backwards.

Under the silent vibration, the space split open.

However, the other end of the fragmented space is not outside the universe, but still within the universe.

Wuming seemed to have passed through broken glass and entered another dimension. Then he crashed through layers of space, his body spinning crazily and hitting a planet.


The planet was smashed through on the spot, and Wuming immediately controlled himself to stop.

As soon as he stood firm, he saw the space in front of him explode. The golden kobold roared and chased after him, punching him in the head.

"Well done!"

Wuming immediately roared and punched out as well.

Fist and fist collided again, and the two crossed each other at the same time, but soon appeared from the other end of the space crack, and their fists collided together again.

This scene is extremely weird, as if two people are walking through the mirror at the same time.

Neither of them

He shuttled back and forth in the broken space, constantly fighting fist after fist after fist after fist. The golden kobold's body became thinner and thinner, and all his energy and blood were burned away. Finally, he began to burn his soul, just to suppress Wuming. .

He did this to suppress Wuming. Wuming was repelled by him every time, but then Wuming would appear in another position unscathed and attack him again.

Can't win.

The golden kobold knew the outcome, but he could only do everything he could to pursue the illusory victory.

The two of them fell into a black hole while fighting. The golden kobold grabbed Wuming's hand and punched Wuming's abdomen crazily. Wuming had one hand caught, and another hand was free, and he continued to hit Wuming. bombarded the golden kobold's head.

The golden kobold gritted his teeth and endured Wuming's attack, insisting on delivering the last punch.

In a trance, he seemed to be back when he was a child. He had seven brothers and sisters. They were nestling in his mother's arms and sucking milk. His mother's arms were warm. He licked his paws comfortably and curled up between his brothers and sisters. , peaceful, tranquil, without sorrow or fear.


The golden kobold opened his mouth, and his eyes suddenly became clear. He found that the nameless fist stopped in front of him and stopped attacking.

"This battle is very fun!" Wuming slowly retracted his hand and smiled at the golden kobold.

The golden kobold realized that his time was coming, and he suddenly felt a mixture of sadness and joy. He made a gesture of gratitude with his hands, and said as if he was relieved: "I am also very happy, and I wish you the best. I hope you can pass the test. "

The next second after he finished speaking, it was time to borrow the Futuroscope.

Wuming watched the golden kobold being torn apart by the black hole in an instant. He closed his eyes and mourned for the golden kobold.

He turned around and left the black hole, and the Golden Gate appeared out of thin air not far away. He looked back at the planet powder that was slowly floating around him, and then stepped into the Golden Gate.

The eighth level is over.

Wuming returned to the Golden Road and found that this time he was the first to come out of the trial.

He sat in the corner, closed his eyes and recalled the battle just now. In fact, he did use all his strength in that battle, but he did not use all his strength.

He used all his strength, that's because he really mobilized all the power of the Nameless Sea.

And not

If he uses his full strength, that's because he has many abilities that he doesn't use.

It's like playing an online game, only leveling A without skills. Although he used some abilities a little, most of them were useless. Once used, his combat power could increase several times.

"Hahahaha, I am first..."

Suddenly, a lion man stepped out of the Golden Gate and smiled immediately when he saw the empty golden road.

But the laughter stopped abruptly as soon as it started. When the lion man saw Wuming, his face suddenly turned foul, he snorted in displeasure, and stood in a place waiting for the reward to be distributed.

Next, the testers came out one after another.

After waiting for about five minutes, everyone gathered and the Golden Gate gradually became dim.

Everyone looked at each other, and there was a bit of silence at this moment, because there were only eight testers left.

Wuming took in the other seven people. The others were not as casual as the previous level, because after passing the ninth level, they could leave the trial of Shenzang.

Only one level left to be freed.

The other seven people present were undoubtedly competitors and the biggest enemies.

At this time, a huge light screen appeared in front of everyone, and everyone's head portrait appeared on the light screen, and a line of words appeared above the head portrait: Who do you most want to die?

Wuming's face was slightly solemn, and he found that everyone's name was exposed. Under his head portrait was Wuming, and under Xu Qinqin's head portrait was Yeqin.

The eight surviving trialists were named: Wuming, Yeqin, Lion Man Kuangshi, Olivia, Zhuge Feiyu, Tiansuanzi, Adrian, and Gloria.

Everyone looked at each other, and finally looked at Wuming one by one.

The lion man, Kuangshi, sneered, "Do I need to ask how to choose? I vote for him to die!"

Next, before the voting countdown ended, everyone voted silently. Wuming voted for Kuangshi very straightforwardly, although he knew it would not have much effect, and he would definitely be the one who got the most votes.

After a while, the result came out.

Wuming had four votes, one for Kuangshi, one for Zhuge Feiyu, one for Olivia, and one for Adrian.

"Only four votes? But it's enough, you're dead."

After reading the result, Kuangshi looked at Wuming with a sneer and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

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