I Contracted Myself

【380】Food Knowledge Blade

"You really gave me a difficult problem."

Wuming came back to his senses and sighed, looking at the divine butterfly resting on the shoulders of the Deep Sea Apostle, feeling a little helpless.

Now the question comes, kill or save?

He was not sure who cast the four votes he had on him.

Theoretically, the remaining seven people are all suspects, and each one is his enemy.

However, he also knew in his heart that the probability of Ye Qin voting for him was very small. After all, they had no grudges and had formed a team before. Although there were some small rifts in the relationship due to the sixth level, it was still far from reaching the required level. degree of life and death.


Wuming only wavered in his heart, and finally made up his mind.

He wants to save people.

If Ye Qin really voted for him, he would just kill him later.

Wuming came out of the shell of sand and first asked the Deep Sea Apostle to approach Ye Qin. After making sure that there were no traps around Ye Qin, he stepped forward and began to check Ye Qin's injuries.

There were no obvious wounds on the outside.

His face was pale with a hint of purple, he must have been poisoned.

Wuming quickly determined Ye Qin's condition, but he was a little curious about what kind of poison could make a strong person like Ye Qin helpless.

Next, he tried various abilities to detoxify Ye Qin, but without exception the effect was minimal.

He has a lot of healing ability, and theoretically it should be very effective on the trialists. After a moment of confusion, he realized that the poison in Ye Qin might not come from the trialists, but from this enhanced version of nature.

Only the special attack poison contained in this pair of trialists can greatly reduce the healing effect of Wuming.

Wuming put his hand on Ye Qin's forehead, and began to increase the intensity of the treatment the next moment. Since the treatment effect was very poor, he would win with dosage.

Under the full output of various healing powers with detoxification effects, Ye Qin's face finally turned rosy, and the purple intention gradually faded away.

Two hours later, with Wuming's full output, Ye Qin finally recovered.

Wuming breathed a sigh of relief, sat on the ground and stuck out his tongue completely. This state of concentration and full output was very exhausting.

Exhausted mentally and physically, this is Wuming's current situation.

However, Wuming's life essence is completely different from ordinary creatures. He only needs to relax and recover quickly.

Come back.

Suddenly, Ye Qin opened her eyes suddenly. She rolled in the air like a small top. After landing on her feet, she took out a short sword. When she saw Wuming, she was stunned for a moment and immediately used the sword to protect her front body.

"Please, I just saved your life. If I wanted to kill you, I wouldn't have saved you just now." Seeing this scene, Wuming rolled his eyes and complained tiredly.

Ye Qin was a little confused, but she soon remembered that she was searching for the tester on the grassland, and suddenly encountered a flower blooming, and then she felt dizzy.

Perhaps instinctively feeling that something was wrong, she stumbled back to her temporary stronghold, laid the trap and then collapsed.

"What's wrong with me?" Ye Qin lowered his sword slightly and couldn't help asking.

Wuming took out a piece of rabbit meat and replied while eating it: "You almost died of poisoning."


Ye Qin didn't know how to answer for a moment.

She was born very powerful, and after being exposed to spiritual practice, she became even more powerful.

But it is definitely impossible to say that she has not been poisoned before. It's just that the poison she was poisoned in the past was completely different from this poison, and she didn't realize it.


After Ye Qin fell silent, she spoke with some embarrassment.

In the sixth level, when she thought Wuming was dead, not only did she not feel sad or angry, she also showed an expression of relief. This caused an irreparable rift in the relationship between her and Wuming.

"You're welcome. Even if it's someone else, I will save them if I meet them." Wuming waved his hand and said calmly.

He didn't lie to Ye Qin. Even if someone else was poisoned and fell here, he would still save them.


Except the crazy lion!

If the Mad Lion falls here, he certainly won't mind taking a last hit.

"My target is Adrian, your target is Mad Lion, right?" Ye Qin asked after hearing Wuming's answer.

During the voting, Crazy Lion was the only trialist who revealed that he had cast an unknown vote. Everyone else voted silently. As a result, Crazy Lion had one vote. It didn't take much thinking to know that there was a high probability that the unknown vote would be cast.

Wuming nodded and said, "Well, my target is Mad Lion, but besides Mad Lion, there are three other people who want to kill me. I don't know who they are."

"Then let's form a team,

This is already the last level. I will give up and continue the trial after this level is over. We do not have any conflicts of interest or potential competition. "Ye Qin looked at Wu Ming and said seriously.

She wanted to repay Wuming's favor. After all, teaming up with Wuming meant that she would have to face the attacks of four trialists.

"Aren't you afraid that I am too lucky? And how do I know if you are lying? Maybe one of the three votes on my body was cast by you?" Wuming asked with a half-smile.

Ye Qin rolled her eyes and was too lazy to deal with Wu Ming. She put away the sword in her hand and took out a very beautiful fruit knife the next moment.

She walked to a rock with her back to Wuming and squatted down. The fruit knife slowly cut into the rock. When the rock split, it turned into soft bread.

"This is my reward for the seventh level, the Blade of the Food Recognizer, which can turn anything cut into food." Yeqin threw a piece of bread to Wuming and said lightly.

Blade of the Food Recognizer?

Good stuff!

Wuming immediately realized that this knife can not only be used to make food, but also is an extremely terrifying weapon. Once the body is cut by this knife, the body may also turn into bread or other food!

He took a bite of the rock bread and found that the bread tasted particularly good.

Of course, he also knew the purpose of Yeqin's doing this. Turning his back to him meant trust, and exposing the reward was to prove his sincerity.

The effect of the Blade of the Food Recognizer is very exaggerated. If the effect of this knife is not known in advance, it can completely play the role of first sight killing.

Wuming ate the bread and asked: "Can you choose the type and taste of food?"

"Yes, but the range is relatively small. The less food-like things are, the smaller the range of options is. For example, stones can only be turned into cakes, and trees with beautiful textures can be turned into steaks. You can even cut water into cubes and turn it into jelly." Yeqin replied.

While answering, she used a knife to cut a square piece of soil from the ground and handed it to Wuming. Wuming took it and asked about it and found that it tasted like chocolate. He took a small bite and found that it was really a chocolate cake.

"Very good, let's form a team!"

Wuming swallowed the cake and felt full, and immediately said with a smile.

Food is not a small problem in this level. With Yeqin's Food Identifier Blade, food is obviously no longer a problem.

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