I Contracted Myself

【381】Nameless Realm

The two rested in the cave for the night.

The next day, only one butterfly flew out of the cave, and then the Deep Sea Apostle slowly followed behind the butterfly. As for Wuming and Yeqin, they were already hiding in the shell of sand.

After Ye Qin entered the shell of sand, she realized how Wuming avoided the attack of the clock cat, and she felt very incredible at the same time.

After all, Wuming's ability is too special. He can hide in extremely small materials at will. Both his hiding ability and his ability to avoid danger are extremely excellent.

"It's really good!"

Wuming was sitting at the table at this time. Ye Qin held the food-knowing blade in his hand and gently cut open the prey that Wuming had caught before. The prey had not been roasted by fire, but it was cut into pieces by the knife. Delicious meat steak.

"Your ability is really useful. You don't have to worry about going hungry in the future." Wuming said to Ye Qin while eating the steak.

Ye Qin didn't bother to refute.

After leaving the Shenzang trial, was she the one who was short of food?

As one of the Celestials of the Zunmeng, her wealth is unimaginable to ordinary people. Compared with her, Wuming is no different from a beggar.

The journey was very boring for the next few days.

The God's Butterfly flew over the hills, over the valleys, over the basins, and over the woods, while the Deep Sea Apostles followed closely behind, crossing the mountains and ridges.

Wuming and Yeqin were like otakus, resting in the inner space of the sand shell. After finding no target, Wuming ate and woke up, lazier than a pig.

"Really become an ordinary person?"

Ye Qin squatted next to Wuming, looking at Wuming who was sleeping soundly, feeling a little curious.

These days, she unexpectedly discovered that the nameless aura was sometimes high and sometimes low, sometimes strong and sometimes weak, and would even return to an ordinary person's state when she fell asleep.

At first she suspected that Wuming was sick, but later she found that Wuming seemed to enjoy his state.

I don’t understand, wouldn’t I feel uncomfortable because of the loss of power?

For Ye Qin, the most uncomfortable and painful level among the many levels in the Shenzang Trial was the sixth level. After losing her power, she had a brush with death almost every day.

At that time, she felt as if her body was made of paper, as if a gentle gust of wind could break it.

She was very, very desperate and even thought that she would die at that level.

In fact, I later returned to the Golden Road

, after discovering that the person who controlled the extraordinary power was Wuming, she felt very unbalanced and even felt strong jealousy.

Seeing Wuming being rejected and hostile by all the testers, I even felt a little happy.

But now all these emotions have been transformed into guilt. Compared with Wuming, she is like an ugly, weak insect, so ugly.

"This guy is a real good guy."

Ye Qin looked at Wuming's sleeping face and murmured in her heart.

She returned to her recliner, and after lying down, an impulse suddenly occurred in her heart, and her strength was gradually restrained.

In an instant, she felt extremely uncomfortable, and her body became heavy and weak. At the same time, every cell seemed to be asking her, where was the power to nourish herself?

It feels like the gears are without lubrication, making an unpleasant grinding sound with every turn.

"It's so uncomfortable. How can he sleep? Does he have a self-abuse condition?"

Ye Qin instantly released her power, and then looked at Wuming who was sleeping soundly like a monster, completely unable to understand Wuming's current state.

Moreover, the power of restraint was sleeping soundly in front of her. Could it be that Wuming was not at all wary of her?

You know, now she can kill Wuming instantly with just a move of her fingers, because Wuming is really an ordinary person now, and his defense and other attributes are astonishingly weak.


Ye Qin tried hard to think, but finally gave up.

Because she really couldn't find the answer, she had never seen a weirdo like Wuming in her long life.

After a night of silence, Wuming woke up on time the next day and complained that he was hungry. At the same time, his stomach grumbled very cooperatively, expressing his agreement with Wuming's words.

Ye Qin cut several pieces of wood into steaks and handed them to Wuming. Wuming immediately ate them, his mouth full of oil.

"Wu Ming, could it be that we are going in the wrong direction?" Ye Qin slowly and methodically ate the meat and asked while eating.

Wuming swallowed a piece of meat and said with a smile: "No, the Divine Butterfly will not make mistakes in leading the way. It should be that our enemies are a little far away from us."

"Are you sure that the Divine Butterfly can lead us to the target?" Ye Qin asked doubtfully.

Wuming looked up at Yeqin and said with a smile, "But didn't it already lead me to you?"


Ye Qin was suddenly speechless.

After eating, Wuming lay on the table, squinted his eyes, and complained: "But it does take a long time. It's so boring. It would be nice if I could access the Internet."

"Aren't you feeling uncomfortable?" Ye Qin couldn't help but ask, looking at Wu Ming who was more comfortable than herself.

Wuming didn't realize what Ye Qin was asking. He blinked and asked with question marks on his face: "Uncomfortable? What discomfort?"

"Isn't it uncomfortable for you to seal away all the extraordinary power?" Ye Qin was silent for a moment and asked more clearly.

Wuming suddenly realized that this was what he was asking, and then he asked with a smile: "Why do you have to feel uncomfortable?"


Ye Qin was silent again, while an indescribable emotion quietly grew in her heart.

"Before entering the Shenzang Trial, how long have you not felt hungry? How long have you not felt pain? How long have you not felt alive?" Wuming supported his face with his right hand, squinted at Yeqin, and asked directly.

Yeqin showed a confused look, how long? I don't know!

"It's good to have no desires, but if you can't really have no desires, it's better to live in the present. I like the feeling I have now. When I'm hungry, my stomach will tell me that it's hungry. When I'm tired, I can't help wanting to sleep. Don't let strength become your bondage." Wuming slowed down his tone and said slowly.

Moreover, this state itself is also a kind of practice.

Compared with those who lose their strength or weaken their strength and perform abnormally, he can exert the strength he can exert in any state.

When there is a hundred, he will exert a hundred strength, and when there is only fifty, he will exert fifty strength.

At the same time, this kind of practice can also make him more sensitive to strength and use it more smoothly.

From ordinary to extraordinary, and then from extraordinary back to ordinary, the switching of states has become an instinct, and gradually he is steadily moving towards an extremely mysterious realm.

Wuming has a feeling that sooner or later, he will enter a magical realm where he has power when he needs it and has no power when he doesn't.

When he reaches that realm, his attack will become very terrifying.

However, he is still far away from that realm now, and he is not putting away his power in pursuit of that realm. He is purely enjoying the state of being a mortal.

He knows very well that if he deliberately exercises with a utilitarian mind, he will never reach that magical realm.

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