I Contracted Myself

【374】Tian Suanzi's plan

Half an hour later.

In the shade of the oasis, Wuming sat cross-legged on the grass, holding a stick in his right hand to stir firewood. The deep-sea apostles split into three, two of them were responsible for guarding, and one was responsible for grilling fish.

The fish was caught from the small lake in the center of the oasis, and it took a lot of effort from the Deep Sea Apostle.

Wuming watched the fish gradually become cooked, and he understood more about this level. The tests of these levels are actually the same, and each level has its own hidden purpose.

He has indeed gained something from each previous level, and some of his experiences are even more important than the rewards given by the Shenzang Trial. I don’t know if other trialists have similar insights. Anyway, he is very lucky that he can enter the Shenzang. the road.

At this time, the fish is cooked.

Wuming took the fish, blew it to cool down, and then ate slowly. As expected, only the food obtained at this level can fill his stomach.

After eating the delicious grilled fish, he collected a large amount of fresh water, boiled it and stored it for emergencies.

"Okay, we have to continue looking for someone..."

Wuming stood up, but before he finished speaking, Fu Lingzhi suddenly leaned back, and a copper coin fell from above him, hitting him right between his feet, and a small groove appeared on the ground.

Enemy attack!

Wuming closed his eyes, and one of the Deep Sea Apostles immediately became thinner than paper and gently pressed against his back.

This is his current most buggy offensive and defensive form. Because of the Invisible Eye, as long as he closes his eyes, all attacks falling on him will be ineffective. The Deep Sea Apostle is responsible for manipulating his body to fight. Compared with the Deep Sea Apostle, He also needs proficient combat skills, coupled with his powerful strength, which is enough to make most enemies despair.

Thousands of meters away, an old man with a white beard narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "It's not that easy to kill, but that's why it's worth killing!"

Two black figures soared into the sky in the oasis, transforming into falcons and quickly launched a search.

"It's a little trick, this level is my home field." The old man with a white beard smiled disdainfully, turned his hand over again, and a green copper coin appeared in his palm.

This copper coin is called Jiji Tongbao, and it is the reward of the old man with white beard in the fifth level.

Before each start, a copper coin must be thrown. If the copper coin falls, it is a bad luck.

If he kills the target with copper coins, he can take away all the opponent's luck. If the shot fails to kill the target, one-tenth of his own luck will be deducted.

If the copper coin falls on a lucky side, then after killing the target, he can take away one-half of the opponent's luck. If he shoots the coin but fails to kill the target, he will gain one-tenth of his own luck.

To put it simply, the evil aspect means that only success is allowed and failure is not allowed, and failure will be punished. The lucky side is that both success and failure are good for you.

After getting the auspicious treasure, the old man with white beard set his sights on Wuming.

Ye Qin could tell that Wuming's luck was astonishingly strong, and naturally some of the other testers could tell, and the old man with the white beard was one of them.

He also discovered that Wuming's luck was not static. Every time he came out of the level, his luck would increase a lot. Now Wuming's luck had increased to a level that made him a little afraid.

But as he said before, this is the value of killing!

He wanted to seize Wuming's amazing luck, and at the same time, he wanted to kill the unhappiness in his heart.

After all, in the sixth level, he was also a trialist who was let go by Wuming. At that moment, he was not grateful to Wuming, and only felt humiliated and unhappy.

He was a great fortune teller, so he didn't need a young boy to let go. After entering the level, he used the most primitive divination method to make sure that nothing would happen to him!

Many divination requires the blessing of extraordinary power to be accurate, but it does not mean that divination cannot be done without extraordinary power.

He is proficient in divination techniques in countless worlds. It can be said that the less interference from extraordinary power, the more accurate his divination will be. On the contrary, in a world full of extraordinary power, his divination will be affected by various supernatural forces. influence and is less accurate.

Of course, as a cunning old Yinbi, he had no intention of confronting Wuming head-on.

He naturally thought of the problems that Zhuge Feiyu thought of, so he simply decided that the target he wanted to kill was Zhuge Feiyu, because Zhuge Feiyu was the best to kill in his eyes.

After killing Zhuge Feiyu, he divined Wuming's location, and then relied on the formation to ambush near Wuming.

This level has greatly blessed him. Although he is also restricted, the power of Feng Shui has not lost its effect, because many Feng Shui-related formations actually use

It is the inherent power of nature.

After he discovered that the extraordinary power of this level had little impact on nature, he picked up a lot of stones and used these stones that belonged to this level to set up the formation. Instead, he became like a fish in water at this level.

This also gave him the confidence to kill Wuming.

The falcons transformed by the two deep-sea apostles were hovering in the sky, but they never found the enemy. In the end, they could only continue to expand the search range.

Tiansuanzi waited for the falcon to fly away, and then he gently tossed the bad luck treasure.

The copper coins are spinning in mid-air. At this moment, no force can affect the coins. It can only rely on luck.

After a while, the copper coin fell in the desert, which happened to be a lucky coin.

"Good luck to you!"

Tiansuanzi narrowed his eyes and whispered softly.

His goal is to take away all the luck from Wuming. If he cannot turn to the evil side, he will attack Wuming but let Wuming escape a little, so that Wuming can survive.

In this way, he can get a new round of copper coin tossing opportunities and increase his luck by one-tenth, without losing money no matter what.

Under normal circumstances, if he missed a hit, he would definitely run away.

Moreover, after alerting the enemy, it will not be so easy to snipe the opponent if they are wary.

It can only be said that this level is perfect for Tian Suanzi. He has the cover of Feng Shui formation and can only sneak attack on the target. The target can't even find where he is, and there is nothing that can be done against him.

He can withstand countless failures at this level, and he only needs to succeed once to get all the luck from the other party, making a sure profit without losing anything.


Wuming closed his eyes, waiting for the Deep Sea Apostles to take action.

However, the Deep Sea Apostle did not make any unnecessary movements, he just shook his body slightly, as if he was dancing a very slow rhythm.

Before, Wuming felt that the Deep Sea Apostle's fighting style was very similar to dancing on the tip of a knife. Now feeling the rhythm of his body, he was sure that the Deep Sea Apostle was indeed dancing, but this was not a pure dance, but a very profound battle. dance.

Suddenly, a copper coin quickly fell from the sky. The Deep Sea Apostle controlled Wuming's body to sway slightly, just in time to avoid the copper coin, and then his hand swayed in the wind, just in time to gently hold the copper coin between his two fingers.

Unfortunately, the copper coin disappeared out of thin air the next moment.

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