I Contracted Myself

【392】Liberate the main body

Ovelia had no time to be happy because the way Wuming looked at her changed.

Before, Wuming's eyes were smiling, as if he had goodwill towards everything. Looking at her was like looking at the flowers and plants on the roadside, mostly with appreciation. But now, although Wuming was also smiling, it made her hair stand on end, even vaguely. She seemed to understand when I made an appointment, that was a look of regret.

For some reason, she suddenly regretted taking action.

The reason why she took action was simple, that is, to give it a try. Her mission was the same as that of Mad Lion, which was to kill Wuming.

Although she suspected that she had to kill him personally to complete the mission, the situation was stronger than that of others, and it was obviously impossible for her to make a last-ditch attack. Without being able to break Wuming's Eye of Indifference, both the mad lion and she would definitely die.

Compared to Mad Lion, her probability of killing Wuming was too low, so she finally chose to assist!

The fairy wand in her hand is the prop she got in the third level. It can be used to curse the target, but the more vicious the curse, the less effective it is. Basically, it can only be used to make pranks.

For example, make your opponent sneeze hard, or make your opponent fart uncontrollably.

When the mad lion wanted to cut Wuming's eyelids, Ovelia realized that this item was actually not that weak. For example, it prevented the opponent from closing his eyes.

She even set a limited time to ensure that the props were effective enough.

But she only realized belatedly now that her attack was too effective, just like the mage in the game whose output was too high and ended up attracting the hatred of the BOSS.

At this time, Wuming was eyeing her!


Ovelia immediately turned around and ran away, but Wuming raised his other hand to gently hold Ovelia's back and said, "Sure enough, you are more suitable to be a quiet flower, beautiful alone. Just fine.”

A force that distorts space is like opening up an alien space, directly forming a palm to hold Ovelia.

Before Ovelia could beg for mercy or scream, the nameless biological force field was like a raging sea that directly submerged her whole body. Her ideology, biological force field, and soul were all eroded by this force.

It's not that she didn't resist, it's just that all her witchcraft power was like a mantis in front of the nameless biological force field, and she was completely defeated by the biological force field in an instant.

Crushing has no defensive effect at all.

Under the incredible gazes of Mad Lion and Ye Qin, Ovelia's body twisted and finally turned into a flower made of flesh and blood.

This flower was planted anonymously on the ground. It did not die, but was full of vitality.

If they hadn't watched Ovelia transform from a human into a flower, it would have been hard for them to believe that he was a powerful practitioner, because the more powerful the practitioner, the more powerful he was in controlling himself, such as transformation techniques. It is difficult for abilities to work on strong people, not to mention that Wuming's move is probably not temporary, but may be permanent.

"It is indeed much more pleasing to the eye, you know? In fact, you are happiest when you don't need to think." Wuming was very satisfied with his masterpiece and said with a smile.

Thinking means having a self, and having a self will lead to fear, melancholy, and worry...

The agency's calculations were too clever, but it cost your life.

Perhaps Ovelia is more suitable to be a carefree flower than to be a person.

The mad lion looked at Wuming's sincere smile and suddenly regretted why he provoked such a vicious person for no reason.

Then he realized that the reason why he had the courage to provoke Wuming was entirely because Wuming was too talkative before. The so-called gentleman can be bullied. He just thought that Wuming was the kind of moral gentleman, so he was unscrupulous.

"Okay, let's continue!" Wuming smiled at the mad lion.

The mad lion's heart suddenly trembled violently. When he realized that he was back in the sixth level, he was afraid of Wuming. The next moment he roared in anger and punched Wuming crazily. Wuming couldn't blink, but But he still blocked the attack with his fists.

"Do you only know how to punch simply like this? Don't you have any skills?" Wuming asked impatiently.

The mad lion clenched his gums and did not speak to Wuming. He just pumped harder, but still couldn't shake Wuming's hands. He couldn't understand why Wuming's hands were so strong. His attacks fell on these hands like a mud cow entering the sea. No feedback at all.

"Power doesn't work like that. You have to use your heart to experience this power. For example, how do you feel about power after losing it?" Wuming asked?

Sometimes, possession does not mean understanding, but losing it makes it easier to realize this power.

What exactly is going on.

"Shut up, who do you think you are?" The mad lion was furious, all the hair on his body exploded, and he roared angrily.

Wuming's attitude did not change from the beginning to the end. This contemptuous attitude made Kuangshi very uncomfortable. He knew that Wuming was still despising him.


Wuming shut up, but the next moment when the mad lion punched, the person avoided his fists like a loach, and then slapped his face with a palm. It turns out that a slap can make a loud noise, and Special to.

The power of this palm is not strong, but it is like a wave after another, and the power comes one after another.

The mad lion only managed to hold on for three waves before he was overturned by a powerful force. Then the force did not end, but kept falling on his face. His head hit the ground, and then the surrounding ground shook crazily and dropped. Shen, in a blink of an eye, a large pit with a diameter of more than three meters was formed with him as the center.

"If you don't have a stronger method, I'm afraid it will end here." Wuming floated above the pit, looking down at the mad lion lying in the pit, and said lightly.

The mad lion's head was buzzing, but his consciousness was very clear that he was in a very dangerous state.

Driven by a strong will, he instinctively let out a low roar and directly freed his body.

Boom boom boom boom...

The mad lion's body appeared densely cracked, and then it exploded like porcelain, with countless fragments flying.

Endless darkness began to expand, and the planet under their feet could not use the mad lion's body at all, so the mad lion's body quickly crushed the ground and continued to expand the broken part of the ground.

At this time, Wuming was retreating with one hand holding the shell of the sand and the other holding a flower. He looked at the black lion's outline that was getting bigger and bigger, and exclaimed: "This guy's body is definitely the biggest I've ever seen."

The biggest creature he had seen before was probably the giant snake of the Red Cloud Star. He felt a little scared of that snake now, and the body of the mad lion was obviously bigger than that giant snake. He didn't know how big it was.

"It's really amazing, a beautiful miracle!"

Wuming's body began to flicker, and he kept retreating when the mad lion's legs hit him like an endless wall, and he had extra time to appreciate this scene.

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