I Contracted Myself


Inside the shell of the sand, Wuming and Yeqin were speechless. It turned out to be such a prop, but with a vague positioning. It was safe to use the Deep Sea Apostle to impersonate Wuming.

Next, Olivia and the Deep Sea Apostle headed towards the direction of the setting sun, but not long after walking, Olivia's abdomen made a gurgling sound.

She originally planned to go fishing by the river to satisfy her hunger, but she changed her action plan temporarily because of meeting Wuming.

The problem is that changing the plan cannot change hunger, and the hunger of this level can only be satisfied with the food of this level.

She lowered her head slightly, a faint blush appeared on her fair face, and she looked at the Deep Sea Apostle embarrassedly and said, "Mr. Wuming, I'm sorry, I'm hungry."

"Then let's find something to eat first." The Deep Sea Apostle said with a smile.

It was just a small action, just a simple communication, and Yeqin and Wuming felt that this was a big show.

Olivia's pretentiousness and the deep-sea apostle's just right understanding made the relationship between the two seem particularly harmonious. If they didn't know that Olivia was most likely an enemy and the deep-sea apostle was just acting, Wuming and Yeqin would have mistakenly thought that they had a good relationship.

Afterwards, Olivia and the deep-sea apostle worked together to fish.

Fishing in this world is not easy either. The materials must be from this world, otherwise there is no way to pull the fish out of the water. It is 100% that the fishing rod is broken by the fish's struggle first.

When the fish is caught, you have to be careful not to get hurt, because the fish in this world are accompanied by unknown viruses. Once infected with these viruses, the results are often fatal to the trial-takers.

Half an hour later, the fish was caught.

Olivia immediately clumsily hit the fish from a distance with a wooden stick, and said embarrassedly: "Sorry, Mr. Wuming, I am better at using spells, and I am really not good at physical work."

"It doesn't matter, the fish has been caught, it's meat on the chopping board." The deep-sea apostle smiled.

Wuming and Yeqin rolled their eyes. It might be true that they were not good at physical work, but it was impossible for them to be so bad at it. They didn't know where Olivia learned those clumsy movements.

Generally speaking, practitioners are not good at it only when they are compared with practitioners who specialize in this aspect of technology.

For example, compared with a warrior, a mage is definitely not so good at melee, but if compared with an ordinary person, a mage can beat the opponent to death even with bare hands and without spells.

Whether it is good or not depends on who is being compared.

"Kill her. It is basically certain that she voted for you." Yeqin said at this time.

Wuming peeled an orange and put the orange into his mouth piece by piece. He smiled and said, "Don't you think this is also interesting?"

"Don't be careless. You must be careful at every level of the Shenzang Trial. What if Olivia and the Crazy Lion meet up and the result of one plus one is greater than two? Do you want to die?" Yeqin said with a frown.

Wuming looked at Olivia eating fish and smiled, "I just don't like to take the initiative. I won't kill her before she attacks me."

"Psycho." Yeqin couldn't help scolding.

Wuming laughed happily, "Hehehe, you just know I'm sick now?"


Yeqin opened her mouth and was speechless.

If Wuming didn't have this kind of personality, she really wouldn't feel guilty for her "correct" behavior. Shenzang Trial is not a playhouse, nor is it a dating party.

She has made countless deductions over countless years, adding what she should do when she enters Shenzang Trial. She is actually ready to kill all competitors.

But who would have thought that after entering Shenzang Trial, she would meet Wuming, a weirdo.

She sighed and said helplessly, "It's up to you, but if you get out of it, don't blame me for turning around and running."

"Yeah, it doesn't matter. It's human nature to want to survive. In fact, after entering Shenzang Trial, we are not enemies, but just... crossers." Wuming nodded in understanding.

After a full-scale battle with the Golden Kobold, he understood a lot of things.

Seven emotions and six desires are human nature.

When everyone is alive, they act for various desires and emotions in reality. The Golden Kobold did not want to die, so he fought with him with all his strength, but when he knew that he would die, the Golden Kobold blessed him with the most pious heart.

The previous moment was a life-and-death battle, and the next moment it was like old friends who had known each other for countless years. Everyone understood each other.


Knowing that Olivia voted for him 100%, and knowing that he would definitely kill Olivia, he was happy to let Olivia have a happy time before his death.

After all, they had no hatred, and everyone was just playing a game with life as a bet under the rules.

Outside, Olivia finished eating the fish and packed up, and then continued to move towards the direction of the setting sun with the Deep Sea Apostle.

"Aren't you hungry, Mr. Wuming?" After Olivia was full, he looked at the Deep Sea Apostle curiously and asked.

The Deep Sea Apostle smiled and said, "I just ate before I met you, so I still have strength now."

"Haha, Mr. Wuming, you are really humorous. Even if we don't eat, we will just feel hungry, and we won't really lose strength." Olivia laughed.

The Deep Sea Apostle smiled faintly and said nothing more.

Then both sides kept silent tacitly and slowly moved forward.

Ovilia actually kept alert, because she also had a vote, and she didn't know who voted for her.

If the person she met was not Wuming, she would definitely avoid him and never meet him.

Five hours passed in a flash, and suddenly there was a roar of a monster in front of them. The Deep Sea Apostle and Ovilia looked at each other, then slowed down, restrained their breath, and carefully approached the direction of the sound.

They were now on the hillside of a mountain, and there was a cliff in front, and the sound came from below the cliff.

At this time, a curse came from under the cliff to the top of the cliff. Ovilia and the Deep Sea Apostle immediately looked down and saw a monster with a body size similar to that of an adult Tyrannosaurus Rex and a body covered with bone armor constantly attacking a young man. The young man dodged frantically and said a lot of trash in his anger.

"That's Adrian!" Ovilia said in surprise.

The Deep Sea Apostle frowned and said, "Do you want to save him? Maybe he is the one who voted for you."


Oviria rolled her eyes quietly. The Deep Sea Apostle's words clearly showed that he did not want to save him.

Inside the shell of sand, Yeqin also looked at Wuming curiously. Wuming looked at Yeqin inexplicably, not knowing why Yeqin was staring at him like that.

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