I Contracted Myself

【373】Cruel Nature

In a valley somewhere, water gurgled on the cliffs, gradually forming a pool at the bottom of the valley.

The water pool is crystal clear to the bottom, because it does not see the sun all year round, the fish in the pool are white and transparent, and all the blood vessels are clearly visible.

Gloria stood by the pool with a gloomy expression. She felt very tired and hungry now. There was a lot of high-energy food in her storage space, but she didn't feel full at all after eating it in her mouth. This kind of hunger tortured her. She was about to go berserk.

She is not a human being. She is a giant monster from the deep sea. She embarked on the path of spiritual practice by chance and finally transformed into a human form.

Once she falls into a violent state, she will return to her original form and eat desperately. At that time, she will have no sense at all.

The problem is that it is too dangerous to change back to its original form, because its original form has already grown to the size of a star, and its goal is too obvious.

Although no trialist voted for her, other trialists were voted for, and everyone was in a chain of suspicion. What if someone thought that the vote on their body might also be cast by her?

There is a saying among humans that 'it is better to kill the wrong person than to let it go'. Just a little suspicion was enough for other trialists to take action against her.

"Is the only food in this level enough to satisfy your hunger?"

Gloria looked at the fish in the pool, but she felt a sense of danger. There was some kind of predator hiding in the pool.

She took a deep breath, then gritted her teeth and stepped into the water. No matter what, filling her stomach quickly was the most important thing. She didn't think she would be killed by a predator in a mere pool.

"Catch a few fish as quickly as possible and then retreat!"

Gloria swam quickly in the water and instantly attacked a small transparent fish.

If it weren't for the fact that her ability had little impact on this level, she wouldn't actually need to go into the water at all. Her mental power alone would be enough to take out the fish in the water.

But now she can only fish like this.

But the next moment she touched the fish, a huge mouth suddenly opened at the bottom of the clear pool and swallowed her whole in one bite.

"It's really a scam!"

Gloria was swallowed by an unknown monster. Because the monster did not chew or have any means of attack, she was still alive in the monster's belly.

She first tried various attack methods, but none of them could damage the monster's stomach wall.

Then she realized that the monster's defense might be very, very high for the tester, and the attack would probably have no effect.

"Then I'll blow you up!"

Gloria's eyes were fierce. Her hunger had already tortured her to the point of going berserk, but now she no longer cared about the possibility of being discovered by other trialists.

In an instant, her body expanded rapidly, but soon her eyes gradually became frightened.


At the bottom of the pool, the belly of a big fish covering itself with mud expanded for a moment, then contracted suddenly and returned to a flat state again.

Because Gloria liberated her true body, she did not burst the fish. Instead, she squeezed herself, crushing herself alive.


The Deep Sea Apostle walked slowly forward along the yellow sand dunes.

Inside the shell of sand stuck to its feet, Wuming felt that his body was getting hotter and hotter, his mouth was dry, and he felt like he was losing physical strength.

Obviously, the sand shell is not immune to the influence of external nature on him. This influence is like real damage and will always affect every trialist.

Wuming took out the water and drank it, but as expected, he didn't feel any thirst quenched.

He put the water on the table and thought to himself: "Does this mean that we can only find food and water in this level?"

Next, he took out a bun and ate it. As expected, he didn't feel full at all.

This level is really simple and crude.

But it is rough and fine.

Hunting your chosen target is only one of them, surviving is the key.

Surviving this level does not seem to be easy. Wuming has roughly guessed what the difficulty of this level is.

With Wuming's thought, the Deep Sea Apostle's goal changed.

Finding the crazy lion is ranked second, and the first is finding water and food. This is the key to this level.

The apostle of the deep sea turned into a big bird and flew up, and the nameless sand fell on the depression of its sharp claws. After flying for about ten minutes, it found a desert oasis.

There is also a small lake in the middle of the oasis.

It landed on a tree in the oasis, and before it could transform into a human form, a poisonous snake attacked from the other end of the branch.

This was an unknown snake that had never been seen before. There were a lot of triangular green patterns on the snake's skin. The fangs in its mouth were very dangerous and highly poisonous.

But the snake apparently chose the wrong target to attack.

The martial arts of the Deep Sea Apostles are better than Wuming himself

Even stronger, although it did not find the hidden poisonous snake, the moment the poisonous snake launched its attack, it turned into a squirrel and slapped the snake on the head with its tail.

If it were a snake in the normal world, the tail of the Deep Sea Apostle would be enough to explode the snake's head.

But at this level, the poisonous snake just shook its head, then strangled its neck, and bit the deep sea apostle again.

The Deep Sea Apostle jumped to avoid it, but the poisonous snake bit him in vain. Then the Deep Sea Apostle transformed from a squirrel back to his true form, and stepped on the poisonous snake's head just right.

It's just that the power of this poisonous snake is beyond imagination. It suddenly raised its head and threw the deep sea apostle out.

"This unscientific!"

When Wuming saw this scene, he couldn't help but complain.

The next moment, the venomous snake quickly chased after it. The Deep Sea Apostle rotated in the air, and his hand turned into a rotating cone.

It avoided the fierce attack of the venomous snake, and the cone fiercely stabbed the venomous snake's vitals, that is, the seven-inch area. This attack finally had an effect.

The venomous snake's body tilted and fell to the ground, but it was still not dead.

At this time, the Deep Sea Apostle fell from the sky, and the cone stabbed the venomous snake's head fiercely, and rotated at a very fast speed, completely drilling and bursting the venomous snake's head.

After confirming that the venomous snake was dead, it stood up and prepared to collect food.

Wuming came out of the sand shell and curiously tried to cut the snake's body with a knife. He was a little afraid of snakes in his previous life and this life, but dead snakes were okay.

If he was asked to eat snake meat in his previous life, he would definitely not be able to eat it.

He has experienced many things in this life. If he is really hungry, he can eat any meat, not to mention snake meat.

"Sure enough, the damage of the trialists has been weakened."

Wuming cut the snake's body countless times, leaving no trace.

It's not that the snake is so strong, but that all the damage caused by the trialists is greatly weakened in this level, perhaps by 99.99999%...

Otherwise, he couldn't have killed even one snake.

Thinking of the battle between the venomous snake and the deep-sea apostle just now, Wuming realized that the danger of this level does not only come from other trialists, nor from the cruel environment, but also from various animals.

These ordinary animals are like being blessed with special attacks against trialists. If the trialists are careless, they may die in the hands of these animals in minutes.

The ninth level, it's not so easy to survive.

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