I Contracted Myself

【372】Instant Kill

At this time, Zhuge Feiyu poured cold water and said: "Don't be too happy too early. We don't know the significance of this vote yet."

He did not cast an unknown vote, but chose Ovelia. The main reason is that this vote may not be able to kill people. What if it is the target they want to kill in the next level?

To be honest, Wuming's strength is not easy to kill.

Apparently there were two other people who thought of this too, except one asshole picked him and one picked Adrian as the target.

Next, the golden bricks on the ground shook slightly, and several pillars rose from below, with a gold box placed on the pillars.

This pillar appeared in front of everyone, and it was obvious that the rewards had been distributed this time.

Wuming picked up the box and opened it. There was a white bead inside. He was stunned when he picked up the bead because the name of the bead was actually called 'Infinite Light Orb'.

This bead contains endless source of light, and anyone who refines it will have extremely terrifying power of light.

"It's not for me to use against the Lord of Darkness, right?"

Wuming pinched the beads and couldn't help but guess in his mind that the main reason was that this thing was so professional and relevant.

He opened his mouth and swallowed the beads. The next moment, the white ocean in the Nameless Sea suddenly burst into light. At the same time, Lin Renmei's strength, which merged with Yanghe, surged rapidly. She immediately guessed that Wuming had done something and quickly closed her eyes. Close your eyes and guard your mind tightly, lest your mind be overwhelmed by too strong a force.

It sounds slow, but actually everything is done in an instant.

Wuming opened his eyes, and there was light in his eyes again.

Originally, his eyes were fused with the Eye of Ignorance, so his pupils had no light, but after swallowing the Orb of Infinite Light, his eyes had light, but this light did not come from the reflection of light from the outside world, but from himself. .

After luck, he has gained another power with unlimited attributes. He can use this power unscrupulously. How powerful he can exert depends on how big his own 'water outlet' is.

If the Orb of Infinite Light is a large reservoir, then Wuming is a faucet, and its outlet can release as much water as it needs.

If the overloaded water is released without knowing the restraint, it may cause the faucet to collapse and cause death.

Not long after receiving the reward, eight people were teleported away at the same time, and everyone had done their best.

In preparation for the final battle, no matter what the next level is, they vow to pass it.

In the endless desert, the sun hangs high in the sky, emitting enough heat to cook a person.

"So hot!"

Wuming frowned and opened his eyes. When he saw the sand around him, a bad premonition came to his heart.

He quickly checked himself and found that his power was not sealed, but that all his strength was perfectly preserved.

This level did not suppress his fighting ability. How could this mere desert be so hot?

Wuming originally wanted to be happy, but soon realized that the environment in this level was unusual.

He has long been immune to the cold and heat, not to mention the mere temperature of the sun. Even if he walks around in the core of the sun, he will not shed a drop of sweat.

But even he felt hot in this damn place, but the sand under his feet didn't melt?

He tentatively punched out, the surrounding sand flew around, and there was an explosion in the air, but the space was as solid as a rock, with no sign of being broken by him.


At this moment, Wuming understood that this level was similar to the fifth level. The tester's impact on the environment was minimal, but it was different from the fifth level. The impact of the environment on the tester was amplified in this level. .

Suddenly, a screen of light appeared in front of him: The ninth level, hunt down the tester you voted for and survive.

Simple and crude task.

Wuming smiled, he liked this task.

But when he thought that he had four votes, he was a little unhappy. The few trialists who were not voted were happy. They were the only ones hunting others, and the targets of others were not them. Hunting them would be a waste. time.

"Just take it one step at a time."

Wuming watched the light curtain dissipate and sighed slightly.

The next moment, he summoned the Deep Sea Apostle and ordered the Deep Sea Apostle to turn into his own form. Then he bent down and tapped a piece of sand with his finger, and the sand immediately turned into a shell of sand.

He entered the shell of sand, adhered to the feet of the deep sea apostles, and ordered the deep sea apostles to find the mad lion and kill the mad lion.

Although in his prime state, he is sure to kill the enemies who voted for him, the problem is that it is easy to avoid hidden arrows with open swords. What if they get some sure-kill rewards in the previous levels?

Therefore, safety first, he had to be patient first and let the Deep Sea Apostles take the lead.


Having said that, besides Crazy Lion, he was really not sure who voted for him three times. It seemed that everyone was suspicious, which made it impossible for him to cooperate with anyone.

Others probably have similar thoughts.

In addition to Wuming knowing that Kuangshi voted for him, Kuangshi probably also knew that one of his votes came from Wuming.

But Zhuge Feiyu had one vote, Ovelia had one vote, and Adrian had one vote. No one knew who voted for it.

This is enough to make them wary of each other, making it difficult to form truly effective cooperation.

Zhuge Feiyu stood in a rain forest and smiled lightly after reading the task. Sure enough, this level was just as he expected, it was to kill the target of the previous vote.

Fortunately, he did not choose Wuming, but chose the relatively weak Ovelia.

Among the other seven trialists, although Crazy Lion has no brains, he has strong frontal combat power. He has seen Crazy Lion use props before and knows that Crazy Lion has a prop that can revive himself, which makes him very difficult to kill.

Yeqin is the great god of Zunmeng. Not only does he have three brothers, but the great god behind him is extremely powerful. Killing Yeqin is equivalent to offending Zunmeng. He must be crazy to choose Yeqin.

In addition, Adrian and Gloria are obviously not human, especially Gloria is stronger than Crazy Lion. It is very difficult to deal with. It is conservatively estimated that she should have a strength of more than 200 levels.

In the end, only Tian Suanzi and Oviria can be chosen.

He had heard of Tian Suanzi's name in the past. It is said that he is a strong man who is proficient in divination. He can often predict the enemy's moves and calculate the enemy before the battle begins.

Compared with Tian Suanzi, Oviria became the only soft persimmon to choose.

Olivia should be a witch. Zhuge Feiyu has never seen her specific abilities, but he estimates that her strength should be around the 190th level. He certainly didn't have the confidence to defeat Olivia in the past, but now with the bonus of various Shenzang trials, he estimates that his chances of winning are at least 80%.

Now all he has to do is find Olivia and kill her!

But just as he was about to leave, a copper coin suddenly fell from the sky, instantly passed through his forehead, flew out from the back of his head, and fell to the ground with blood.

With a snap!

Zhuge Feiyu's head exploded.

Until his death, he didn't know who had done this to him.

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