I Contracted Myself

【378】The right path

[The way of heaven is like chess, and one can win by half a move. ]

This divine butterfly is like an immortal pointing the way, and it can always lead its owner to heaven.

In simple terms, its ability is to lead the way, and it must be the most correct way. It can even be used for divination, such as writing down one's guess on a piece of paper, and then writing right and wrong. If the divine butterfly lands on the right one, it means the guess is correct, and if it lands on the wrong one, it means the guess is wrong.

Of course, this divine butterfly still has many uses, and Wuming needs to slowly develop it.

The next moment, Wuming's consciousness moved back to the ninth level from the Wuming Sea. He opened his eyes and couldn't help but smile. Although Tian Suanzi's true appearance was very ugly, the divine butterfly he cultivated was very good.

He opened his hand, and the divine butterfly moved from the Wuming Sea to his hand. He said, "Take me to find Kuang... No, divine butterfly, take me to the most correct path for me."

The divine butterfly immediately flapped its wings and flew gently, heading towards the direction to Wuming's right hand.

"Deep Sea Apostle, fix the formation and follow the God Butterfly." Wuming said to the Deep Sea Apostle, and then he returned to the sand shell and stuck to the Deep Sea Apostle.

The Deep Sea Apostle's body transformed into a spider-like form, and several hard spikes shot out from the center of the body to hold the formation, and slowly walked forward without disrupting the formation.

However, less than a minute later, the formation disappeared automatically.

"It seems that the formation is not formed by placing a few stones, it should also be related to the environment." Wuming felt the scorching breath of the sun in the shell and said helplessly.

Next, the God Butterfly flew in front, and the Deep Sea Apostle followed behind, and began to move slowly in the desert.

In front of them was the sandstorm that Wuming had just blasted out of the light ball. The sandstorm was raging in front, and they were moving slowly behind.

Thanks to the sandstorm, Wuming and his friends didn't have to worry about being attacked by animals when they followed behind. They even picked up a few desert rabbits that were killed by the sandstorm and were similar in size to desert cottontail rabbits during the walk.

Moreover, Wuming had stored a lot of water from this world when he was in the oasis. He could quench his thirst by drinking it when he was thirsty, which was not as uncomfortable as before.

Half an hour later, the sandstorm in front finally ran out of energy and gradually dissipated.

Another hour later, Wuming came to the edge of the desert.

There was a grassland in front, and there were many huge animals similar to

elks eating grass with their heads down.

The God Butterfly continued to fly forward, and the Deep Sea Apostle continued to follow behind.

After entering the grassland, the air became humid, and the hot weather did not seem to be as hot as before. Wuming felt much more comfortable.

After walking in the grassland for about twenty minutes, the God Butterfly suddenly stopped flying forward, but turned around and landed on the shoulder of the Deep Sea Apostle, and the Deep Sea Apostle seemed to feel something, and his hands immediately turned into sharp double knives.

There was a cave not far ahead.

Wuming controlled the Sand Shell to float to the top of the Deep Sea Apostle's head. After seeing the cave, he was a little confused. Why did the God Butterfly bring him here? Could it be that the mad lion was hiding in the cave?

At this time, the Deep Sea Apostle retreated violently. At the moment of retreat, a dragon in the cave suddenly poked its head out and bit the Deep Sea Apostle's original position.

The dragon immediately retracted its head into the cave after missing the bite, but the Deep Sea Apostle had already prepared for it. He kicked the ground with his feet and immediately stabbed the dragon's eyes with a sword.

Wuming also reacted at this time and realized that the so-called dragon was not a real dragon, but an animal with a head like a dragon.

But he couldn't figure out why the God Butterfly brought him here?

Is this the right path?

Did he want him to kill this dragon-like creature?

He didn't understand, but it didn't prevent him from deciding to kill the dragon first and then study it.

The Deep Sea Apostle's sword was very fast, but the dragon closed its eyes very quickly, and as a result, the tips of the two swords stabbed the dragon's eyelids.

But at this moment, Wuming appeared out of thin air at the dragon's neck and punched from top to bottom.

He used all his strength in this punch, but the effect on the dragon's neck was not particularly good. It just made the dragon's head shake slightly, and then the dragon continued to shrink into the cave.

Before Wuming could chase, a tail suddenly stabbed out from the cave.

There was a bone organ similar to a drill at the end of the tail. If it was stabbed, it would definitely cause great damage to the trial-taker.

Wuming immediately took a step back and watched the tail hit the grass. In a blink of an eye, a big hole was drilled into the grass.

"It seems that I have to use that trick again."

Wuming's eyelids twitched, and he thought to himself.

Then he ordered the Deep Sea Apostle to entangle the dragon, and he condensed a light ball with one hand and began to compress energy into the light ball.

Because their attacks are difficult to affect the environment and creatures of this world, they cannot win by quality, but by quantity.

As long as the quantity reaches a certain level, the creatures of this world can still be killed. The few rabbits in Wuming's storage space are the best proof.

Next, Wuming pressed the energy again and again, and the light ball in his hand began to tremble, emitting a frightening breath.

This feeling was probably like standing next to a nuclear warhead, which could make people tremble even if the nuclear warhead did not explode.

The dragon in the cave seemed to have sensed the breath emanating from Wuming's palm, and suddenly its tail retracted into the cave, and soon there was no movement.

Ran away?

Wuming frowned and immediately controlled the light ball to blast into the cave.

Instantly, a muffled sound came from the cave, and the ground immediately bulged, then exploded, forming a concave channel similar to a sewer.

Obviously, the dragon really ran away.

Wuming looked at the God Butterfly resting on the shoulder of the Deep Sea Apostle in silence, with a hundred complaints about it.

So... why did the God Butterfly bring him here?

But since he was already here, it was not Wuming's character to give up halfway. He simply continued to condense the light ball and bombed the cave entrance again.


After the second bombing, a huge hole appeared in front of the cave.

Wuming was surprised at first, and then asked the Deep Sea Apostle to move forward. After confirming that there was no danger, he walked to the front of the hole. Under the hole was a small cave with several old, rusty boxes inside.

There are treasure chests in this world?

Wuming thought there was no civilization in this world.

He immediately asked the Deep Sea Apostle to go down and bring up the treasure chests. After more than ten minutes of hard work, the five treasure chests were transported to the ground one after another, and then the Deep Sea Apostle came out of the cave.

The main reason was that the Deep Sea Apostle was also difficult to affect the environment, so it was difficult for its strength to move the treasure chests, and it changed its body structure to transport the treasure chests up.

Therefore, it took a little more time.

However, it was unknown what dangers were hidden in the cave, and Wuming himself would rather spend more time than go down and take risks.

At this time, he rubbed his hands and walked to one of the treasure chests with some expectation, but then he stepped back and signaled the Deep Sea Apostle to open the treasure chest.

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