I Contracted Myself

【390】Not on the same level

"it's beautiful!"

Wuming looked at the starry sky on Mad Lion's chest and commented seriously.


The corners of Mad Lion's eyes twitched slightly, and the next moment the star on his chest burst out with even brighter light, this was his anger burning.

There is no doubt that Wuming's contemptuous attitude means that he does not regard him as an opponent of the same level.

He turned his hand over and a square piece of metal appeared in his hand.

This is the prize for his eighth level: over-limit gold.

In essence, this is a piece of metal containing terrifying energy. Once put into a star, it will cause the star to evolve into a super star.

For the vast majority of practitioners, ultra-limited square gold is of little use. After all, they do not need stars to refine weapons or practice.

But for the crazy lion, the ultra-limited gold can increase his strength countless times in a short period of time, which is probably like changing from a bicycle to a rocket.

Originally, he wanted to leave the ultra-limited square gold to an old enemy outside the Shenzang space, but now that he is fighting Wuming in person, he has to admit that Wuming is very strong, and he must use the ultra-limited square gold to fight against Wuming.

He looked at Wuming warily, and then pressed the Ultra-Limit Fang Jin to his chest at an extremely fast speed. The Ultra-Limit Fang Jin passed through the invisible space barrier in front of his chest and directly entered the starry sky on his chest. middle.

"You should stop me!" Kuangshi stared at Wuming and said with a proud smile.

Wuming shrugged and said nonchalantly: "This is just right. Use all your strength to bloom. Even if it is a short-lived night flower, you must seize the opportunity to make a blockbuster success."

"You really deserve to die!"

Seeing that Wuming still had this attitude, Kuangshi was immediately angered.

On his chest, the infinite square gold fell into the stars, and the stars seemed to be contagious to each other. In the blink of an eye, all the stars in the constellation Leo burst out with bright light.

This light first filled the starry sky in the main film, and then filled the whole body of the crazy lion. All the hair of the crazy lion turned white and radiated light.

"go to hell!"

The crazy lion felt that he was omnipotent, and powerful power filled his body.

He exerted force on his feet, appeared in front of Wuming in an instant, and punched Wuming on the cheek.

The power of this punch was extremely terrifying. The moment the fist hit the cheek, the air vibrated violently, just like the recoil produced by an anti-aircraft gun, directly kicking up a large amount of dust.

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the mad lion flew backwards.

Ovelia and Yeqin didn't see clearly what happened. The mad lion obviously hit Wuming, but Wuming was fine, but the mad lion was knocked away?

"Just pure power?"

Wuming rubbed his cheek at this moment, looked at the mad lion that was knocked away, and asked.

The mad lion, which rubbed a ditch on the ground, immediately got up from the ground. He punched the big tree next to it and said in disbelief: "Why are you not dead?"

His current strength is astonishing. He can blow up big trees that he couldn't hit before, but he can't hit Wuming?

This is unscientific and unreasonable.

Wuming smiled and said: "It's just a very basic use of power."

When the mad lion punched him, his eyes closed for a moment, and then opened quickly.

As a result, most of the power of Mad Lion's punch was immune, and the remaining power was wrapped by his biological force field, and then returned to Mad Lion.

This is also the reason why the mad lion was not seriously injured. If it was the punch he just punched with all his strength, even he would have to vomit blood.

Next, the mad lion charged again without believing in evil, and its fists kept falling on Wuming's body, but the result was still the same as before.

Wuming easily received all the attacks, as if the crazy lion's excess gold was in vain.




The crazy lion's eyes were glowing with white light, and his punches were getting faster and faster. Suddenly, his chest emitted a bright light, and a triangular beam of light blasted from his chest towards Wuming.

But still no effect.

Wuming did not dodge, but caught the beam attack with both hands, and even intercepted a section of the beam when it ended and threw it back.


The mad lion was directly hit by the beam, rolling on the ground, and the place of impact made a loud noise like thunder.

He finally stopped rolling when he hit a rock.

"If it's just the improvement in pure strength, you will never be my opponent." Wuming patted the dust on his clothes and said to the mad lion with a smile.

Until now, his clothes have not been damaged!

Ovelia's pupils shrank instantly, and she scolded the mad lion a hundred times in her heart. If it weren't for the mad lion,

The lion encouraged her to cast an unknown vote. She didn't need to face such a terrifying opponent.

This is simply a monster among monsters, a giant dragon that has blended into the husky pile.

"Can't the improvement in pure strength defeat Wuming?"

Inside the shell of sand, Ye Qin fell into thinking because of Wuming's words.

She once thought that Wuming was too trusting, but now she realized that Wuming was not trusting, but was much stronger than them.

These are completely two different dimensions of existence.

The Crazy Lion is indeed very strong, especially after using Unlimited Square Gold. The destruction of the surrounding environment is enough to show its power, but his power is of no use to Wuming. It seems that everyone is no longer on the same level.

"What kind of power is this?"

Yeqin couldn't understand, but she remembered Wuming's usual state at this time, so she subconsciously put away her strength, and a heavy feeling immediately appeared, as if she was shackled.


Yeqin picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, and gave up helplessly.

She couldn't understand Wuming's current feelings. Learning Wuming to put away his strength was just a poor imitation, and there would be no gain.

However, she had a vague intuition that Wuming's current state might be related to the sixth level. Maybe he had some understanding in the sixth level, so he could cheat and gain extraordinary power in that level.

The outside world was also talking about it.

Originally, the practitioners thought that the battle between Kuangshi and Wuming would not be weaker than the battle between Wuming and the golden dog-headed man. After all, the golden dog-headed man was left in the eighth level forever, while Kuangshi came to the ninth level alive.

But now it seems that Kuangshi can come to the ninth level alive because he did not meet Wuming in the eighth level.

If the golden dog-headed man did not meet Wuming, he would basically survive.

At this time, the mad lion took out another item, and countless audiences showed their expectations. After all, many trialists actually don't like to use the rewarded items.

The situation of the Golden Road is invisible to the outside audience, and they don't know what treasures the trialists get.

If the trialists don't use the props or abilities in the level, then if they meet these trialists in the future, it is very likely that the prop will fall on them, so the audience is eager for the trialists to use more rewarded props so that they can know what these props are used for in advance.

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