I Contracted Myself

【376】The Invincible Nameless

Tick, tick, tick.

Due to the influence of the unknown light ball, a rain cloud gradually formed around the light ball in the distance.

The rain began to fall, bringing a touch of coolness to the desert. However, the area located at the edge was affected by the light ball in the distance. The rain was evaporated as soon as it fell, and gradually formed a large piece of steam.

Tiansuanzi was not in a hurry to take action, he was waiting for Wuming to reach his limit.

He saw through Wuming's intentions, and he also knew that Wuming knew that he had seen through his intentions, and that he could even be more devious. Both he and Wuming knew at what moment the other would take action, and they knew that the other knew this.

But it’s hard to say who will win.

Tiansuanzi is very confident. He does not think that he will become a loser, because Wuming's luck has been affected by bad luck, and his luck has already surpassed Wuming's.

The next attack will be Wuming's death.

Suddenly, Tian Suanzi's eyes widened fiercely, and the hair all over his body exploded. In a flash of lightning, he shot the auspicious treasure towards Wuming. Wuming also reached his limit and threw the ball of light to the ground very simply.

The two took action at exactly the same time, and their subsequent actions were also similar.

After Tiansuanzi shot the auspicious treasure, he turned around and ran away without saying a word. The formation was no longer enough to protect him, so he didn't mind exposing himself.

After Wuming threw the ball of light, he immediately spun his body, but unexpectedly found that the copper coin split into two in mid-air, and then attacked his temples on both sides from different directions with incredible trajectories.


Or lock it!

Wuming cursed secretly, then closed his eyes and allowed the Deep Sea Apostle to control his body.

It has to be said that the technology of the Deep Sea Apostles is very powerful, but technology has its limits.

Even though the Deep Sea Apostle tried his best to dodge the attack of the two copper coins, he only avoided one round of attacks. Who knew that the two copper coins collided together at the position he avoided, and then one was bounced and flew downwards, and the other was flying downwards. The one that was bounced flew upward.

All this happened very fast. The moment Wuming twisted his body to the limit and raised his head to dodge, a coin bounced up from under the back of Wuming's head and hit Wuming in the back of his head instantly.

If it were a normal situation, Jiuji Tongbao would shoot into Wuming's head, and then Wuming would be instantly shot in the head.

But because Wuming had his eyes closed, this auspicious treasure disappeared like a mud cow into the sea.


Finally, the ball of light fell to the ground,


The entire desert was instantly covered in light, and terrifying air waves swept across everything.

A small impact does not mean there is no impact. Such a huge energy is enough to stack very small impacts into an unimaginable catastrophe.

Tian Suanzi ran wildly, and suddenly he moved his hand, and a copper coin appeared in his hand. However, when the power of the jade ring finger completely faded, only half of the copper coin was left, and the other half was gone.


Tiansuanzi saw that only half of the copper coins were left, his eyes suddenly bulged out of his sockets, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

This copper coin is the foundation of his enlightenment. He has already thought about how to take the path of cultivation in the future. If this copper coin is missing half, all his previous plans and thoughts will not be implemented.

The next moment, a wave of air hit him, instantly lifting him away, and then a terrifying light covered his whole body. He gritted his teeth and used his physical energy to resist, but in the blink of an eye, his skin was burned clean by the light, and at the same time The clothes were also burning crazily in the flames.

This blow causes so much damage to nature, let alone the tester.

"How is that possible? I'm obviously luckier than him!"

Tiansuanzi clings to his mind in pain, but there are hundreds of thousands of reasons in his heart.

Generally speaking, when the conditions of both parties are similar, if he is in the dark and Wuming is in the light, and if his luck is higher than Wuming, he will definitely be able to turn disaster into good.

But what's the result?

Wuming still overwhelmed him, not only destroying only half of his Jiuji Tongbao, but he also didn't get out of Wuming's attack range.

Doesn't this mean that all the bad luck falls on him?

So where does his luck lie?


This is very unscientific!

Tiansuanzi has been dealing with divination all his life, and he has never encountered such a bizarre situation.

But it doesn't matter if he can't figure it out. He has realized that Wuming's situation is not normal. What he has to do now is to stay away from Wuming. It is best to escape to a place where Wuming can't find him and survive until the trial is over.


A sandstorm is coming.

The ball of light hit the ground and exploded, causing air waves for the first time. Then its own light dispersed, and the huge sandstorm formed by the explosion followed the two.

Theoretically, light should be much faster than air waves, but this light is a nameless force, while air waves are the power of nature. As a result, the speed of light in this space is not as fast as air waves.

This is also

The reason why Tiansuanzi was attacked by air waves first and then by light.

Now when the sandstorm comes, he simply curls up his body and still lets the sandstorm carry him away from Wuming. This is his escape route.

The power of the sandstorm is so terrible that everything in its path is buried.

Tian Suanzi was seriously injured. After flying a certain distance with the sandstorm, he spit out a mouthful of blood when he landed and quickly took out a potion and drank it.

However, after drinking the potion, his expression changed slightly, and the medicine was ineffective.

At this level, not even water from the outside world can quench your thirst, and you can't even fill your stomach with food, let alone all kinds of extraordinary medicines.

Tian Suanzi was protected by the formation and did not suffer from the sun. He had never been thirsty or hungry before, so he did not notice this. It was too late for him to find out now after taking the medicine.

His injuries were very serious. After all, Wuming's level was much higher than his. He relied entirely on the environment and the rewards of Shenzang to threaten Wuming.

After losing the protection of the formation, he was equivalent to facing a full-strength attack from a big man who was more than ten levels higher than him. It was very good to survive.

"We must quickly set up the formation and hide ourselves!"

Tian Suanzi put away the potion and realized that the danger was not over yet. Once Wuming found him, the consequences would be disastrous.

His level was 208. Although he did not know what Wuming's level was, he estimated Wuming's level in his mind, which should be between 218 and 222.

There is no doubt that without the advantages of the environment and props, Wuming could kill him with one punch.

He quickly found a suitable stone, placed the stone in a suitable position, and then placed another stone in the position he needed.

Suddenly, he spat out a mouthful of blood, his face turned from red to purple, his injury could not be suppressed, but because of his forced suppression, the backlash became more violent.

He shook his head and continued to arrange the formation.

The injury was not important, the most important thing now was to arrange the formation.

Ten minutes later, he tried hard to put the last stone in the calculated position, and he breathed a sigh of relief. In this way, the formation was arranged and he was safe.

"Is this the way you can hide? Interesting!"

When he was about to use his power to heal his injury, Wuming's voice suddenly sounded, and he froze.

A grain of sand floated up from his feet, and Wuming came out of the sand and landed right in front of him, looking at him with narrowed eyes and a smile.

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