I Contracted Myself

【377】Win half a step

"I surrender, I can pay any price."

"Sir, your target should be the mad lion, right? I can use divination to find him for you."

After being shocked, Tian Suanzi's face changed slightly, and he knelt down decisively regardless of his injuries, begging for mercy.

"I don't like killing people."

"But there are several people who died in my hands during this trial."

"Tell me what price you can pay, maybe I will spare your life."

Wuming looked at Tian Suanzi, walked around Tian Suanzi slowly, and said with a smile.


After hearing Wuming's words, Tian Suanzi was ecstatic. He didn't expect Wuming to not kill him.

He had judged Wuming's character before. If he had mastered extraordinary power in the sixth level, none of the other trialists would have thought of leaving the sixth level alive.

But Wuming not only killed the trialists who attacked him, but also let other trialists go. At that time, he realized that Wuming might be the kind of "pedantic and hypocritical" person.

This is why he knelt down and begged for mercy at the first opportunity.

However, just when he wanted to tell his bargaining chip, a dark finger instantly pierced from the back of his head and pierced out from his forehead.

The Deep Sea Apostle stood behind Tian Suanzi, while Wuming turned his back to the Deep Sea Apostle.

"It's too ugly."

Wuming sighed to the sky.

He really wanted to let Tian Suanzi go, because Tian Suanzi still had value, but Tian Suanzi's ecstasy exposed his truest emotions.

This emotion fell into Wuming's eyes, and it was too ugly under the "viewing" of the God Worm.

In his eyes, the moment Tian Suanzi was ecstatic, his face twisted into a ball, his eyes became a dark hole, exuding endless malice. This was not the joy of life, but more like the carnival of evil spirits who got a chance for revenge.

There is no doubt that Tian Suanzi is the snake in the farmer and the snake. No matter how many times Wuming let him go, he will not really feel grateful, let alone be grateful to Wuming, but will only hate Wuming more.

Letting such a rubbish man go back to the mountains will only cause endless troubles. Wuming must have a brain problem to do this.

At this time, Tian Suanzi was not dead even if his brain was pierced

He wanted to ask Wuming why, but the Deep Sea Apostle exuded a terrifying chill, and all his cells were frozen in an instant, and then ice spikes burst out from his body.

"Let me see what can be cultivated with such an ugly face."

Wuming ignored the Deep Sea Apostle, he closed his eyes, and his consciousness had already transferred to the Nameless Sea.

He put Tian Suanzi's true energy into the sea, and countless sea spirits revolved around this energy. The last one, which looked like a Tai Chi koi from the back, decisively crashed into the energy, and in the blink of an eye, it formed a divine cocoon.

It is called a cocoon, but in fact its true appearance is more twisted and complicated, just like putting countless fruits into a blender and crushing them, and you can vaguely see that there seem to be insects struggling in the distortion.

However, compared to the cocoon that hatched the God Cicada before, the color of this God cocoon is paler, and the pattern of the eyes can be vaguely seen in the pallor.

Just as Wuming could see the information of the alien's true appearance, Wuming also knew the information of Tiansuanzi's true appearance.

That is: [The person who peeks at the sky: his eyes are always fixed on the way of heaven, trying to gain knowledge from the operation of the way of heaven, but often because of too much trust in knowledge, he will be backfired by knowledge. ]

Among so many trialists, Tiansuanzi's true appearance is not good.

If it weren't for Tiansuanzi's self-explosion to predict the position of others, Wuming would not want to use Tiansuanzi's true appearance to cultivate the God Worm.

True appearance, Wuming can have as many as he wants.

There are countless humans living in the bubble world of Wuming Sea, and each human can provide him with true appearance.

But not all the God cocoons cultivated by the God Worm are useful. He got the God Worm in the fifth level, and because everyone lost their abilities in the sixth level, he had no chance to study this ability.

But he tried to use the God Worm to cultivate the God Cocoon during the seventh level of sailing, hoping to produce a few useful God Cicadas or God Butterflies.

But what was the result?

He cultivated a bunch of "junk", wasting his time.

Wuming spent an hour to understand that the God Worm may not be able to create a powerful God Butterfly or God Cicada, and then he did not study this ability anymore.

This ability to cultivate a powerful God Butterfly or God Cicada requires a special true form and a just right spirit.

If the true form is good but the spirit is not right, then only trash can be produced.

If the true form is bad but the spirit is right, then it is still trash.

There are even cases where the true form is bad and the spirit is not right, the result is trash among trash.

For example, Wuming used the true form of a zombie seal and the spirit of the sea to create the God Cicada, whose ability is to accelerate its own aging, and it died directly within ten minutes after birth.

However, this God Cicada is not completely useless, because its accelerated aging can bind a target in front of Wuming. When it dies of old age, this accelerated aging will be transmitted to the target, and the target will also die within ten minutes.

The problem is that Wuming didn't have any enemies that needed to be killed with this trick at the time. He could only watch the God Cicada being born and then dying...

Useful, but it seems useless.

This is the conclusion Wuming made about all the God Cicadas and God Butterflies created by the God Worms.

Of course, he actually felt very sorry, because it would be great if this God Cicada with accelerated aging could be born when he was fighting the Dark Lord.

Because of this emotion, he just silently collected various true forms, but would not make the God Cocoon.

Maybe he would use it in the future, but when he didn't need it, he would save it.

Now he was just going to take a gamble and see if he could use the true form of Tian Suanzi to cultivate a useful God Cicada or God Butterfly, preferably one that could lock the Mad Lion.

The hatching of the God Cocoon only takes one minute.

One minute later, a butterfly made of white and black gems flew out of the twisted God Cocoon. It immediately spread its wings and rushed straight from the deep sea to the sea surface, flew to the sky and spun violently, and countless crystal butterfly powders were emitted.

Then, under Wuming's will, this God Butterfly slowly flew over and landed on Wuming's fingers.

It was very beautiful, its body was completely made of gems, and the butterfly's wings were made of countless irregular rhombuses, with an eye in the middle of the wings.

From Wuming's perspective, its back was like a pair of eyes looking at the sky, and its body was also like a vertical rhombus eye, also staring at the sky.

"Half a step ahead of heaven?"

Wuming admired the divine butterfly for a moment, then checked its abilities, and then showed a look of surprise.

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