I Contracted Myself

【384】Views on life and death

"Won't you save him?"

Ye Qin was silent for a moment, but couldn't help but asked curiously.

At the same time, she began to wonder if Wuming was a lolicon. She saved herself entirely because her current image conformed to Wuming's aesthetics, right?

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Wuming frowned and then asked.

Without waiting for Ye Qin to ask, Wuming continued: "The monster looks very strong, and Adrian and I are not familiar with each other. Who knows if he will sell me back if I go to save him.

What if he ran away and left me to deal with the monster? Wouldn't I be the one who got taken advantage of? "

"But you..." Ye Qin wanted to say something else.

Wuming interrupted: "If he is lying in a safe place and needs my rescue, I will definitely rescue him, but we are not relatives and it is impossible for me to take such a big risk to save him. , maybe one of the four votes on my body was cast by him?”

"I thought you would save people without thinking." Ye Qin finally said with some relief.

Wuming lay on the table and said with a smile: "So this is who I am in your heart, but I'm very sorry, maybe it's a little different from your imagination. I'm not the kind of person who can sacrifice myself for others. I'm just a rescuer. , I will save the people I see if I can, that’s all.”

Nowadays, a large number of dead souls are flowing from the Dream River into the Nameless Sea every second. The number of sea souls has been increasing. In his eyes, there is actually no such clear boundary between life and death.

Saving people is just because he has always done it in the past, and he can empathize with the true joy of life shown by every rescued object when they are rescued, so he has never tired of it.

But it is difficult for him to really feel sad about the death of a certain creature, because in his eyes, death is just a change of form, or it is just sleeping for a long, long time.

"Wait, isn't Adrian your target?" After Wuming explained, he suddenly came to his senses and looked at Ye Qin and asked.

Ye Qin nodded and said, "Yeah, so if that monster can help me kill Adrian, that would be great."

"No, no, have you ever thought about a problem? The mission is completed when you kill Adrian. If the target is killed by someone else before you kill him,

Monster killing also means failure of your mission? "Wu Ming narrowed his eyes at this time, and gradually became serious from being careless, looking at Ye Qin and analyzing.

Ye Qin's expression suddenly changed slightly, and she also realized this possibility.

Although the fight between trialists is cruel enough, and the entire current environment seems to be full of malice towards trialists, the problem is that this is the ninth level!

It can be said that the ninth level is the gatekeeping level of the Shenzang Trial. How can it be so simple?

In the past, countless trialists fell in the ninth level. Ye Qin was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat. She almost followed in the footsteps of those trialists.

As expected, there is no need to be careless in the ninth level.

Ye Qin wanted to stand up, but Wuming held her shoulders down. Wuming said, "Wait a minute, I'll let the Deep Sea Apostle fool Ovelia away, and then we'll kill Adrian."


Although Ye Qin was anxious, she still nodded rationally and agreed with Wuming's words.

Outside, Ovelia did have a murderous intention towards Adrian because of the words of the Deep Sea Apostle. If the vote on her was really cast by Adrian, then only by killing Adrian can she ensure that she is here. One level of security.

But 'Nameless' was by her side, and she had to play her role as a kind-hearted violinist, so she countered: "What if he is the one who voted for you?"

"Then just let him die here and let's go." After the Deep Sea Apostle finished speaking, he stood up and looked at Ovelia.

Ovelia blinked, showing no reaction.

"As long as we don't save him, he will be killed by the monster. Let's continue to look for the mad lion. After we deal with the mad lion, I will help you kill Zhuge Feiyu." The Deep Sea Apostle explained, with a helpless expression on his face. It was as if he was doubting whether teaming up with Ovelia was the right thing to do.

Ovelia immediately realized that she had gone too far in her role as White Lotus, so she stood up and agreed: "Okay, let's go and leave him alone."

Then the two of them continued to move along the animal path towards the other side of the mountain.


Ye Qin said with admiration at this time.

Just now, the Deep Sea Apostle just made Ovelia follow him away obediently with just a slight expression. This kind of acting is too strong.

Ye Qin is curious

He looked at Wuming and asked, "Could it have been an actor in its previous life?"

"have no idea."

Wuming shrugged, he didn't know why the Deep Sea Apostle was so powerful.

However, apart from the fact that the Deep Sea Apostle is always one level lower than him, everything else can be said to be perfect, with powerful fighting skills, acting skills that are almost fake and real, and skilled cooking skills.

The abilities currently exposed by the Deep Sea Apostle are already extremely exaggerated.

"Okay, let's go out."

Ye Qin actually didn't really want to get an answer from Wu Ming, so she just asked casually.

She saw that the Deep Sea Apostle had taken Ovelia away, so she held the food-knowing blade and said to Wuming.

The next moment, the two of them appeared on the edge of the cliff. Looking down from the cliff, Adrian was still fighting with the monster. Wuming couldn't help but complain: "He can actually fly away."

"Don't you think it's very expensive to fly?" Ye Qin asked.

She tried to fly when she came in, but she was exhausted after only ten minutes of flying, and most of her energy was consumed. From then on, she would not fly easily unless necessary, and at most she would float around like a light skill.

"Is it very big?" Wuming closed his eyes and thought about it, then nodded and said, "It seems to be quite big."

The reason why he didn't feel it was entirely because he had a superpower called "The Way of Heaven", which was a passive ability. When he activated a certain superpower but the energy was insufficient, he would automatically convert some other sufficient energy into insufficient energy, which just met the saying "The Way of Heaven, reduce the surplus and make up for the deficiency".

Coincidentally, because he had the Infinite Light Orb, his light power was endless, so he didn't feel anything no matter how much he consumed.


Yeqin felt that Wuming had Versailles.

She stared at Adrian under the cliff without saying a word. It took her a while to calm down and said, "I will sneak attack Adrian and try to kill him with one blow. You help me hold the monster back."

"Wait, you are not going to kill him with this knife, are you?" Wuming stopped him.

Yeqin looked at the Food Identifier Blade in her hand and frowned, "Is there a problem?"

She could only kill Adrian instantly with this knife.

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