I Contracted Myself


The mad lion held a black bead in his hand.

He gasped and stared at Wuming, and after a while he said: "I have to admit that you are indeed better than me now, but... I haven't lost yet!"

"Won't you introduce me?" Wuming asked with a smile.

The mad lion sneered: "It's not impossible, but after listening to what I said, I don't believe you can still be so calm."

"I would like to hear the details." Wuming said lightly.

The mad lion looked at the black bead in his hand and said directly: "This bead is called the Black Hole Transformation Bead. It can enable the star spirit to evolve from a constellation to a black hole life form that swallows everything. However, the success rate is only 50%. , so once I use it, I will either die or become stronger and beat you to death!"

"It turns out to be a star spirit. Do you have any brothers or sisters? If so, I can help you take out some relics you want to leave to them." Wuming suddenly realized.

The mad lion felt that his brain was congested again. He angrily slapped the black hole transformation bead on his chest and said angrily: "If I survive, you are dead."

The next moment, the originally bright chest suddenly turned black, and then every inch of the cells in his skin cracked, and black energy poured out from the cracks.

Suddenly, with the mad lion as the center, sand and rocks were flying within tens of meters, and they were sucked into the cracks. Then the vegetation rooted in the soil was also uprooted, and was sucked into the body of the mad lion in the blink of an eye.

The air is absorbed by the mad lion, forming a terrifying tornado, and all the surrounding air is drawn into the center of the tornado.

"Wu Ming, kill him quickly!" Ye Qin felt the mad lion's aura becoming more and more terrifying, and shouted from within the shell of sand.

Wuming still stood there, waiting for the transformation of the mad lion. At this level, he was submissive when dealing with natural creatures, but when dealing with testers, he only had to punch hard.

In fact, without any other moves, telekinesis plus biological force field, he is enough to crush the surviving testers. He hopes that the mad lion can become stronger and let him see how beautiful the mad lion can be in its final form.

What could be fresher and more delicious than picking fruits when they are just right?

Wuming is looking forward to the growth of Crazy Lion. It would be great if he could see new things in the biological force field.

A few minutes later, all the clouds in the sky were sucked in, gradually forming a huge vortex where the crazy lion was. Then the tornado collided with the clouds, forming a celestial phenomenon like a dragon sucking in clouds.

Ovelia is in disbelief

Looking at this scene Xindu, she suddenly doubted whether her plan to reap the benefits of both the mad lion and Wuming could be realized?

This was the third time she had doubts like this. The first two times were because Wuming beat up the mad lion, making her doubt whether the mad lion and Wuming could both be harmed. Now, she doubted whether Wuming and the mad lion could both harm each other.

"How come both of them are so perverted and the rewards are so good!" Ovelia finally couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

Although she also got two very powerful props, the problem is that both props take time to use, and the longer they take, the stronger they become.

But it's of no use now.

She also has a prop that can be used immediately, but it can only play a prank-level role, which is completely useless.

No matter how she thought about it, she didn't think she could win.

An hour passed in a blink of an eye.

Suddenly, a terrifying aura erupted from the center of the tornado. The black power spread out violently and then shrank violently. In the blink of an eye, only bare land was left within a hundred meters radius, and all vegetation and animals were swallowed up by this force.

"Hahahahahaha, Wuming... your death has come, and I can already see the death omen star above your head shining!" Mad Lion's hoarse voice sounded, his tone full of arrogance.

Suddenly the tornado disappeared, and the dark lion appeared in front of everyone.

Wuming gently played with the shell of sand and said with a smile: "You have indeed become stronger, congratulations!"

"Sure enough, I must kill you immediately!"

In an instant, the mad lion appeared in front of Wuming, less than twenty centimeters away from Wuming, and the tips of their noses were almost touching.

At this time, the hair on the crazy lion's body was all pitch black, and it was the kind of black without any reflection. At the same time, his pupils were also pitch black, and the starry sky on his chest had lost its light and was also in a pitch black state.

If his attacks were all output before, now his attacks are all plunder.

He punched Wuming, and Wuming's hand was affected by the suction. He raised his hand and punched out, but neither party was injured.

"I see, you can be immune to harm as long as you close your eyes, am I right?" Mad Lion stared at Wuming, then showed a proud smile.

He had been observing Wuming's expression during the punch just now. When Wuming blinked, he realized Wuming's ability, because all his previous attacks were inexplicably offset by Wuming. He was very

Chang was confused and didn't understand, but also observed Wuming blinking.

But it was normal for people to blink, and he didn't suspect it at the time.

Now that he punched out, Wuming happened to blink, and he became suspicious. Combining his previous memories and calculating the frequency and duration of each blink, he discovered the truth that Wuming was evenly matched with him.

"Closing your eyes makes you immune to damage?"

Ye Qin and Ovelia were both stunned. They didn't expect Wuming to have such a weird ability.

Then they thought of a question at the same time. If Wuming keeps his eyes closed and fights with others, wouldn't he be invincible by nature?

"Then do you have a way to crack it?"

Wuming did not deny it. After all, this ability has been used many times in the eighth level. The practitioners outside must have guessed it. Even if they didn't guess it, they would know it after netizens discussed it.

"Just tear your eyelids open!"

The mad lion did not answer, but roared in his heart, and then instantly showed sharp claws in both hands and chopped at Wuming's eyelids at a very fast speed.

Unfortunately, his speed was not fast enough. Wuming stepped back to avoid the attack of the claws, and then laughed: "So that's it, you want to cut off my eyelids, so that I can't close my eyes, good idea!"

"I curse you to not be able to close your eyes for half an hour!"

At this time, Olivia held a strange fairy stick and roared loudly from a distance.

Wuming subconsciously wanted to close his eyes but found that he couldn't close his eyes.


Seeing this scene, the mad lion was immediately overjoyed.

He instantly appeared in front of Wuming and punched Wuming's head. With his current terrifying power, as long as this punch could hit Wuming, Wuming would definitely explode in the head!

"It turns out that it can be cracked this way, interesting!"

Suddenly, Wuming blocked the fist of the mad lion with one hand, but looked at Olivia and said with a smile.

Now he can't close his eyes, and not being able to close his eyes means that the Eye of Ignorance can't be used.

This is really a fresh angle, making him realize that the weakness of the Eye of Ignorance is actually very obvious. It is powerful and extremely easy to be cracked.

Unless Wuming never opens his eyes for his whole life, he will be immune to Olivia's move, but as long as he uses this move when he opens his eyes, he will not be able to use the Eye of Ignorance to be immune to this curse.

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