I Contracted Myself


The Food-Knowing Blade, in addition to being used to make food, is also a very terrifying weapon in itself.

Ye Qin held the food-knowing blade and cut off Adrian's head with just one knife. No matter how many magical abilities Adrian had or how tenacious his vitality was, his head would still turn into a cake and he would die neatly. .

"How can you eat a knife that has been used to kill people and then use it to cut food?" Wuming hesitated to speak.

Ye Qin said angrily: "It'll be fine if you just wash it off."

"Okay, are you ready?" Wuming said helplessly.

Ye Qin thought for a while and said, "Wait a minute, let me set up a formation first to prevent the sound from reaching Ovelia."

In fact, even if there is no arrangement, you are not afraid, because this world has great restraint on the trialists, and the trialists cannot hear the sound from that far away.

Ye Qin did this just to be more vigilant and worried about unexpected situations.

She also used local materials. After Wuming observed it, she found that the formation she arranged was far less sophisticated than Tiansuanzi and seemed to have only one effect.

"By the way, do you know anything about Tiansuanzi?" Wuming asked while Yeqin was setting up the formation.

Ye Qin player paused for a moment, then nodded and said: "I know, he is the master of Tianshu Guan, proficient in divination and formation, Tiansuan Guan is his highest masterpiece, even if practitioners who are much higher than him enter Tianshu Guan They are all at his mercy.”

"Is there a place where I can learn his divination?" Wuming then asked.

Ye Qin shook his head and said, "I don't know. I care very little about people and things that are not within my jurisdiction. The reason why I know about Tian Suanzi is because Tian Suanzi once did a big thing that made the news."

"What's the big deal?" Wuming asked smoothly.

Ye Qin pressed a stone into the soil bit by bit and said calmly: "He has accurately calculated the death of a 200-level strong man. You can check the details online after you leave Shenzang."

"I feel it's more than that. You're hiding something from me!" Wuming said thoughtfully.

Ye Qin said angrily: "I won't tell you until you go out and watch the replay. I was in the same level as him in the last level. He attacked me. He could have killed me but let me go. He said he was selling me out. A favor from a big brother.”

"So arrogant?" Wuming asked in surprise.

Ye Qin said calmly: "As long as he hides in Tiansuan Temple, there is really nothing we can do against him."

"But he's dead

. "Wu Ming said.

Ye Qin was stunned for a moment, then looked at Wuming, who nodded and said, "I killed him. He came to assassinate me for no reason, and then I killed him."


Ye Qin looked at Wu Ming and forgot to move her hands.

She had personally experienced the horror of the fortune teller in the previous level. The feeling of being targeted at every turn and having her every move seen through was terrible.

Although the natural environment at this level is very unfriendly to the trialists, the battle between trialists will not be greatly affected.

In other words, this Guan Tian operator can also exert its full strength.


Reminiscent of Tian Suanzi's proficiency in formations, and even enhanced them at this level. Wuming's ability to kill Tian Suanzi in this situation is no longer just a little bit better than Tian Suanzi, but not at the same level at all.

Ye Qin looked at Wu Ming, and finally felt a little happy in her heart.

She was glad that she could participate in the Shenzang Trial at the same time as Wuming, and she was also glad that Wuming was a good person.

"Hey, hey, don't be in a daze. I just defeated an opponent who defeated you. Is it that exaggerated? If you don't hurry up, Adrian will die." Wuming waved his hand in front of Ye Qin at this time. , speaking the most Versailles words in the calmest tone.

Ye Qin came to her senses and immediately pressed the stone into the soil quickly.

A few minutes later, the arrangement of the formation was completed, and Wuming also felt the magic of the formation. It was obvious that ordinary stones were placed in ordinary positions, but the flow of wind, the sunshine, and the subtle kinetic energy in the earth all gradually A 'stream' is formed on these stones.

It is this 'stream' that absorbs all the energy and also absorbs the sound, which has the effect of sound insulation.

"The formation is really magical." Wuming exclaimed.

Ye Qin stood up and stared at Adrian under the cliff. While looking for the opportunity to take action, he said calmly: "I only know the most basic formations. If you are interested, you can go to Dao Pavilion and buy jade of knowledge related to formations. "

"Well, there are quite a lot of things I have to buy later." Wuming sighed.

He looked at the scarred Adrian under the cliff, frowned and said, "Did you notice something?"

"What's the matter?" Ye Qin asked.

Wuming watched the monster bite Adrian, but Adrian narrowly avoided it and then let out an angry expression.

Roaring angrily, he punched the monster on the right side, but the monster was unharmed. It immediately turned and bit Adrian's head, but Adrian rolled around to avoid it.

"Although there is a Jedi down there, Adrian is not a weakling. Will this kind of trapped beast fight really happen?" Wuming expressed his thoughts.

In his opinion, the tester would be poisoned instead, just like Ye Qin accidentally encountered some kind of poison, and was instantly poisoned to the ground or fell into some kind of negative state, putting himself in the tiger's mouth.

A situation like Adrian's is unlikely to happen.

Ye Qin thought for a while and asked, "Do you think he is acting? But who is he acting for?"

"Before, it was for Ovelia and the others, but now... it's probably for us." Wuming gave the answer.

Just as he finished speaking, the monster below suddenly raised its head and opened its mouth towards the cliff, and a beam of light with a diameter of nearly three meters instantly blasted towards Yeqin and Wuming.

"Sure enough, there is a trick!"

Wuming stood in front of Yeqin and closed his eyes when the beam approached.

The light fell on him, and from the visual effect, he looked like a black hole, absorbing all the light in an instant.

"Are you okay?" Yeqin asked immediately.

Wuming opened his eyes, suddenly stretched out his hand to crush a bug to death, and smiled: "It's okay, but I finally figured out why Adrian is acting here."

"Wuming, die!"

The monster that looked like a Tyrannosaurus roared, and wings similar to beetles grew on its back. As the terrifying sound rang out, it immediately flew high into the sky.

Yeqin and Wuming saw that the 'Adrian' that this guy had been attacking just now was actually part of its tail.

This guy's tail is obviously like the tail of a rattlesnake, with a mimicry function, and even when necessary, the main body hides in the dummy of the tail and shows itself in the form of a dummy.

It opened its mouth, and a ball of light immediately spurted out from top to bottom.

Before Wuming could make a move, a huge translucent gray arm grabbed the ball of light and crushed it.

Wuming looked back and saw that Yeqin was emitting a gray aura, and the aura of the arm was gradually dissipating.

"It's my opponent, let me do it!" Yeqin said seriously at this time.

The next moment, she raised the sword in her hand, her eyes emitted a faint green light, and a door made of ancient rocks appeared behind her.

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