I Contracted Myself

【393】The Shenzang Trial is over

This is not the active attack of the mad lion, but the side effect of the mad lion releasing its body.

Because the mad lion's body is too huge, there is only one result after releasing its body, that is, to repel all the surrounding matter, and any matter that blocks its way will be pushed away.

This process is very fast, so the power is extremely huge, enough to instantly destroy a planet into powder.

In an instant, the previous planet is gone.

Wuming and the mad lion both appeared in the sky. The two did not fight immediately, but their faces changed slightly, and they found that they could not breathe.

What's more terrible is that they don't actually need to breathe, but the feeling of suffocation is getting stronger and stronger.

At this moment, both of them can be sure that once the suffocation reaches the limit, they will definitely die.

This is obviously one of the rules of this world. The damage caused to them by the environment is real damage, just as they must eat the food of this world to relieve hunger.

If they are too hungry, even if their bodies don't need food at all, they will still die of "starvation".

It's the same now. If they don't get air as soon as possible, they will die of suffocation.

"Fortunately, I am more cautious!"

Wuming instantly returned to the inner shell of the sand, breathing heavily. The inner space of the sand shell contained a lot of air belonging to this world. He planted the flowers transformed by Olivia in a pot, and then smiled at Yeqin.

"If he suffocated to death, would it be considered that you killed him?" Yeqin looked at Wuming who had recovered and asked directly.

Wuming did not expect that a good battle would end up being killed by the environment because of the crazy lion's stupid release of the body.

"I'll go out and make up for it!"

Wuming saw that the crazy lion was struggling more and more weakly, so he said to Yeqin.

Then he took out an oxygen cylinder filled with enough air and put it on his back. After putting on a breathing mask, he left the sand shell directly.

In space, the crazy lion's mind was in a mess.

How could this happen?

Space is actually his home court. Fighting in space, he can maximize his combat effectiveness, and many combat skills can only be used in space.

As a result, before the battle even started, he felt suffocated because of the lack of air. His body didn't need air, but the feeling of suffocation was like a rope around his neck, making him more and more uncomfortable.

He knew that if this continued, he would soon die of suffocation without Wuming's help.

He felt very unwilling to give up when he thought that

he had fallen at the ninth level.

Suddenly, he sensed Wuming's breath.

Wuming kept flashing and suddenly appeared on the lion head of the mad lion. At this time, the mad lion was like a huge black lion with many star marks on its body.

He looked at the beautiful star marks on the mad lion and exclaimed: "Your body is so beautiful, it can be said to be the most beautiful lion I have ever seen."


The mad lion wanted to roar, but he couldn't move. The feeling of suffocation even made his brain dull and unable to think too much.

"It's a pity that I can only know you in this way!"

Wuming saw that the mad lion was dying, so he raised his hand and said to the mad lion seriously.

The next moment, his bio-force field and telekinesis were combined into a sword and slashed directly. The mad lion's eyes suddenly widened, and then slowly the whites of his eyes turned black.

At this moment, countless viewers outside fell silent.

Especially those who had been paying attention to the mad lion, many of them even began to cry.

The Shenzang Trial was so cruel. Seeing your favorite character fall before dawn, this feeling was particularly obvious.

However, no one blamed Wuming, because everyone knew that it was not Wuming's fault. Even if Wuming did not kill the mad lion, the mad lion would definitely die.

Time in the level was still passing.

The mad lion died, but this did not mean the end.

If the mad lion had not died, then his body would still be Leo, even if it turned into a black hole, it could only be Leo.

But now that the mad lion was dead, his body changed from concept to reality.

In an instant, the surface of his body collapsed violently, and the terrifying gravity exploded, swallowing everything around him into the core.

Wuming ignored the influence of the black hole, watched the last outline of the mad lion disappear, and then turned and flashed away.

Unfortunately, the space in this level is a deadly environment for the trialists, otherwise Wuming would be happy to continue fighting with the mad lion, which is a kind of enjoyment for him.

Returning to the shell of sand, Wuming sat at the table, he picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, and asked: "Is it over?"

"If you want to die, you can continue to challenge, anyway, I will not participate in the tenth level." Yeqin said calmly.

Wuming asked curiously: "Then when can I leave this level?"

He has killed the target that needs to be hunted.

But he doesn't know when this level will end.

Yeqin shook her head, indicating that she didn't know either, and then she

looked at the Olivia flower in the pot and asked: "Do you really plan to let her stay like this?"

"Is it bad?" Wuming asked back.

In his opinion, Olivia has never been really happy. Maybe becoming a flower will make her happier, if she still has the concept of "happiness" now.

"Can she still think?" Yeqin asked.

Wuming continued to ask back: "Have you seen a plant that can think?"

"I have!" Yeqin nodded.

Wuming had no choice but to answer: "No, she has lost the ability to think, and just continues to live as a flower."

"What's the difference between that and death?" Yeqin rolled her eyes and couldn't help complaining.

Wuming thought about it and explained seriously: "It's just that she has lost the ability to think, probably like a child is still in the mother's belly."

Then, the two of them kept chatting.

Wuming couldn't convince Yeqin to agree with his point of view and agree that this was a good thing for Olivia. And Yeqin couldn't convince Wuming to kill Olivia and give Olivia a quick death.

Time passed slowly in the argument, and then the two stopped arguing. Wuming ate and went to sleep, while Yeqin continued to observe the situation outside.

In the following month, the two spent time in the shell of sand, and at the same time, they realized that there was a problem.

It's been too long.

Why hasn't this level ended yet?

The two sat together, and Yeqin guessed: "Could it be because Oviria is not dead yet? All the trialists who have not completed the task must die, and only the winner can end this level?"

Her guess was cold and reasonable, and Wuming believed it a little.

But then Yeqin made a second guess: "Wuming, could it be because we are in the wrong position? Where is the planet?"

"In the black hole transformed by the mad lion!" Wuming replied.

Originally, the planet was shattered because the mad lion released its body. After the shattering, if there were no accidents, it should have drifted in space and finally been absorbed by various planets.

But because of the death of the mad lion and the collapse of its body into a black hole, the fragments were finally sucked back by the black hole.

"Let's go inside the black hole first. If the golden door appears in the black hole, at least we don't have to kill Oviria." Wuming said directly.

Yeqin thought about it and agreed with Wuming's idea.

Although she didn't care about Oviria's life or death, since Oviria was Wuming's trophy, she had no right to say anything.

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